Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 38

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Chicago Operotic Quàrftt $ive Opening 'MuscaIe on OctoIber 6 11lilda 0Ohilu. sOprafl(>. Ruth I lu zer, conýtralto, 1Robert i riskill \Volfe, teiitrand1 john Ne. 1);ta>so, mî.ih Jacob laîneîn.11 . acco npaîîist. xviii ilS iruselit((I at the first regular pruograul, of the Woinan's Club of W\ilitt- Wednesdav. ()ctober 6. at 2 o'clock. The musicale -%viit be foi-- h ~eiby. a recel)tion and(1 tva. This propgram, however, folk>ws two philanthropy scW1ing days hel d before the officiail.programilyear heginq. The Economy shop card party on S epteinher 2>9, is another pre-inetitng. cvent, rnotce (À w.hkch ppears edse- (bnly i brit f oes spaoeip-rmit învf-ik tioxi of nth.r club eventqIn thitkt, fîl! suason. Thie first proit.(ct of the ways and nwnie c-- mm'tteep is to be a tour O-ctolwr 11, under the chtrm'inshtp l)of NMrs. l'aul1 K. Rnhert.,on. Atiotixerprjt 1f this sameCommittee is a *rit()f r~d sf ro'-i urrïftit1 tra t tre 1). MsLloyd Fxnof \Winn@(tka, wIlh i, live n ttýrntt,, monaYîoi'nlng pro- ,irii1s eoinutnýwn' Octobt'r 1, uxîder Mrs. W,. A. Durgiii's hWîasht I he rnnui ptlitbl'PY ard p&J * is '.-hlduled foi pneda,,Otohe(ýr 27, ;,n(jIltle foSoin ciriity a illovt'ei datia ng party w xl be anothur ways and, I-Quînjcy V Wright of (îetu,'l . Shu hJas just retux ned froiln . ay. xb'ro'xd ir, ;0wayts a poptila i, îkr. t. t, 1) tsti t at t 11e .club.On(lle1 sm v vgî'ani ii* ov(ibC wxi cvi-hlî Eleanor Eliis Perkins, opens the serî" of prog-ràms sponsored by the Womi- an's guild of the Wilmette Parish Methoidist church Friday,ý September 1/, at 10 o'clock in the morning in the church, 1028 Lake avenue. Noe 1 Coward's: "Present Indicative," wiII fie presented by Miss Perkins on, the following Eniday ionîg There is no name that glitters in the thcatrical wonld todav, so brightiy as that ('t Noet Coward," .the guild comment.s. This is'.his story-told in -his in- imatibie wayr"-sparing nothinFg, con - cealing nothing. On 'the followingý Fri day mornintg> thie commiittee headed by Mrs. C.'if- *f ord Ives'announc es two imore Splti'd- id books, "American Drcam," and "Northwest Passage.." Mrs. Ives .Wiil furnish ticket ini- formation, concerning this onitstautd- înig event. Mlrs. Tho mas P. Gibbonis of Wil- meiitte initiates h.er second ylcar as preident o4f theWonweis Ùatholic ()b f It'ilm cite with the first rg iilar ,,,ecting Friday afternoon. Se p- tefl1r 24, at 2 o'clock, in thi- [l'il- 1 ? ittc i4',a n's LtIl l swq/Inq( of l'au, Auxliry P -idn l'o Enfertain Board Uib. The c (caCsiOfiMs. lbert 'R. Fleisefrtarnihab ci!bbnik' Y called ail .ail-day niet-ting of tie. bî iand I VITIIII Imer- <f the XVomani's auxiiary. of the Chutrci of the Holy Comnforter to fie held ailher home, 220 Essex roa'ii, Keilw'>i()tl, Fni day of this week. Mrs. Fe'.fràîiý îîresîdent of the auixiliary. -1fiehu oard Sewing inerubers wilt ineet at 10 A'lek '-"'hildrentfit businesýs sessiOnl will continieito it,- iîew Neat. on. t'riav, Suwtenibui 17 x heiuthe JBipti'st ( fuiri ns i , Vlhewoinlen, w hctliur chlb nmi brs ovilîot, are ~o .a--iwie attcndi Semnug witt start at 10 o do(-ck mid a ftur t n10o111l1nClIC0o W III lcv-uie for ail aituriooîx pvrîod. NilrS. F. A. CLaatr is clairmni of li day's w'ork. On lier cnniteal Mrs Il. L. Beach, Mr,, C. V. ClarkL g îîîI IVI i liii hi'. Epwodih League Gr Launched on New School glroupf of the Epwor of the Witmiettc: Parnsl chnirch was hctd last Sinia ti Paul Mva!lory and Agnes Matbis Cherry Are Artists Cbosen for R.eciprocity Day T'he irst fait meeting 0of tdi \\'otiia*ni's .Cathôlic Club of 'Wil- .tnette wil..be' held Friday Se1teinber 24, at 2,octc iithe WilueteWomaiis> club. The Occasion bei lg Reciprocity da«y. the presidents of the' vartOuIS district, clu bs xviii be guests and, Wil1 l)C intro(lucéd 1w the, presi- dent, (À the hos.tess c1lb, MrS. iiimas P. Gibboris, folh >wing lier a(I(ress, of welconie. T1 le program ichairmai, Mrs. farry 1- Barker. fias arra-tged to bave two artis ts presented for thIs speciai oc-ý c.asiýon, for' which> a very large 'aud- -ience -iS e.xpected. Fi1rst, Pau.l M<al1 tory xvii sintg.> A younig Amenricaný citalist and(l a master of iiepeaiii Hle is ont of those rare singers hs radianit personiatity- and deiight fli mnanur with his audience tmakc I ii, hearers feel that hie js ,iigiiig fiv tfiettiaîiid not at theri. Addt<1 ti. hIs, tgenial mianfletr," fiirt fiert to qit it e> lils cit ics, "is a voice (>1 njch, trndti purîty and even tom! and a ~vua forte of distinct ciat ioI.' Thu esecond atist oi thfe a teu. '<>1 wili fie Agnes. Mathis lcr, iîe iii ite costmes that slic Il,(.> biçl ae u xc(îiui-iît e lace an(I fini roup tttitic l îLepuriud r1r~utf lï ler characters. Year 'lcporî~epcai eiuc MNi Ns Cheryae 'une î thu Jillit,'" Nlary. Q1ucul iS(oiîî; MTth aîI nd, in Reviw," ien, Y u() yx~ ~~'. >lfi~, lutsorit's and cha1ra1r r kut (iifeso great Europlaui A.rt galler- at I)ciiisin university. GMiss thridge. ~ymeigo usaSp spedi it4xe n(l a svries 10, who is a minber o-f Tri D}elta, gave a at. the home of Mrs. Frank C. Ilonrghours of poetry, dranrial e \î.. esa flstwe-fr iteiReadding Circle 1311 Maple avenue. Luncheor 1'os as wt-ll as a walking reheit rs it .eda flatwkfosiee guests. iîost '(f -whoîn *erenimenibers of The Reading circle will niiei,-t t the . served at 1 9'ciock. The -assis Thie large wayî andid neans Povtle <oîy Ms aieGtrder-hm fMs .A ala,94tse iib r~Rin fodr spring wiflbe the settur lHo)îpt ux- trîsiérijrt.NisJ ieGihig r-hm fMs ,A alaW,94tse ilb rRln ;>oxttioii early. in March, wijtjlî M ri dfédayt(> leloit college to Greenwood airenue, at I cic Monl- Nrs. V. L Brown, and Mrs. Arthur J. I)ixon kt- eitirrnaiiî. eiroll fo)r lier, sophoiire vear. . <Iv, Septviiiier 20.. nes. I wil1 be. ng hos- iderson, avid. A,

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