Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 44

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Anticipate New' Year of Programs Kappa Alpha Theta aluninac livinig ini Evanston and. other *uorth sri6re suburbs are loin forward ta an interesting vear that includes luncheanis,pr- graiin,.a tea ýand a- pieniie. Meet-ý ings are hel(l an the third Wd nesday af. each n 1 ionth I roni *Septemlber -ta uL.icui The' first lunchean (if thie seasani wvas'held Wednesday, Septemiber. 15, at the home af Miss Lenore Ever- sonli inEvanistan wheti the eri schedule was annotinced. On October, 20, Nirs. Walter, A. Stronig will, open ber honme a'1377 Towër' road, \\'iiietka. for the an-l itual tea giveit for new pledges of thc The.ta cçiaper at Northw'e-cstertil iun'- versitv and thecir miothers. Mrs. A. A, NI orev \vIil hiave chargu of arrange- ments. Mrs. William E. Clark, 531 Gr.ov-e street, Gleiicua, w-l1wibc tssfor the Novemîter imeeting. Nir.\Lvie Fisher (Shirley Larson) will siîîg and< play the pianlo and Mrs. Lea Chain- bers beI lucheon chairmnan. A bxox luncheon will bc held at the * Theta hanse on the Nortli\estertt uni- v'ersity campus inu Decembetc-.'.Mrs. T- E. Mitten N'll bc mistress of cere- )e' the lutnchean, hostess. 'rs. Tîmi Lowry xii tell lier stary 'host at Sea" rs. Franîk C. Nasan Nvill be chiairnian that day.. A uînchean at Glen Gables tea roam lin Glencoe, is sclieduled for Febru-tar\ viiven Ms.jack Marro\ý'.. Nvil tell of lier experiences iii Hlawaii. M rs. 'Marshal Branchi ili have chargc af reservatians. -Mrs. W. W. Narris wiihiopen 'lier niew home at 2326 Iraquois raad, \Vil- méI ,fi- the MLfrch lhmcleen. Mrs. The È,vaîistcon Friends of the Chîicago juniùr S-01001 Will openl their 1937-38 season on Septemiber 20, at a tea to be given 1w MNrs.L- mati J. ..Pubbard, first, vicu,-president 1 of this, organization, in lier homne: P-0O2 Tuî avenue. Clijicago. NIrs. James A*. ,I1eimiiîgwv aiaNI rs. Adcle F. liecker. of Chicago. anid NI1rs. C. H. NVarner, Jr., of Evaîî'ý-iis ton will a§sist Mrs. Htîbbard, as co- haostesses.. Miss Eleanar, Eflis Petkins, Coli- sidered "EVanstani's: inimitable couli- mientator of books and plays," 'l give an .iinterpretative> readitig of 'And Saq-Victoria," Vaughlan \Vil- kins' notable contribution to, fliv bookshelf of 11937.- This. book, .Whî.ch sonietinies follows a leisure1Y Dickenesque style of character de- lineatian and again nioves as rap-' idly -as an,*Iano"or *'Thréu NI skat ers," lias recei.ved tnstinted praise al aver the country. \Vill Miss Perkins' Nvidc experience andr lier exceptianal ability as a reviewver and the mnost-disculssed novel of the season as subject-mnatter, the aftvr- nioon will prove ta be one of un- usual enjoymient, the arganizatl'0n believes. Members and friends, as wel a'i1 nîeîùnbers af other branches oi Friends of The Chicago IJunior schiool, are iinvited ta attend.- Res- ervaticms will bc. accepted iiiitil ner, Jr., 2414 Isabelia street, E'vans- The praceeds of the (-vent -will benefit the scholarship) fuiîd ai tIic HoId Supper-Bridge a+ Evansion C. C. 'l'hi. <.c~~rhr aalcnulur a ils-ui iCIJl)icis and qItSiS <st>nlilfor d1t' MUSÎCaic ýand feu ~hc u (lit LyH rates fi cCiVtCSfurfi \VOrth Sin'rc axlwyof tt' Chi- cag .lateniy cn fr Sc/tcinln'ï21. Wo odshu't ak'iiivmc. x' z,<'1 -Setiemeni Style5 ,how 'l'le bridai 1party whichi is always a liigi note af the annmal fashiotu show. of the Xinnietka board afi N1orth- western univerýi tv settlenitnt, wîll be C0m1posed, tis , 'ear, ai a bride, -a iilai(l of hionor,. two bridcsmnaîds, and the "itothier ai the Ihride.7 Preceitîg-, Ill bh ride, Miss Nancy Browvn, down ilec ruîuwav Ili the auditorium af Open Again as Chiarity Project TFhe sc1dsasnfo i- J nu or auiliary offltuev 1 Ni11- mette Wýomanie'club '"l'ap <<i opens 'Iu1esdaky, October .5, v ii 1 \liS '1111ci. 'ajor'giîviig hLTrnmi Stiiict ii t ij adanlcling Vithl- î .iewVQst ses in correcttvv xr cises. p)ttir c traiing. at1id n Or < llac ) ii i i t ., bit th SCS.b l- 1' limnt <i i i t arlv reservations arc a<l 'l'hu 1 wrCA Wiii run i .for sj\te i xvetk ' i lil îîg October 5' ani col . - t iniîî tJuoîîlIant n18 i. Cia ~t %vill lW i <i at '7 :30 vc c \ uI-'Y ('reeî(a f aveine. MIs,, Màaor. xvlnurt1irti" is \()rtli h Slrt ,hool i I)aof tu~ F I c A r t s. NI l ckHI&n Aidricili.nwcuarî tuf t-Iec w a Y and ImeansI oniîîts usIli chal-c o i arrangements for tlw4 1t'îs vil is being gî'Ven :î s ;! elaîilro)e('t. ,'1, he conunittec a-- sistiAMI. c ltr c nsists iii th, NI ;ý. is.'Grc ltts, Marioti Coa~ A~iaiî f ilis, and Mfary Stod<iajýri. av\enule. lniax Plan Ali-Dey Progrem - for Women Of Rotary Tl'ue Woaîucnio the Rotarv C1111 of Chi1cago \N'ilI hold thecir fi-r.s fali ilteetîîig \W'dnesday, Sept er )ti-2_. i-n flic Nialit ronin af the Blackstone1( htl.At Il iii the mnorniînrL Flor- 'ýeptenu.tel- 21, at 2:,50 o c-o 1t.tUK i e ;[0loV' n~~ws: t r. a fte rnoon at the home af Mrs. E~ntn A class : 3Mrs Observe Anniversary \'erîiau C. David,- 1624 XVesley ave- afiiinetka, B ciass nue, EN-anston. Miss Louise Hagertv johnisoil >.of Chicagoara Mr. and Mirs. Bruce lZeynoids, 2030 will be Co-hostess. Nlrs. Edward L. Champion of Evanstoi Tlharnwood avenue, held open bouse Schautb of Evanston and Mrs. Matth- ciass wituner, with the Tuesday1 eveiiing, August 31, in honor ew P. Gaffney af Winnetka niay be the cut; Mrs. W. H. 4f theirÉ silver wedding anniversarv. caiîed far ..tralsportatioii. - ~ anso.Wcas rs. wV. H-. iTembers conmpletely furnislued, ait-- NI rs. J. W. nutal cantributions, are made ta thu ied fur C Traveler's Aid saciety, the Spaulding :er winning Sciîaol for Crippied Childretn, Park, geimian of Ridge Schooi for Girls, and other worthy' institutions_ j

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