It's possible just twice a year . . . to buy beautiful Wondercraft Hosiery at these low prices l Every pair* is lovely and clear- with a variety of' styl es suitable for sports, daytime, and evening wear. Lay in a_ supply now.. It will. mean: real. savings for you!1 4-Thread RinglessChiffon (tl O)in short, miedium69 lx and long lengths. Regularly 79c........... %J.7-Thread Ringles. Service 'Hose. (Style SIR), Regularly 79c .................... 69C. v 3-Thread Ringless Crepe Chiffon7 c (Style 53R). Regularly 89C.......... . 79. 5-Thread Ringless Chiffon. (Style l«0 with lovely o f jacquardý top. Regularly $1. ............ -8 C Thread Ringles Crepe Chiffon (Style 200). Regularly $1 .................. 2-Thread Rinigless Crepe Chiffon (Style 350) with jacquard top.,Regularly-$.............. 9c' . .. ......-Thread Ringless Service ,(St:yle,150) Regularly $1*.................. 7-Thread Ringless Service* Out-Size (Style 400) Nvithi lisle hrn¶. Regularly$ ý .................89c 4-Thread Ringless Chiffon Out,-Size (Style 450). Regularly $1 ..................... 9C 3-Thread Ringless Crepe Chiffon with jacquard top (Style 250). Regularly' $1.15 ............... .......Y98C H.a.r y-Street Floor Fashion's Favorites 69C yd. I~.nhaniii newChalisprints of, spun rao in smail floral and plaids. 39 beautifully, and lr.esist shrinkage. Grand for street and afternoon dresses, and school wardrobes I Free. Parking for Wl.b@Idt VANS TON i t at .0 & I 4) i