Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 34

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by Tuesday Doon THE CON,,STITtJT( In conn ection wîhdeosrac tl te 15tth auîiYersar)y ol.the sig! Constitution,, the United' States Ses, coinîniss.*On, established by joint resc C'ongress of the United qiate,, issuei ing statement of the' effects of that Muenti pointing out its beriefits ani a so- fully and coficisely covers -the su i s commended to the attention of reai 'We the People of the United Sta tt; forni, a more perfect Union, estai itîsure domnestic.tranquillity,. provide 11101 defense,ý*promote the general .ecure the blessings 'of Iiberty to ouirs * posterity, do ordain andi establish t tion of the United States of Amecrîca. W"\ith the above preamble Amnr m xeut was planned and establishled 15 'On September 17 of this ycar m-e 150th anniversary of the siging of eution, that document under which hli inost perfect civilization ever creat tJnder the Constitution there lias t better living, more of the coniforts oi life, for more. people thanan he wol.Under the Constit~ution thier àt land of opportunity, draving ruillin ý WILL BE IMISSED 1. uch materl l'The closýiing of a long esý,talîslîed and1( prutenl- b. in time for ten ihne)tte rlepalrtnîeîît Store which has Coni- istentlv offerti erlinseof the Ihetten quItali- t :es, giv ves rise tt t: questioin.wether. a ct T11ty sncb as.41thiis cati afford to let i t s narts,. f itrade Ilic ùÇtr Iack of that tonp['or{ to l tiî'nitrrtvîxxtifH thev are eîîtitîedl. i niing of theclar 1î9rttnatc is the loss to tht. ;quicenitelnn. iai Village of a: store whiéli had' always heen coi-. litioni of thc ilitcturý-l on a lîigh cttical plane and eendeavored, ýd the folloiw- tt ireidelr toi ils pat roi a ortii.1.a, ittut tgreat, docu- srvet.hat is ptissible o(nly xvben i ersotial ac- Ldvanitages. It quinttalîce is a, factor. Coupled with depetîdable ll)ject ,that it finerchatidise this contintied policy shotuld. have Lders brotight to its do(-ors a iaja larger proportion ..of itl- ates, i ti ortier. i tîe!itial business -tha i it actuialî'i ýruceivet]. Lblis jusice. It f mlii People' use(1 the stoire as acoerut for ue Stn 'urtce froni -whlich to 'qecurËetîots ric ~tir- xxlarad îtly Ntt-ded,:,and tmade imore inîportatit pur- elves and moir du, 'ses e'ehr.its absence iwilI rm, dount. bi, his Cons titiu- iiited witli regret on i4.tutre occasions wh0etx S()nt(, Thene are otlîtr >tores vhiich eau 1w preservued Lcas gvc'ii- the conîmînîliit v If vi11ago-rs il give thuiîîa 50 vuars ago. etrnusrutf't>< r.Te hîlhaxi. obhserve tii-e the Consti- as growii tle td bv ituai )een crearvul anîd tîxtîrju ru eIsc in l isof p"l )tiur Streets are not paved with , gold, as>' nîanv of those who came to otir shioresb'ivd but tdure has existed and does exist today goIdvIî opqîotunity andeliberty for one and A. -\Vlîat -hîas been the foundation of the vast 1rotîrcs of Amîerica in tlhe short space of 150 .%mcans? \hat lies at thie bottoni of our v'a,. op- Sortuitities? Hom- is it that weu have hujît gret iîdutries that pav lIhe ligliest 'agés iSi tue or aritd '.\ ere men %vxorlk shorter hours liaiî cisv- whe l<11w is it tlîat w'e have tlî.e world's higliest livùingtandards? W'hy do mnore peoî îe cvît thîcir * * la -ruîîîpving the nîglît of ctîzenlshtp of anly ciass irgroup, * : Tiiese are but a few of the protections wlîichî the Conistitution guaraixtees to every Aineuricat îhîrough a goverrumént of three ifldeIpe ndent parts - the Legislative, headed by the Cotîgress , the. .1 xecutive, headed hy.the, President; the, Jt.diciary, IMPORTANT DATES ' upt einbur 27 * o l d . f e S a r e t, i (lt h Iicb t-\verv '\v'W 1 er %vo ter lititiltil "l;'ttu MnIli' mat- 'et 1) . aux clt:îicu lit, ightovrt k ttu . I i tleseare 11w dfa. 'o apa rt b\. (tît ditCI;als ~rtt1 rîxî.îo ~sr atiu tfx t o tî -'ÎiI te ýt. (1;11("sîd . t I( !ag, [t tcmu u i ,s< ic te; ]'litd , t11. Îic 01-cisî>î ttîb.turîîa u fiic'dîa~ itttl i Il îrec Ïiî Miiiblu tIutlt ,anid thu i" iittit f rwsraiu~ill co]tititc an effective I t crer aalîit y suicb at tvnIIpt' Ii l-i-ll fut-ure. Pr)i. Charles Sharp, an Elgin (111) philanthro- piSi, lias opetled a school, 'its objective being to ii.ake life attractive to pensons over 70. Eligible are«men aidwornen of ail races, créeds anid colons. Thiat is real plîilanthroipy. \Viar s il C W. sdtî is .Ail communicatil *î.itofl Must bear necessaraly for pml n1liait each the 'c the current imse. Practically every country nowhas 'some individ- uial who thinks that he is the greatest thing that ever hiappened, and that'he has beeti appointed to lead the world to the "more abundant lf. Sclotîrîvs.seholdays! T1if« PHf,%NOMRi,;,IORTî-u< publi- 'Mis Aiieicam' inner of Atlantic City's an- inia convst umrinine pulchritude, reniotirced all rew.\ardts-of lier victory. Somlethiîîg wrong with that girl, ent holngh s he be plîysicalfly pertect., i'hat pèrsoral pri tîerty schednh you1 just re- 1i xd îav gie ;1u apainii i bu îîeck, but jt ust the' saine. it nhtîst bc properly ee:cud al ru- tutied tlt the Township nsesrîot latert an Sep enbr 22. Séptemnber, remnember "Wh ln c ü a. uto give Y011cease ttc' have.--- stnch i: thl aw ni 1love." Fortuniately tiýtis unwrit- tullwdoes îo siplt lat, what one gives s -a u l'of great intrinsic v-alüe; indeed, it niay bc. xorth veryv littlle uindollars andi cent s, while flbu service it perforns on.. the nedit fIsnay rtierut ipriceIeSs. On this -score ineinhers of \V'iltne-tté's Village. o(ffie.ial family xnn'd11 have ru- ud gùernus compensation for an act tf kindI- rîspunfiwriwe< last week. A girl. prej>ariflg to ulour Y T rietr Iigh li 1 1x .uwi> 3 Jl tuiles t rou thiat institution, Ibat] no>invans ,of trainspIt)ùtaýtioii. \ith cornmen dabMe ambhit ion afid grit he tletertniiinedto enroli, eunt hîogh she nughîlIlt buve,to w alk to and frmi ncI As:n la(- Credîted charitable organization isut anappeal riï)r a bicycle. but without resu1I lt. ieniatter. wýýv G;r, tigîît t() theu attention of jndi \ jîlial a ut bonitits bK ani iiture,ýted v\illagcr, anid (,ilîrd h \'iilg stuidunt rceuive( 'ila xcln ixcea lt(tt lier transportatiot >r llui.I ' thu miltiî ont f."thie la«' 'of Ilove" ýt tnulu John IL.Lewis of the oclorifero us (XC.- squaxvký that lie was do(-uble-rrossed in last xtaselt2ction. Aind .1,1hntthught lie vas the onu v1o waý lp- Tue îtertai n v f l fe's te nu ru i umpI1a i,crI m the iîtcPIe1ît oÀ the Chcag crIl hîo\"sIllut]e \ln Ia)lv a Iiece of .glass d. w: d 'i lic, *t~ ~ ' tsn o viîdow %vahovxC.lier a> ît w îlut ,the Street. "Solive,et. A unix crsity protesso)r savs t1lat xx bat al', tItis 1 îîtr tlî'tttherc ;are ton nîlanvY r.il up I,,isIH e ~e t S tate Io11l xnîV of t1eimi eiiut i nurstît'ed in ùiiiversýitic<s. g.

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