Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 46

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Awaits Its First Anniversary Tea Nberry Center-league an- noun11c-es Wîth l)ri(1e that the an- nual tea. for iienu n1nibers, 1)troies-ses,'a.n i lSustaîningf mei)rson 1r(aSecptenmber 2,marks the first,,anivxersary, of a highly sucçcessful vYear of work. Membrs ~'howored enthusiastic- aily througb'out the carare lociking forwvard wth anticipation ta an, éveil more Satisfactory anc for W98. "Much Of thée inspiration came, from the' un- flaggingýentbu1siasmn of its presideni, Mr.Harold O. Barnes,", the leaguie states. * The tea is't0 be held at thehborne of -Nirs. Gene H-eywood, 1500 Forest aVenlue, Evanston, and is in charge of MNrs. 1). J. Mili11s, 825 Forcst avenue, Evan-ston, anid Mrs. Fred $cbroederý Jr.. 1000 Lake avenue, XVi' 'itte. Arlington.Siniith, head nu.dent of Newbury center, %vill speak again this year and w'iii bring a display of work, donc by, the people ta whonm assist- ance is given. 'Ncwberry center fils a great need in one af the mast oýrcr7 crowded antd under-privileged sec- tions of duhicago. It is the hope of the league to expand and. further tiis work bath financially and iursouialiy. Helen H'edges will sing ai ihe'Wa. vicepreidet ;Mrs. 1Frank Stelliner .of tihe sainie ciit', recorditig secre- tarv ; Mrs. Schraeder-, corrcspondinig s-ec retary ; Mrs. 1). J.Mliead oaf the blospitality conimitic.e; Mrs. T.'.. MýcKnight, trcasuirer; Mrs. Hcrert Ewiing. hea(l of the . social service coninittice Mrs. W. L. COzzenlS. of sewiing ; Nlrs. Edward; johntsan, knit- titi g. l'le last five officers AI live in i Ev- ali is t i. Onl of *the. sahvist,s *'I."s \ivùîni Della .Cfliesa. Another a s Johnii Naublr, hass, andi stilli another m'a-, jean Spardulli, 1l5aritoiie, (lîica City Opera conîpam- artist-. \'irI.iîi WVallace af Oklihonula vas an othero.f, Y The marriage of lliss Ruth I)i'ckey, White of Wfinnètka and JOlIl Suther- land tIinbiglcrr'of Monnouthws oenn.edSpîbr3, in a gardon cderemon.y at4 the home of the ric parents, Vrý and Airs. James .-ddi'son White, 1341 To-wer road. Wiîh bl ler pèiod gozcn of ivorv moiré, the bride wore a fin gcr'tip tullç veil'and carried a colon ial bouquet of îckite roses and. liles of the vallev and a hiaidkerchief of i-oscpoiýiut lacc fr<nn bier mother's "n.'~~' " ~ '~" ~'~'~"-'~'roafi, Wnînetka, Ocaober * O at 10 presidei of thé club, arc u tic riûshiing o'clack. cliairunan, -Miss 1'ttv Jean I)ula i f Tickets nay be otaincd froin Mrs. 111(1 o, ani te sça lara Miss RsleCarlson, 460 Oakdale avenmue, Cater -neStvennuuut inetk (Hnco ()r ,froiniMrs. Frederick Thlc a.1ssitan t 1 itse'sa ru 1 iss 'rvo e 5uLu, $3.\altlnTal VnYta * Baritone Tuesday FaIl activities for the Nor th *Shrauliy of th1W ag 1\aternity Ictr il hgn Tuesdla3-,'SepItéirubcr 21, aih ,rusicale anId tea to bu jlea the homie of I\lrs. iia \i- land, 144 Wý'oodstockaene Kenilworth, at. 2 oclock In flic afternoon. Nirs. Ilatrrv ap ton, .prograr-n chairînan of thuý auxliayxvii rusntJean Far-. d.ulli, baritone of the, Ch'ijCagor City Opera *companyt\*,. a.tlie *guest artist. Jean -Fardulli hsb e. eun Ieading, baritone at L'Opera Conii<jue. Paris,. France, and has stng iii ail ofItlie jleading,âpera houses of Euro1pe inia répertoire of fortv--s,(eûe pr~a well, a§ wjth the Co: cbrated coiurt sertes of Colonne and l>acdolotîp. Fardulli has becin aiso. artî'lic (I- rector of the Hecllenic Opera coun- painy at Athens, (Grcece. Il(-e was boni in Cairo, Eg otfa .ee pr- eniage as his fathur vas a consultiîg. eniginicer for the reconstructioî.îof, the Suez canal. Althouigh barely, p)asi thIrtýý le' us a gxaduate of laW as we!l ho11'ldiIcuInsc t acae a1bar- rister ini Ftgpt Iraceand (;Ireecu. Hle SpeakS sveII langliages and i!Z i ail thosu tongues. B'ecatiiie oai bis enric'hieuit oi Ffeiîcli conce~rt repertoire wîIth i Is presutation aif.elassic Greek. nîuisic anid Helin'c folk ans the French -goveriminlnt i)c-towed 'tupan Farduill the lhanar ôotRosette (le l'Oifficier <(le flInsti ctîin Publique. ln connectlin with -a niatler reflecting ulpon bisI *frieil andi patron ithlelate SirBasil1 1 .Zalbaroff, urope.s -great nstery man. Fardulli foughit. a, duel at NIan1tu *CarIn, andti of tiat encotirîtèr stili bears the scars. Fardulli prefaces lis appearanice *this year as a leading barianre of. -the . f Chicago City Opera companyv by an 7; o,. ,iýiu coiire~,ê rt ourr nxlr the an M Nrs. * aîclar, KIçeilwortIî, *:I Thonlas' 1'> Single tonl and Mrs. Ricll- ard EVan., of Glenlcoe, Mrs. Fosier McaMrs. stilcy. Ullrick, * 'Mrs. 1.ynii Aldrich, and Mrs. Robert j. Jamiies, Jr-,, af Evanistin, Mrs. en ileth E. Wilson and irs.. Lyitin \"al-

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