winter îmodes v wcmc 1)y variotis menbers Frank ' ixxl iiidtc, 'hrA/~k ile i.Lati ners of us' l 'iltid t<. Z'i/l tic solo isi t da (j/o afalhion show 7 -ill />be 17 I/oil t' loiCUA01 ol f the >'(J- u/<z ni"2/i/ nî'efinof<4th'~'o il/"f i . l ,,f I , Eastern Star Activity MIrs,. Eva G. Pyfer ainnouincud (tîat after the t ueNt meeting of Wilinîtt- cha.tur', Ortier of Easterni Star, wbichi is to hebc vaceOfficers' night, with Mr, N MIlrath as matron, Rov E. Mc- Ilr-at lias pat von, Mrs. Hallie Bi. Smnoot as assistant mnatroti and Mrs. Maybelle K. Oakwood, coiductress, the birtbdaiy table, will bc prupareti for the pmèmbers vwhosu birtlidays are iiij uly, August andi Septcniber, anti%.(. alwax's look forwardti lut1is with laue Our associate inatroil. Mr. lc- Ilrath, anfuioincedl that on Suptuxnhec 20, Mrs. Ina J ..eer will seurve as chairmani of refreshmentiis, Mfrs. NIay Wootlibeai w ill have chargu of the dtiiing roonu, anti she lviIitkecn o.,f the decorations hersIelf. Ouir iatron anniouniceti that \Ved- iiestiay, September 22,. at 12:30 t'here will bu a lnnikett lunchevon ai 1>brdgu Joh1 n B owles, ,a yoig baritone, andi the son of Mfr. and Mrs. Melville F. Latiinvr oi Sunset Ridgu road, %vil' -,ing a numl>er of selËctionz,- lie at- t entied DIartnioiuth, but is nov,' devot- ing lus entire irne to-the study of voicé and dramatics, With a view.-to a professýional career. A nienriEtinger Of \innetka, giitttI' Tianist. Wi1l play. ReýserNaàtionisare te Ibe matie n'rtt laterthan Se)temhber 2C, Io Mrs. John.Ruettinger. 533 Oakd'alc avenue. Glencoe, or Mrq. E. Tevel' Dick, 1200 Tower, roat, Wiinnçtkai. Daniel RîUey Marries.. Mrs. F rances Fisher M rs. France.s offmi'an Fisher; 51? idge r"'a<l, anti Daniel Riley' of Bex'- cr1y Ilis,, Ill, xchian.ed h inarriage vows at a quiet cere- mrny in the presence of a few frientis and relatives, ini St. Joseph's church ()n Saturtiay, September 11. The nup- tial mass was read at 9 :3 o'clock b', the Rev. T. A. Neumann. The bride, given inu marriage by ber father, Pbilip Hoffmnan, wvore a frocl-' of gold-shot erepe in amber shatie anti a towerinq bhat witb a veil. Fier sister, Julia Dunning, her only at- tendant, wore. an ensemble in bo:x- wood green coniplementec b3, antique gold clips and bracelet. 'After a faniily breakfast party, th.e couple left on a Canadian honey-nîoon .and when they rettirn will bc at horne at 512 Ritige ~rcati. TQ Tell Welf are Cenier of Community CImesi Work The work of the Wiimette CoinI- munity Chest will bec.dis.çusseti by H. P. Demand at the next meeting or' the Wilniette center of, the Infantf Pft-Sit0J~AND JUNIOR INDERGARTEN Alent cquipmtt DieteticaIIy planned mel.. loor play empbasized Registered nurpe. thm Resident and day school ing and full-day gro upti Transportation * pc n8a S'pfetmbt"r 2 O-E1venth Year Swiiiming, riding, games, boxinàg, dancing, crafts, etc.ý Ask jor:descripti've jolder. Telephone Wilmette 10689. I OUTDOO-R ,RECREATION SCHOOL 22Michigan Ave.. Wilmpttp T/~e R e/arn b -1 I NIr. and;M's.J.;Il. IrtAnu, &il Huorwoodavenue, gave a tea for thcj Circle to Meef foriiier'.s sistcr, 'Miss Eliàabet1i Bredil Te Nigbrboi-icle fteF as nta iithleir Ihome. Mis-s Bre - b egorodclCfthFi diihas just retuirned 'from a .month's Coigregationial churcli will hold trip to 'M.\éxico. Mr's. 0. E. Fuchs' of afterioouniengathhoefM Keni'il\\on)tb, sisien of th( guest oui ElIa Butz, 802 Lake avenue, at 2 o'cloc bonior., assisted. TuxxcdàN,, Septcmher 21. OTI4ER NORTH4 06 D v i s S t 1000 IURBS: tNTERPRISU 6000. rw . Be'-t'v N. S1,imnképr. Dirpctnr' Ad ans ton.