Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 32

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Frzendsýbips need- notý*. be. lost. even when. friends move to other cities because it -Is 110w so .easyr, 50 i.nexpen- s'eand so completely satis- factoryto keep i h to uch wi th them by te:lq>honc! An out-of- town Call is a special com- pliment to your frîends, becau-se it shows you are thinLing of them and want to hear their voices. Aficr 7 P.M. each night and all day Sunday it costs 0111Y 35c to telephione about ioo: -would like to cali tonight? *These are Ptight and Srnulay siation-to-station ratex. Daytime: rats are higkçr. Illi nois The $170.000 1buildi 1ng, shomi above, which 'is'izo-z being erecfed on thé, iQroUflds of the' North Short'coiu Day> sehool is ecausing ànuch iiterest aamong architeets. -and school administra fors, for it is h'rrtbulîHoif io be erected in. this pdrt o!flueh country. Il was designed cod gt uinost mode da s sen in Eurote and part icularly in S71t.cin.w, schools arc coitted amiong thé best in Elirope ýand whosc architects -have uwi out.toiiding succXÇss 1, y d<pt'ý1ii~ zd' inteiasibilding construcltýo i bt"" u.çe f0 which the buiilinix ,.to.1be P-0. In moderm education philosophy the child and his, needs 'have becomie the center of the school, Methods and techniiques ar'e adaed~ to the child rather than forcing himi into a fixed pattern or procedure. Built Around Pupils Functional architecture is thtcrefore ideally adapted to the modern progres- sive school, for it derives its fomni frein the ijweds and functioning of the persunis who are to use the building. It allows the architect to design a buildiîig around the- pupil, rather than. to force the pupil to use a .building conforining. to rules, embodies the principles of modern. du- cation and the "Child Centered SchoOL." To House Lower SchooI The 'new building at the North Shore Country Day school is to house the en- tire I.ower school of 6 grades and kn-, dergarten. It was designied in a uinique way.. Eachi teacher wvas. asked to 1Ws the essential needs of lier group of chil- dren. Then these were. pQoled by a com- mittee of the faculty. into a floot' plan Teaching Proble mi Claimn N. C. E. Students' Interest Students àt the National Coll'ege of Education are mnost interested ini study courses< designed to help themi solve specific educational probleins wheni they emerge from college quaI- ified to teachi, is. the conclusion of faculty merrbers who have just coin- pleted the registration of a record numnber of students for the 52idl acadeniic year at the college. Among the popular courses with l; the vouing womuen, who have, cone. riculurn", which 1.5 concerned witn the reading and liteture interests o-f children and' their readiig disabilities, "Foods"; "Individual Problemns in Art"; and Improvements in Acade- * mxc Achievemnent", a course planned to show the prospective teachers how to help children make progress in- * their school *work. The last of the studenits were reg- istered for classes Tuesday. Septem- bgýèr 14,. and classes hegani the I Christian Science Churçses. "Subtanc" was the subl:ect o.th,. lcsso-seron luail hurcli& o Christ, Scientist, 0on Sunday,Se textnher 12. The golden* tuxt was, "Thinc, ( Lord, is the greatue-ss. and the powur afid the glory, and the vi-tury, aii the majesty" (lst Chronicles 29:11 .Aniong the citations wliich coin prised the lesson-sernion wta> 01 followinLy froni tie BRible :'l" nw aoeth it, that men snouio icfru eror( him. That wvich hath becti is nw anld that which i.ý to he hafi alr(-advN been; and Ciod re-uirefh tI'-it wic is past" (Ecclesiastes 3 :14, 15ý. Theý lesson-sermnon also), inchîdc the -'followiing.,pasçaueéç from t1î( Christian Science texthook "Scieýnet and Health ii' Ke-v Ilthe Srp titres," hy Mary Baker Eddy: "ýThing, cuiritnal and etrrni1 ;re cFi),tantial Things material at'! temporal arc in- sub)stanitial." (p. 335u. pupils will bc in rneîr roorns. uesides inI UIC IluI tur tthe ucIIool. this there are specially 'designed rooms. This building. conipletes the physical for such activities as art, music,. shop; plant of the school which the directors general science, domnestic science, rest planned over 15 years ago and toward roorns, small group roonis and an audi- which they have been steadily building.t toriun. The I ighting of the coat rooms There are now 16 acres of playing s and corridors, is augrnented- by the use field and grourids ýand eight,- buildings." BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIQN Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Schlangen of 535 Warwick. road, Kenilworth, eni- tertaîned fifteen couples at a buffet supper at their home lil itior of Nfr.. Schilanigen'sbirtliday..

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