Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 40

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Churcli Inspires Theme of Wedding Th(- archii'tteiurc of thi'. Win1- ne t ka Cugea na l * i ùrte of tl.w înost bhea1tiful o(À tue uîcwer ý(-{f)l)lial .struictureýs ini tliis coluntrv, iulsJire<l the theifle '>1 a. \V(Idiig .so1lnîized there at- tirday e veing by 1 )r. Sanmticl ) 1 Iarkntess, tuutng NMiss. Ileleit \Vodbuv ilolon f Wîî-etk andEd rd(ansX ltr t Thie bride dcsigiied lier owrî>i t. anîd those ýof lier attendants. Ifen, was I)f:old-fashioiiecl poult-dle-soie a ha .,glrgraii.i.taffeta, andl was iniadex iiii liige leg o' niuttonl sleeve , tiglit crec waist, and -anteîîornois skirt, oputiî1 inte aa ix-yard train y> ich y>aiiiî- iine(t with two rows oý, f. (1uicl 4> ruffles out1ined a moîdified hat'îîv * , ecklîne,, and fdrned ciffs on thii '*iig * .ieves. A co<ronet of tulle andl >eeil pýearis ld ini place the bride's ,thirer- tiered, ten-fout veil, anîd she carried .a lose cd' îi1ia1 bouquet, fashiolied o(wtuît rosesS cltisterin)g arouind a' white rhd The 9owns uf the bride's attendtils 'Aerc SiMilar in mode to lier dIres', buti wecre ruade of (IldI-fashionied stiff moire'., w ith sho)rt puffed siceves and fth- N[is H 1 îlcI Mar phiips of Ke-i ilworh xvii he~mv tt- lride (of Pal' hiele UOf Cliaimpaigl, son1 ot NMr. and Mrs.. Emil Thiele of iMii- waukee.'cn Satîurday, C)tobcr 2. Tii>. iveddng' will, take place ýat 4.:30 O'dIOCk in thew home of the hirid's parenrits. Mr. and Mrs. A. G,. Thielv, 65 rir trueî, %ith the Rev. Leland I )aniforth i ïf the 'C'hurcli of the IlIol ý Coin forter cîficiatiiîg. Ar-e c t,'Pi on, %vîili ollowv tht' cercTfloflV. XI e~I>l ij~'y>il I Iavc: i nie at i îlr .livr 'itvr, Mariont Elizabet h. aîîd (.Carl 'lh ielv, Iri ther,uf 'the bride- gro îll 1 ii w fil(-best 'mani. L, cr.qI>>>t i N i'.h and~ î;t hilii ce Wucute iniiN r ul<lI, \î'., lie ini thec ligh school a i id slie in< th>. kin(iergarten. M r. Thld 11iias 17 a posit -n n-, iChampaig andi n 'llow',ing t huir îxaraàgétlhey xviii go, CarosPh"P.' .lIr. and Mlrs. A. G. Philips, 62l' 1<îicr street, Kenilworth, annouin ci te upproaclzing nzarriage' of tiieci: 'dullterl, [Helca Mary, to Paul i Thil e of Champaign, flic SOoi o .11r. imd Mrs. Emil Thileof AMil- 1 z~auee.The wedding ;wi/1 take' 1>acc October 2. Is Detro'thed and Bride Are on, Trip in the South 1 14>warId h Zille of :Idsn Wis., son of MNr.. and M.rs. 'Wa-ý Z., Zi j1h1le, n1225 Wsigo ayeinte, and1 his, bridv. the f 'r Iller 1I1lelen jean SjIîepprd -(laîgit (r;f Mr. andl NI rs. j le (..lisholm î She1,hcvL .31.5 Four- lent tu ree t uîî nni rt' lî< îîev 111> ' tngon.a.t1ircc \ tuekl\5 trip tItr')tgh 'est \,irgiIîia. ,ITun b>e at hoitte a ficir ( h 1 >e I I(>6 S<,tlh [laie> iu.k 1-u (it. id liv e ((Ii ng tt>I . k pa-Ce at.-4 utI tue Owliapel of the First P'resbpteriai chîurçh of ihmet.te, t1w Rev. jaîxies '1 00eueklaseïî omdiatiing at the cercmnn X~l(~anîd wIit h ittheiuî ali! caiîdcLabra d~rtdth,'chpe.Foi l(>wuig Ficeeîoî he hrid.e's parent., hîeld a rucjtiià at ficthe~ t' C of Di >ring, the rucepltit fii th>.' bride e ut thé wcddi1îg cake w iii a scotch dirk (11111itilig iklife) . a hand-carvud,jewiu lieirlîîîîn îr.e>. te>l î the bride'5 fctlu- "n a %Visit to Scotlaild. '[liebride vW<>re a \Xictorian guxi o)f .ivory ,..ýttin triinmed with C1haîîti11 T. Cragg ot t*,vaîston, Missjtla L1ac- phersoti uf Springfield, and Mis:s Kathier- 1 ic Freîîch of Winnetka, the four brides- naids, were in turquoist blue, the shadu of the church's Venetian blinds ; whilv: t,, miaid of huxior, Miss, Jecani McCor-le o)f Evanston, was in old rose tnoiré. Eachî girl wore colonial black velvet % rist bands with tiny bows, anîd their IoNv decolletages were set, off by iîîY gold hearts, bearing tfîeir own îlItial' iiold-fashioned, eîtwined mngats .)i one side and tiw date of the wedding Miss Louise De Tawîhu, daîughtcr (;f %Ir. and Mrs. Percy F. I)e T'amble; 1232 Greçniwoud avenue. wil bcinarriçzJl to 1Frederick Huppe ofin[1diaîapolik. Ind,.-on Tuiesday, .Outohier 12, Tht' cereio»ny will takec place ai 4 o'cloc'k that afternoon in St. Frauncis. Xaviér chuircli and wilI be fOlouw d lw a rece--ý tion at the homne of the>bridu's parexit. Miss De Tamnble xil have- thruu at- tendants. Miss Alicce Huppè1 uf Mii-. wauke.,. sister .'of the hridegno,viii! Lvvtwentýyuyars _ago. \arCîia, 1jtu ruses, and iies of t hievalley forn'ied lth( brida.l bouquiet. 'lhle attendants, Mtiss Martlîa Farinur. o)f Xihnue, the màid .of honlor, anîd Miss ,ih;Lth OoIss ofWJlrette, bj~ înlaid, were gownedii epnim hî velvet and cuntrasýtiîîg.ruse taffëta boný niets trt-imiTtefl W'ith, nosegays of forget- ie-nots 'and. long sattiîî si.reiiier,.. TheV car'ried red rosebuds and xvhitu but tokl * Mrs. Shepherd was dressed iii silver gfrcv shirred chiffon with royval bine Mr. and r.\AIfrt H I. \V )t o Wilmette. anionuicv the engagenennt of the ir daughter, Viola Aia, to Phillip A. Gibbons, Jr., son o)f Mr. an:d NMr, Phillip A. Gibbonsý of Chicago. P i L, wedding will take- place- on Tins, i ýday., \îr. and Mrs.1 R. \Ward. Sliirrutt, 22'1 \\oîîd(stuck avenue, eloh, anid a -hmiupof their friend.s w~ill have a Dut h truat hpart -vat the Hatvest lHomie dance at C-i>lv)o 7 itry club, Saturday ai..l-n* Mrs T, J. Smith, iuriîerhy Kathiarine Buirwill be he(r. sister's otily attend-' amit. Thomias J. Smîith is serving as best mian, and ushecring \vIlI be Jouh>u BOYl- ston Gleasotn of Wilniette and William recikBernbrocl of Aturora. - ' . . l.... ,J' va.v is ,a senuior a>. D)e Pauw uiniversity and president of' the Alpha Phi boulse. Mr. Fletcher is a senior i the School. of engineer.- ing at the Univêrsity of Illinois, and a member of Phi Kana Sigma frat- j ernjtyv. No date has been-set for the.

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