pure-dye silI1k satin SLIPS and GOWNS gretly und erpricedat $- It's a ýgrand opportunity1 for you to save on a ful season's suPply. These are most extraordir>ary slips and gowns at such a very Iow price. Every one of them is PURE OYE SILK SATIN. Every one of them s FULL CUT and taiored to fit perfectly-ACCU R. ATELY SIZED. The slips are trntv taiIorend nrrnfu givesý you the, las on pi cture - -~.- FALL DRESSE.S Center,, Scotch plaid jacket-blouse with plain color skirt in-sheer wool, $7.95. Scotch cap of felt $3.95. Right, costume suit of black.wool with blouse and jacket mid-riff of black satin, $ 14.95. High.- crowned bonnet bat ýsmartly veiled, $5.96- A.STEVENSPnc 1624Ori Evonstotl * 1' j (I 4/ i The. ; I