Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 54

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if you have. in Winnetka. a builIding suitable for auto showr.oonm or service station,. .Or if vou.,hae. vacant prop. erty and are. willing to: erect a building suitable for,,auto sales and service, please write or phone Walter C. May. COMMIJNIýTY'.MTORS, INC. 235 FL É.33rd Street Chicago, .111. Calumet .4300 Patroniz-e Our A dvertisers .li.%v I.4.u, , Iaq .st..ê aIJJlL&CSA t(2 %il ecr ,s rcpresenitative for the manage- ment, sale and supervision of prop- erties iii Indian Hill Estates. -The ap: pointrient ivas aimoumccd bh'tb Ametrican National Insultranlce Icoiný pan3y ofGalv-eston. Texas, -14r. Hîýg- mrins has estal5lished field offices a Locust anid Iroquois- roads, in the iIiîdian' Hill Estates. Mr. and Mjrs. Rogers A. Fiske, 134 Seventeenth Street, and.their daugh- ter, Virgiia, Lee, -retu'rned Aùgùst 30 on the, Normnandie -f rom a tw'c and on e-_haif .mionths' trip to: nortb- wvest Europe. They visited ten countries. Normaen R. Wilianu Northi Siire' Agent State Farm Mutuâl Auto Ins. CO. ilave nme tIi .u fi w 1:s c,,î,:n.uusp.lie, pl~ riit. ' , il 'u %e cî-,t ah,,ut 4 OU~.. Legal ,Re5ervt Rated A-l'lus by Bes.Coast;t-.coast rivive. Aiiih rizcd epe-nain and .e-vice. Tel. Glencoe 99CHESTNUT AVENUE, 'WILMETTE Ncar lake, schools. transpo-r-, tation. Alt large rooni - -, bcj'roomis, 21 ' baths. Splcn- did porchi ovcloking gar den. 2-car garage. Side rie Nathan Haffenhberg is. building at 100 Hlome Loan Biank of Chc s iakiîîgL -Hazel avenue. Thie biouse, desigmed b3'in utilization of private capital s7w Arctec J.H. eltro( 363 am il) the Auigust 31 stateimenit reéleased. thi' bridge avenue, Chicago, vill be w eeO b .-.Gaderpe dn1 r, eistories and of brick construction. it appears that the banik bas $9,907,04,v in debentuires outstajiding, 69 per tn Paul Jenisen, Chicago,has the mnasonir3' asuîuc as the total govýeriInîcnit-o\wnt', contract and Raymîond, Schmidt, also of capital stock Nhih -a been thehatnk'ý t Chicago, is doing the cà rpenter wxork. C milaorsunsUpntlti a' The cost of1 the im11provel inlt is ýNlail CýountîIng the deposits:.of mienîb,ýIer : ; The other houtse is being built bv Iinigs, building and boau associatii 'n-. Harry Alligan a t 385, Lincoîn avenluc. inclnding the First Fl-ederal a.,sociaI,,*.-. [t* is two stories, of brick veneer, con- ilu Wiliiictte, whiclî now stand at ti u strtiin.i The estimated cost is-$16.000. *nusually highr mark of $3,428,248, n R. H. Johnson, 7001, North. Clark the stock *oWned by niinber a4,sociatu.-,îî ~treet, -Chicago, is the architee't and %vlhich niov.'arnounts to$.S45, h Aý. E. Hallberg. of 'the same address, the bank is wvthin $3,OdOO00 (oi usînig a- huilder. înuclhlipri ate capital as erneî Apermit for a pbrch addition a4dre-stcké-s as a'Sdth ,29 O,0.0' inodeling at. 755 GreeiNood aveijue was m'iark ,for the 6irst timne last mwuel, moivii ihSvedý to Dr. Henry Droba. Cost ofJ ing to. $291022.299 on Septeunher 8. the imrovemnt IS 1,5f, Sitîce We.dnesday, Septenber 1.5. 1 onflv the fifth aOf rar thte da'y tli Wilmeite Permits Show ibatik oiciee its boiûL to take stock - lh Pl-ans for iNewrom sGardiier viçws thu rQ1rv5o ti. Buildng Comîssoner Willaun A I srve batik for thrift and lnnncfnuawin \Volff reports the fullowiuîg XVilmctte j instituitioii ns luIiIIIu i'dn hcmi building pernîits issuied durilig the pati ih satisfaction. Week -Original design of the vse Setmbr8-.Morf, 246 1,L iun Fuderal Homne Loan hbank-s va thatth avene, inle amiy son Cul'eerresi- n11112 srveas a nîean ii,() eting thç' dene. . .: ughs.architect. C.R.l'd from the large capital mîarket, m I x ;deibildler. $9,O,ýO0. llw hanvds of local hlonte inan,1c ing inisti- September '8,-E. -M.iNerrillI.1IIbîui îs lie cominel lrvt ai Grcnwood anurîdneatrtnî l asto bc their nan~a Âvoae Ahbot ContrUuin cumpanIy, bilder. tlus reserve svsteî um v-oidti $1.20. h rk~ruiniiig on a iîrup leranc Septeîbe!r 10---Erud Stébliin, 2121 iprix ate as Opposed ItgVelnntçpU Keniwort aveuesing.le faîriiiv'brickjBîiQ bfçîre Ibis. but Itbev had *ot reck- r ý, 1 '),vum Septemiber i4--A. \V. Farrail, '1024 QUINLAN,& TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sbermian Avenue Evanston Rog., 2616 Uni. 200Wil. 2602 -Pk. 1865 thé- iigiiaiia d'.eiiuVprivate d ig.3tra -.- -- land Lumnber comnpany, builder. $300.A jSeptemnber l4-J. Mý. Schaefer. 15-346U 1feu B idN w Greenwood avýenue, single family. brick Home in Kenilworth 1 enieer residence. C. \V. Lamipe, archi- raIMrMrotjA iîana tect and builder.$50. guvung üup the bouse tley balu he ei SAILS FOR HOME Oct. I, and wvill take a fuiruiihled.hoiUs Mýiss Elizabeth Jetikitis, 630 Lakc- until the first of the vear, %\lieu tbev avenue, sailed from Eu'trope on tIue expect thleir lle\x' lomei( at. 0 George WVashington the first of the Brier street, Kei:wC.,ýrth, - wîll be rea(lv. week wjhIiss. Am. Walker, i\1ho for occupancy. Jeanne Aubilwati xvh- ivn, angs last June froîn Highiland Park to 2515' Ross: Kenilworth avenue. The Allens have i ~ntire tiew baby in their fainily, a son. Hu over %vas bonti August 8, at St. Luke's lios- pitat. and bias been .nam-ed for bis father

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