Monday 'niorninig, Septeniber 20, This, the first meeting of the fcrtý -fotirth season, xiii be, a 1~, the hirst Ufl(ICr the drc tion ,of theu iiex regent, r s, Reid R. Biroiisoï. Thelevent W-il he a formiai celebration ïf Coni- ~titlitioii dav, but during the ail- day, sessioimî,tl 'thre' mvi )~m tinie, for inforinaiity, for the..rC- mîewng f od *midfor theicnak-, iilg of evcuatait. Plaid Skirts ... . * . up t$15.00 N. A. ANN 952 Spanish Ct. wiIm.tte Carlos Photo NIr.Botsniil give a flk iii A.spro qran.i chairman of Fort - co(_)itlmëoratioji of fIje da ,Iii speak,- I)arborn ichza ter, Dazighters of thcý ig on tfl i Constitiltion llof ftue United .l>rcrican Rt'volittjOn, MJrs. Chal s Sats. lîicll dates !ack to Septem 1F.MoodY of Vilm.Ct te, assisted bv ber 17, ý17 87. ýlie xwil, quote frouîi the a Conunittce, zvil bc iw charqe of "Ileart, and Smil ofthéte ' n înîo. actk'iti's 31onday' mornînq whcin ;t drs I)v theilion .Sol1 Blocini, -the chaopter opens 'its Jot-foi-rth tlat ji .i;tdirect orof t lie '( qtimn Ç.casoil z7vithii oConstitution doaccc- t enil elbrtin.bration in >iter1arde'n of .tIzt 'homc Reors vll Il e * ')- Fort Of -Mrs. 1h. Il. MaicRac, 2010 .Simp- chairinîci, wlio vil tell] a (, f plans LJIt1hL' lflofldff. ter. the couuiug xcar. 0fseia iii- t(,es t %v 1bc l>eauanuîounlceunent to 1wC iMia(e 1) NMrs. j a iels 1F. S 1 lo. vruI, virgin ia Rietheimer Chairinaui of was and eui, 1~Pans Oct. 9 Wedding' whjch sle teIl about the bcîli lrdeparty fo he lield thec after- Miss \rirginiia Rogers Riethieinmer lias 110o1i of Frid-av. October 8. at thle set Satturdav, Octôber 9, as the date of XVmnsChili of Evansti. lPro Cce(l lier miarrnage to Robert Gardneèr Pearse, aire to go to the cliapter's .clolar- son of Mrs. George M. Pearse of Wn ,1111) funld... Iletka and George M,. Pearse of Newark, Lear I nstructc A supervisE SC'hoolý Evening -oct. 5. ~~eptemk P.W M. loti 'n JJap ýZancingý >r:- June Major, ;r.N-orfh Shore of -Dancing. classes startf ber 28, 8:00 laui %club of W urctte 1 Street and Ureenleaf Ave. Wilmette, Illinois A sxteui-eekcourse in Tap I)ancing, Cortecti*ve- Exerc ies losture Training and Reducing is announced by the- junior Auxiliary of the Vom7- axt's Club Qf WihnletX. as'a Char- itv )roject. Phone * MARY STODDARD Wiimette 721 are Nfrs;. J:K. Ncîutoslî, Nrs. Ehd- ward Wrav, M.\rs. WV. W. Mroore, 'Mrs. Earl Ewart, anîd frS. Paul Paver. Trus6sare Mfrs. 'r. Howard K aY. ' Nf ts, L. NM. Park, Mrs. Stanlev UI!- rick, Mrs. Roger G. Towuisend, anîd --fr s. Frud Bsoi.N f rs. W. ý.. 'Hoýinies lias lîctn rciistatc(1 and Nfrs.> Godfrev SclîuoCder ias bI)een made ail associate memiber. At uioon the Daughters will bu rc- freshied by box luncheoxîs. Coffee a "(I cake xill lie provided anud. served )$, the social ctiirittee unduer ithe lirec- t we id s to be very sniall. onty rela- tives andd intiniate friends of the bride und bridegrooni xiii be present. 'Miss Sýancv Rietheinier xil be hier sister's uîîlv attendant. anîd John States of Ev-. au'qcuu\\-Il] he NMr.'s mni. Adams Family Is Home From Scattered Trips of the day' Mfrs. Charle assisted by al so of Wilr rtnstonians., niteil Chi es is heade< c)dy of Wilrn( ,rmian B. Or, Ia group of> nute, Kc TH E ave7 SHOP