on 'l'ie Kelitucky Society of Eý'v- aîtnand the North 'Shore in- iti;ttes an<mithepr iseason mth itsr ineeting l*riday ý-afternm nSep-. temtber A7. at 2 ocok..tthe hione of Irs. George E . klie, 1321 M apleAveu.Evut for the e presiîdent, 'Mrs. \Ssi1i.ll(ltitmss ' for -the -ucca- ittîî are N rý,. E. NI.()Ierstreet, en».h vr ot the lttses: 'Il rs.R.. L. Jàncs; and lirs.e n .acàCad.dam. S"flie pîwt.rîn xili onsist . f a talk tlu he givèn bV -I rs. T. Edwin Qui- senl)çrrvof-Fvaîto. xho with ber famiily. spvri the past year abro)ad. Se -ilI tul ei 6f br stav in Geneva *aîuJîs'4.s to tlcr Etîropcan ,oln- triv e Pri<iay. Seýptmbe-r 10, Nirs.I o.- wý1uii eturtainicd the nnibers of tht. board at a m. u' oclock luriclrton at lier homec. AmiOng_ the grouir of about týýny wurc irî. vrwo xast pcid of the socicty, \frs. Charles Andlrson Coliricsil iof FEvanston, an(]I Mrs. Cura Mcc Cannr, 1.now'of Truc- s(IAriz., N\hc was hono)r giuest. Mrs. Conper lias lx. 'n visitinLý relati-ves. andfîriunds ini Chicago. *Preston H. Wlirs rpbiiy Mr ' . I.. irnhff, programn; Mrs. James E cwel',transportation; MNrs. Colmlý'snil, coiirtesv* Mrs. Har- ry R. Kend(all, auiditor, Mrs. John F .- Gregg, year book. h. 1 i )l nct k a i arr11 d b' .StuartiIl11 L 1 m 'ils i/. Jr., f 1Ail liinnc tiLs, î l Ci' 'l' /1Y'l vP ie ar cmd I*ln t/4c clapil ocf thcc I1 'inncku(l " f cJi ti('1 1 /) <Lî r,"i Th' rosc/t<int ltcc lbodicc .and scv, mb/iliq(i rd'swjcct' Il tm v Clishiman. Ifer ï-cil oifS<f si/k nln' ii< ftf"ýcs~ ah~ trchd. i li/ics c01 the va//cv. Alliance Benefit SpeiatvsI1OI)S wTicvh' iti] an<id winter styles, in fors-. <ires. >àn îlingerie, at a lx-nc fitt A)bu gvnat the..Evanstor. Comit r\' cul) Tuiesdav-, (.Xtobe- b. Itlie .Southeril V~na' *ing \\i1-11bcgiiti at,2 :30 o'cl< ck. <ith Ilt bustv le shw t 4, an dt e" *afturuxarci. r TI i i riiiaîl ut i te atia ir, txl r. ýï iargt' îrîitteof hidi tur-. ,-i.ii carr liugj.i tthtic vari' ' l t.t tfi>i'att air a sic bi' tih 1()r 'I~a tuiifIiIg anîd ir the fitîi.,'(4tht.;i'. Nirs. V.M.Riaçh 1-. in Cirarl-, ' r ranunut~,with NIrý,. C. P . . art r i îkll arr aîîg en its fur iii ,:,, . ll î i wi teiilr,. Tik t tu I ,'i. hanud b\ NIrs. \\Ili i à i. <Ih1 i dl- \tI. vtl Mlr>. 1 larihý1 i i - p NI r, b,1111 '. Morse it lier "în1-', i MI r'.. i. lPaul CIavtlull ('l'\\ ilut 1-fi î tut. ruiîi Cit hairinar i'ii ir. 1 ig('11 be(r curnmlittec ;are NIrs l d u (n). f G1lr ' M Ir-. \\'lj F. Ht.ni ,t of \iîr Mka Ir,. lid<h n of i îghlanrd Pa~rk, unyL. r-' I <r.ttitht.e ri,\~n~Nt*'~~ 1r', B thr I uirrt 8nlr; '1 S\IJht. N\-.x tifflcer, . of tlw dllidflc, ' Wil: t- ut ud Itt t Indlay itýi. ti Sp nd't 20, lt.flthu group nruut, àt i 01, I11 igir- lad 1 ) a rk lit mît.u t XlM r,, 1\'I,, r ltirtthc.pt di Has $Schola'rship Directs Olerlin Club Plans h as of ârc iib/icit y J( fit styl/e show and cardp held Tziesdoy, October Eva istmiliWooian's chi So u t Il É,r ;mu ftoiiian'sF a/fili mc. riv Io &ie at I/l Park Ridige, and Mrsý. Arth ir HI. Prasse of W.nt Prociecds of- tut.parîvu, fÇ< t riblitcd to tire ic triietii~ .'i 1 Othe uîniteeca me pt ite ft r thu yea.r are %Ir,,. Charles Thoni- mnl 111( M rs. Gcorgv 1Hèdges, piiblicity Nr.Marviti Anthony and r John ..Magriusoil. nîeni)rhership, and. Mrs.ý F.tiif r< i S1) k . l't*v t tS. of~'ô last wcck foi- Oakland, Cal., hibï,giv her studios. Mliss W/i itc. t/uc daitplr of Mlr. and Mlrs: Frcd- t:cick S , -hztc, 472 Eiderlane, Il'inmetka, wcas an honor student <mi unc ra to<f Ncr' u ic Dessert First