Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 48

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T tt 1 1d 1 lit 11anidid )1r \U'.\WhP> r. T 530 \ âhnto vin<u, \. In t niit 'S an a ýîgnînMenlt xý h1< lie lc coslx n;î'. sIl.. scopc today t. înhra vs îieli ;ttii.îiiing di ero à('- ical.asso)ciation, thc (irect or..hîîî <itthe IHuirean ior I Icaltl and Public Itnstruiitif*î of the A. M .A.anl the irertinig, of teA .ra di tro ri non N1 il ct %%-()r ks and other stations., Thlese activit ies enable Il1hi f o writc ai d .pa to t ra Vel frl -oea..t ft coast, a 1l d t' i l*i a 'Y' in 1 a - ther iecvar and hlpiinlg laild t'> tilw yréat ta tUinalI better public healtih, sn>b a. Anti-'1îrUluosis, the .,r-î Ilëàrifng,,..\lericaîî :1 Icart, 8iîl Cancr, îi1sîmiar asso iations. l ictoller .lie, ill ..i n j" % Vokami Washingtoni, an'l oflicr pîoilftts East, then "lie , will Swing- croSss-counùtry andi wind il) (on the Pacific coast. Dr. lBater ikes long train nu-(eÉ, never takes h Ilantu. HIf prepares his articles, plans hi., spüches on the lon~g jtvreys. His writiiigîincluidcsthrvc book, lltîmierOUls magazine articles, book reviews for 1iygeia, the cditinig oi thje Qujestion and Ase depart- menlt for llygeia. 1is books are iln t a g i ousJIl e~c, 1934, Jteilt QustinsAinswevrcd," 19.37, 'ind "11 ealth ditii of the lPub- lic,* 1P)37, ini collaborat ion wijh i r. Thl îîa, G( . Huli. Dr. Btiîer i.ss. health educatîuîn vs. haili rae(keteeèriiîg.. the why Of. a healtlidprt.et wheîî t immiunîize anci.whv,.ilotlgitiî, coîîtagiî it elsesshalth, for toilav. ai spv)cial topîf.. whichl .'ïople rnay ask for., Alotig with liisi writîuîg mantI saking IDr- I ;Ier s5 a.ý com-nutlte-iiiai ol orî.i<eraletanding9.'Ice us a rieint)(r -i)ft tire ji mit cbîmtteo ealitlu seoosati so on, Dr. liawur niattirally spuaks a great dea<ll'il"- el:11g shool suetspxic-. ularly likc bis taîks, on biPoptilar Beliefs. 'Fhiat Are Not So," and iCitfilries of Progress l'inlçi 'flic former J)bestr. 8ue Io (Plitertaiti andl at thec sanlut1 itu"', edicate youtng people 'abouit falla- cies that persist froîn one gencua- thon to aniother. Not only Yoilg btadults helev IaNx Baur',s ncinclouis emthu.,1asm drung the inter- i535Xnorth. J)earborn streut, IniChicago. i'. Ffi, eyes light up, and is àth1etic: purI.in tkues on ixnposing bulk as he dcih.the ràddli v1%I.ioii oi. the bureau. Neatix- filed on the fhle.in the bureaui are 900O scripts rvady hibe ..utùanv mledical isod>etv,- indrividual or grîinmi> ,%aîti;ig trarnatiz.ed progrýans .on heaith. Dr.. Haner urge.. the dramatized sketch- for prtti. naterial' for, poptilaIr corlsuml)tl(,)1. Iln hi.. 'Vi l word... tuôted from the New ()la I dirca 1anîd Siirgical Jou'trna2l'" fOr J unle. 1937_.11 e \ra dio ta l k for the Public întist take into c'n .îlcatonamixed audienice of ilk varving ye of pcop,,Iu ilnan V It ftheym almost illiertf' th iern îd mental age grea.ter thaiî 14 or 15 vears tif age, andi a gti<<l Mailv of them Iît vcry ninuch iuterester!in liealth. ITherelort' radîuî taIk rnnst strikea onr n teat the.verv liegitîi iing orr <r.. t 50words .. Ai vc ail. raitil t lk. îi't e re en t t hie c >f i s ri i P 131 j that 1)r. Kalur fIrst becanliv iiitcretted luin Irainatîc presenta- tions of healthtoi. Probablv tis îîterest Nvas ,,tiiiiilated( b Is j--wîie, the nurse froiîî ElIgîî WIOIli C: Ii- mt at Caini) Grant dutrig the World \\,ar. Se Florenicv Aie \arvvne. radio w'tr Atanv rate. Ili 19)31, the Raciiw 1 Ivalth departniit hroatdcast 115 drainatic episodes with iitîsic (Mn a thiree-times-weeklv schedule, set- 'tiïig forth in v.arious s-eries the sub- jects of infant health, - vacation,11 dliphithcria prevention. early diag~- niosis of tuhberculosis, public hecaltli nursing, and salutation. The characters were ever3-dia-ý peoplée mieeting health prohlems coinînioii inevery-d(ay experience. TIlic. general tone Wvas Iight and il places ,frivolotis, but the, serions cduicatonal purpose was never lost sight of. The characters were plaved hb- n1embCrs of th'e public to rock uver tht'hyptheis.Medically, fthere is no foundation for the connectin betiveen the coni- sumption of inilk and tlhe, inicidence of cancer. Dr. Range savs. And iadrs of "tîiertv" should regemiber. hIrsays, that it jr ownid hi Bernarr 1 -,X!Faddèni sa heah facldisulose vii nlofei strugitioIn of thie A.M.A. wvli-cl lie beads. uses everv forin of modern ptublicity and promotion to pitt ot %,vcr its meissage, to the public.. L nuverstv, served in, the U.S. Army Miedical corps for twvo years during the war, and «ras a^ rcerve officer for about three years afterward. He took his nliedical degree at the University of Peninsylvania -il 1917. His specialty had b cen contagious.,àiseases', but (colntintîed 0on.Page 491)

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