'vu- t. IBk Si B US Patro nize Our A dvertisors Autuumn brides-to-be tell us *1.0* they. would Mek ïn-law, Mvr. and ivrs. v*iei vviiK jr.. have just returned from a vaca- tiontrip to Canada.. 'On their, Canadien itinerary was a visit to, the five famous Dioup, sis- ters,,and.their father. mother, broth-ý ers and sisters. Their enthusiasm and enijoymentat seeing.these youngsters *as also shared by G IL. Zick. one of the, directors of* the association, who also visited Cailendar'.on his ,vaca- tion. Other points of ýint pi f e est seen by the Kruses were Toronto. Hamilton, Ot- tawa, Montreal, Quebec, and 0ou their returni Niagara. Falls, Rochester, N. Y.adEiPa. Good roads were reported. for the entire distance, asl ssgt worth seeing.. New Chall.egr Begins Sehedule to West Coast The second Challenger to the Pacific Coast went into service Wed- nesday night, September 15, when The Challenzer to San Francisco left the Chicago and North Western station, Madison and Canial streets. The de- part une tiie was 10 :22 p. mi. (Central Standard tume).. Thle Challenger to Sani Fraucisco, a sister train to The Challeii.qPr to baggage car. In addition and of special interest to travelers are the registered nurse- stewardesses. These young womneu who have had careful hospital train- * ing are at the service, without cost. to ail passengers and particularly of mothers with children. POMPEII TO BE ILLUMINATED Visits to Pomoeii and its ruins by nizht mav soon be as popular as vis- vI~~ Tihis silver tar Pon, cauight by Lon C. HiIi, IlI, at Port Isabel, Tex., ont tihe .guf coast, 7ceig1hing 98 pounds and neasuring 6 fect, 23/4 incires, nuos the largest gaine fish Ian dcd ini Avgust dur-m-g .tine arpon n u mbenr of' p in inthe, juven le division, cacnute Iongest and. heaviest tarpon and catchiing the largest gamre fishi on regulation tackle. Young Mn. Hill, who is a junior this year at New Trier H*gh school, went to Port Isabel for the month of August with his parents and his brother, Owsley, of 720 Prospect avenue. i rip tu n&>alDri Dr. Lucille Snlow hias just arrived at her home at 1329 Ashland avenue,. WVamette, after a three months' trip to England and the British Isles. She was a deleg ate to the Woman's International- Medicâl congress in. Edinburgh. and went to the Bttish Medical Society convention which *met at Belfast. floth organizations, meeéèt'everv three years. Several women.doctors w'eré in the * oarty with .Dr. Snow, a 00 te being Dr. Bertha Van Hoosen, head of the obstetrical department at Loy'- Tola Medical school,1 of *which :school Dr.. Snow is a member of the gynec- ology dep artment. The group, went to Dublin t o at- tend. clinic.s at the Rotunda hospital, and allso to Liverpool to visit.-vanious hospitals, dispensaries. and clînîçs, and, then to London ýto see varlous hospitals. Ail of their trip. was not confined. to medfical inter ests, how- ever, for the visiting doctors were ,entertaixwd inp-iany %vavs. In London thiey were guests of the xvomen cdoctors of that city and went to Parliament and' heard a dehate iu the Hlotse of Comnions. At Belfast they wr entertained at . tea at the *vice- chancellor's home. Beautifl gardens were open.ed to thiei and they were guests in private homes be- cauge th-ey were visitors froni abroad. Lu1 Edinburgh' theywere guests of the Lord Provost and were entertaifled 1-*- ,tt, Art sc;ctv of the gates. V,,arious doctors in Liverpool enter-. tained theni, they wvere guests at pic- nÏcs on the moors. and. made a trip thnough the English lake negion. B. A. Crowes Complete Summer Travel Abroad 'Mn. and Mrs. B. A. -Crowe.. 234 11li road, Kenihvorth, retunned 1551 SHERtMAN AVE. EVANSTON Unlv*WtIy 2264 I 1700 Central St. DAVIi 2004 I EVANSTON