Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 36

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Ask Contributions .f or "JelIy Week"l J eIv te fill 1he observed hy the Clhicago P1lant,lIovver. and Fruit-,guld nIlext vveek, and the local MW'ilinette coîiltt.ete \vill 'eld. its collection into the city n1extItiesday. 1lire'is an fpr tunity for' ail those \,%ho were not bleto icç>)itribuIte flowers dluring the suiniimer nionths to do thleir ,IPare -hy doniating jel- ls, jains. fru it, or vegetable lulces. These Nvill bje a real treat (turing thé ývinter for Chicago's un(er1)ivleed children a idi g agd. Just how much the Work of thé guild, 1 eans iun many institutions and private homes imi crow %ded districts -ii< to)ld. hy.. * the general cha~irmiaii, Nrs. Niarion b.U Miller, who, with Mrs. J. H. Glass re- cently visited many of the places where t1owers and vegetables go. Institutions served by the Xilrette collections and visited by these women inchide - -Michael Reese hospital, the Visiting INurse6 as- sociation, the 'Marti a Washington Home for l)ependent Cripplèd Children, the Frances Juvenile Home, Parkway lodge which is a PWA coinvalescent home project, theUniversity of Chicago set- Children. cati telli You, Mrs. Miller said, the exact naine (if the gardemi club or the village froni which their bouquets bave cone, 80 interested and appreci- ativé are they of donations. The glasses of jelly and jani for Jelly %week must be packed before Tuesday, morning by the local connnittee, and con-ý tributors are asked therefore to take their packages on or before -Monday to the-home of Mrs. C D. Ewer, 1111 Ash- land avenue, or. Nrs. W. A. Kenidrick, St. Francis Xavier cliurch. were 1ii- itiated at a meeting held at the school hall Monday evening. The Rev. John O'Mara -%'as miade general chairinan oÀ the affair. The party will be held at Shawn*eýte Country,,club and the date i.ý to he, Saturaty' eveninig, October 23i. Sýtrikiing amajor note iii .evcentS tînder auspices of. the, W\ornaii's Club of XVihnctte is the onc event spor- sored for the benefit of the ILconopiv "lîop. On \\Vcencday 'afternoon. l o e e <.the annuaL partv.tkyi)r2 taks place. It wiiI I)e a, dessert Ibridf,,e., at 1:30ý o, 1<4ck.- and the firsf social event of, the club's neW' season. Prizes wvill 1illi(1C one for each table. Nrs. Charles C., Krei rà scair- tualit: MrsA. L . rirînieli isiii -clîa"gu oif'ru!servationts; Mrs. lienrv E. Ct ]Cr, andl r1-L.A. Fitzl, Iriz/xs: Mrs. J.ý 1. N and Mi-S. C. A.\XII. cae~Mrs. Charles Barîtes., table,. ' ari lm, wServitg Nfrs. 'N. I)eno, cards ; MrS. Hart Orîî'r,. treaý- tirer. Style Show Bride Toloif PI>lto .Vrs. Lorju .1.Boz'cr, preid<- of, the it4'ômau's guild. of th,,'Il 'il- mIletie Ctong(reg(at oniai chiirchi, ac a bu.ffet bI;ncheon iast Friday Ai iwr h(pnc, 1216 Ashland avenue, for 1 WîW Off icCrs of ftic board of tt guiid and the chairiken of the va riait . :cirùh ls. Shie ail.bc intthe rC'vf unke at tuec rece.ption for nezÀ off icer.< 10 1e given. Priday alffeirinio. Sep- Series by Mrs. Zander Pursuant to niany rcqucsts, tue North 'End circle of the First Coli- gregational chutrch is lappy to aii- nouince thiat it wilI again present Mr,. Hienry G. Zanider, Ir., in a series of six book rvev begiinning Oct ober 11, at 10:15 o'clock ini the mor)iiing. ini the parlons of the W\Ilimett (ConI-. gregational chuirchi.. play on the terrace from 9 :30 to 1 and Mrs. o'clock. Diînner is to be served at Mr. and 0' ocloc k.Wilniette. Ltz .01 VV 111 ýry J.. Sten Luncheon Ouests of New President NI inersofthe new 'board o4 t~ ~ ~ ~~O li-Xoin ul fthe V- mette Col19r(igatùOna1. churci' andl the chairinii-n of the- diffeýr- cnit circles vere en .Itértaýined at 1a1 i 1uffétlnceon iday of last, Seck 1w their t'resideit, Nr Lor in A. Bover, in her home at. 1216 ;\shIlànid avenue,. Trhe board consistq*,of, in additior: iu j S president., Mrs. H. A. David- soit, tirtvc-pruidet t; Mrs. H.E (oiseconid vice-president; Ms Slî . R oberts, third vice- prcsidenit, NI rs. Cial1e ,MI Brooks, fourth vice- preusidetit; MNrs. \V. F. Ayer, record- mng secretary ; Mrs. \V. A. Dtirgiin. (uentreasuirer, NM r s. Henry H~as.nan -hou se chairnian; Mý 1r. Fraîîk jf. Scheidcnhlm, lowr 1îi S\ 1(,a afl d reccuj)1tonto *e fi tr: w iii be givenii b the- guild Fn.- cld '\ dtturiooii, Se',ptember 24, at 2,:3(, (),dock, at the homne of Mrs. E. j XI l amh 127 Chestnuit avenuüe. 'Mise_ 'i r1viic Blurgettu is to plaýthie vio. flh vmt1h Miss Helen BDuker accoin- pai ' vilg lher at the pianio; during thfe it;i-id recuptionl. Thcev are sýtudentji1 -il ieN\orthwvestcrii univer.sity schoo' ~. Discuss Thank Offering at Luncheon for Leaders Mrs. Burt Allait Croive 0f 23- Raleigh road, Kenilworth, gavec luncheon: Wediiesday for the s i, united Thaànk 'Offering custodiail'. and the presidets of the six guiild. of the .Church of the Holv ConIforter. in Kenjlworth. It was stated i.n ith il-t, .11eeting. which followved the Ilunchi eon that there are oxîly two we' and Mr. and 'd of. tiiere tflrougith te tTeilanoah fl aiIe arr iving eventually in Florida whiertu they wi.ll spend the winter.- Thiir grandson, Billy Kerr. of Jackson, Mich., who lias been on a -six weeks' trip tt' Californiia, spent last.week-end wt i granidparcints whilé mi his way ho(me.

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