flroadtail riudsOn Kid Cara( PersianI Noithern Lapin SA V-E ý5eai acul .amb lSieal 1111 NO W! LA UEST } ASliID2NSý- NVST Qi'AL1ITY-LOWER tPRTCÈS Liberàlallowance on yoîr o'ld gar- mhent. A sim all deposit hoids..pur-ý Repairing, ren>ôdeing and re-lining included in this sale. No siorage Charg~e for rt.miaiingil season. Our' nmo is pon unrunt Est. <mi North shorc siiee 1 lI M. B. OKEAN, Ine. FURRIERS 417 Linden Ave. Wil. 832 * al, eidre n who arectiot fevling weli agait that its not j îist 11(w, bt ( Shmoild be kept at homte. th e entire school vear, that k( Ithe statentent- folows chlldren xvho are mot weil onit )fc -There. are stili no )ýcases (of infanltile 5110111(1be rû ie. paralysis. -T"le total for tlhe sunII.mer - is stilil the oie aduit case p)reviouisiy re- p(ortcd. A atternpt fias heen mae IH ALTH CoENVTE, Nvork nîiuch mtioré closeiy titan tustal itlî .sclîl (0aulio(rities to lielp alleviate fears NEWS. created by the unfortunate elidetie itear Asks .Coopération' "\eask the. cooperatioît of parents of ail cliildretî.iuî tie public and parochiai, 5,C(10015 ini keeping. at home any child w,ýlio.has a -coid oracotigh or ahylother abitornial ýsvtn ptomn regrardiess of Its, nature-. -This we edl is an oPportu1nityý to stress tliis>, the soundest . of al public healtiîtnîasures, in or, ont of, epideniic tintes. .That is, no child wlîo is itot per-. fectly Nwell beioîtgs Ini cluse association with anv otlier. cîtilol matil lie is perfe.ctly. wvell or u11il t'l ie e' iiitioit frontm îc liis Si fferitn iias hueit ideiîrifietF as io lifectiouis. Meaales More Dangerous "WTe bear mîucit of infantile paralysis,, and yet duriîig thie last vcar prohal)ly 30 t1intes as 11aniv cbildrciî have died as ai result of measles anditco lctos in the state of l11noîs ,as have <ied of infanitile iia'ralysýis., -1T11C (lger of l)eing îjured ini an è it te \iliteIl ealth -Ceitter, rvturned frinu a inonltb's vaati ixvthrelatives lu IsAugelles, ('alif.. Septenîher 7. Oni the way homeNIMns. liss stopped iverJiii I<;usas City ýtô visit hîer sister. "l le nlext cltvSt cine xviilbe ielu1 M oîîdaY, epte nîer 20, fr mi i to 4 mus1jt -o îîîto tllw fraicas a littIe "gruku ior fhlis ycear's grîdiron wirs. Pl( I, <ý bnrd xvork lAs put tlue bxsinigo ,hanc- andI tl(1ier j on (',t>i 1p1nie cvfroinotîter x'earz -ijoni1c un 1 ( so111exviha t offset *tlîi banfamé;. TFxo of tflic hici, x' rrîcs el î*th coaciîg.staff werc mlvera se<l xxilh the r(Iporting ocf jinnMcFadzemandai< [ O ck FReynM0(le. 1ni 511isiy i u nia ahilitv andI aàxxorld of. si)(ed 10 i li baefiid.1)cks poxxer and agi!,ru i ss xeisS ili add tîpe'-i e , i tlic lite sirent lile is rat cd as du-w imt snap-iiack center. wav rsxill giî t o !)11r,.bv 1( jii- thlu chjool at 9o'ciockniSaLt ir- J):JultisN vàk, méedical direct ir. r îîiit-o dntir.fo IaIc. Chticago Tiihereull' )s ý liîtitute, îý-in didates xvere l>{ig iislu'd smI - irI n 'Il i inet InfattWelfaru ceimc e ill N isCeit er 0pui t tem Lirct i1 anî 1- 1 I. he held S.ny (ky, eltytil)Sr 22, 1"-17 Sstrda, cpemlr25. 2 to 4 p.în. 'Plieclime îlý condIicted I1w 1h'. N.Shaw, 1ped(iatriciai. l'liere s <tthce houir at tlîe1 I latî Cexter is froîti 1 to 2 i.in ti.dlîx exeept Satturday and slnday. TheliHcaitlî Cciter is 'ïpeýiî fro it () to S i~î dail.v, eiçcept Strdvan itiiîiî- fr(m àn .ii'o t rip tirn l <x ii içç Walike.lta. \' is. aîd I )ick lu;i t, trie olatîtnb b M r. atnd \1 v. . ti tir 1. MIac ,Iý(( al "( o , San ifv. ' i icau.. 1lIiax 1(i -ud I a i rr. Ilaîa\u i x l i 1 iîl , PIR MD ENT7 Ils , ninîa $Y'rogqe, 103o1 Hi!- ba rd coud, Il 'Unliite, "Prcsid'nit of th 1' l(îieapoGirls, Cligi-ub,. who j*ç direciiîj tht' air' caril n'al icwzlih is ta be prýesïiîted at'itî4tiss field nert .udy