flitc opening practice at D)y 1 hack as are Tonm Ebv açMîntA -ta<itm. jtwo more Ittermleil. Bleto h Frvn the usual assartmient of atslir- îs(,oort>r,; are Bol) Daly, () foot mig sophamores,. lettermen and re- Easona.Tc d Cref e, of Des ser~ve s, the Wildcat coach liopes ta ons Fm d dugof tri,1. de\elap somne tackle, citc; , guardb and fullbacks ta replace those lost' at diplamna-tîme last spriniz. Thest )51N rh hr tions -were hardest hit whiengrdaPesnlts tjon thinned'the raniks of 10 lette'rmlenl esoil 1-1vven of tho4e lI ~eel~ml11 I Lane Biggest Probl Pm C(C<ô)tif I îilie<ltrm1>e4 'Il'ht. biggest, probleni con frontinig *i i -crîhip at theMiwuclo- tile Puirpie is whipping junto shaPe )tî a5ntrrpdbyhtwr IjO tat il mesue u t lat ear 1 ater -lie tried priv-ate: practice ini '~rcigcrew" tliat swept al coni t and ,ini Canyo1n colunt v iýe eopposition froin, is ,pt Milwaukee itece ~ .** ~ pal.-Idaho, but did îîot like it. 'e '.wnt Stcesors must lw foundl for Reid. j forht" ciles cli rei ber and Devrv; uars; ibsn .ta seek aur (rune \\rav and Burntièt, tackleq, and fBig ftic doctor, iwryly,.*but we.Iost al (ur RcdFulercener.maney ,and buried aur first baby.' Principal backfield loss e vre Stevec Today, there are three youig Bauiers, T~>h ad Dn eve. fllack. ~hoJohn Robert,'15; E,'rtniilie Anne, 8, allaI flniIîe onctwoin the cBig Ten scor- CatsMryi,4 ing lwst vear, and 0Olie .Xdelma { Iiis1t922 Dr. Bauer becaine elpideini- left half. IXth w~ii be nmksed a lôis f the Nliliaukeeèf1eèalthde mç)ýt or iskicking wilipaçed partmnent, bt fter'a year lie 111( 'ved hjmii Mithe forfronit ao. coference >utwr and becane lhealti coin- i. tkes fr te asttîice ear. issianier af Racine. Urider lis kvad- ~kfi Loos sership Racine won first honior-s ili the Bacfeld Lok trong nrCh be HalhC srato J)euspIite the, los>niToth and (1cv cr, cntes- aie elhCnevto fl~, \\fl<r.>~ ae wII tiplie xvitîitestof the U.S. Chamber of Cbm1- 1>ok ed,(, ýICat. I)oîîHel ; n noierce In 1930 and honorable Tnention hu ladmg rnnes aîd s~e~ ii similar canites-tb for 1929 and 19,31. tue ig Tn.. eap~kcv-îan ilth Speakiiig af cofltests, Dr. Bauier l",- \Vl1uattack for tWO vears, be opposed ta sanie of the popular oieS, ~t eithai. e wll et uportfrojisuch as better baby contcsts, tooth- -lie vctcrail, Bol) Swisýfier. ineligibhi brtish drills, and so on. But lie is ,a ast vcar. and Jack 'Rvaxj. triple- moderate soul, appreciating that ovur - tliu.at sophoniore.» ,erphasis is nerhaps better than underp han wnehre fis blackHig, rnnntg jýarR! i rîîîÏng ofi ce, watcr but instead of kicîn ll ilma-ke iii a patenlt sayinig so blunitl,lie turges drîîîk'ing iti iri lthe Wildcat ofese î½terNgr,, slowly. This businiess of. tuachinig thue Claene Hntn, ndIgg~~Meec.a ubic aboult health 's a t'ckllih-.one, junior, are also available at righit lialf. requiriing inigenity ý-and yet ruore ini- filg Fred Van117. 215 pomid lockiniu .genuîty. Anid iii tia particulara.ls iîrterack, iintrenichcd at his oij work is more inigeuitv ný feeded thanl [)~..lie should 1gét better support miifils Questîon anid Ansýwer depairt- this \ tar fronu a pair of olonrs ment for Hygeia. The questionis range îck ontuas o ai \V ugaliî. and Joe fromn athilete's, foot afid cosmetics. tc) Ilni Rock Spritigs,, Xvyo. sex inquiries anid marvelous, cures.i Fullbýk Position Ope Altogether flhe correspondii(ence rep Th,, fullback posiioîi tillopeilrse 8,000. letters anid more thaîuj for ur speci h ~~ iriCoPDditioned II 704 Church, St,. The n.ew Bradle y knitswill takelthe chilI aut of any.day.. in rich. calorful L£,al]shads ... istvl escboin the seaqsan's ncw otes! [in featherwe.ight, filyau e~erydayimehour- College Shop 714 Church -St. Sweaters are the keynote ,to jaunty fali ensembles. At the CÇollege Shôp you'I1 find ail thé new shades... with skirts in several styles to match. Adding colorfuI. Select just your par- wîhenjoymlent and -pleasure. 1J ege Sh op. EVANSTON * nation took ail of the expçrieziced Ieft gudrds, leaving only Dick W'ells and Tom Irving, minor lettermien, and Don Guritz, 200 pound sapiore, ta fight it out for the job. 'oss.,of- RedFulIer at center pro- Olympe Braclna,' new "fiind," who' \von the coveted role opposite George Raft ini "Sauls at -Sea," used to be a specialty dancer with the. Parisian "FTolies Bcrýere." Only .17, she's beinLz groomed for stardom. 1608 Chicago Ave, Evanston Uni. 0973 Sportswear