'4111)wno hav.e work for boy, ai A ý,ir1s (if high school age to conuni,1 retai catc with the school. I ast' Decetnber, at the beginning relat ofthef expanded prograni, 110 tu de nt,~ applied for work throuigh 111t., placement Wi rcau, a nl d t)f the.se 48 u wr given part t i I: .1) s. and1P, f ou ild prl. Botlh regular a: il d1 art-tun work .,is :hfal- d1lcd b--. th(-bit- r eau, '.\r. \Vr- at. 07Wrw avenuie. ,Itigiai \t, s .~ta ]iblcln ict*asst t1lu d 1'<'I-pes(n i d s ýteuni. with alilprol>- 'iii tI stuleît witliraw l t goto to tu"t thê abilitius of stuidunt 'o (lit -furunt hues >of uponuu * u ( ~ i 'îwuîal aptitiluett t t uerubant, anid othur pr-ospu - te uxnlo ý\urci-,:1ltli ovrshij * Hrnuh pri îiui data 'to'p ..ut1 *n >I xcrs auuul t jufrllish it1wudu "AND RMBESR# 1 CIRIl rn' UALIT1 Oe EVIERY POUND" Offer. Scholarships ,& -- -il d~-'1 1 r lé tICu son. tucago at the opening~ utilýseon Monday, October 4. A~plication,, for the auditions cap i te Made iînxnediatet.ly through the. club, office in - thu Lyon and llealv .Vtildinig, an)d auditions vill be ld Monday anid Wednesday evening, September 27 and '29, in the Kimibal buildinug studio oF dgar A. Nelson. director of1 the club. Tihe concert season, open inwltil Handel's "MeIssiah" Mfonday, Dec- iber 27; will close the Monday i lioly Week, At»il 11, withi the firt Ob Butter lias to he mighty fie for the U. S. Departmerit of Agriculture to certify its quality. Yon can count on the extra goodness of Àrmour's new Cloverbloom Butter ... there's a U. S. Certificate ini every pound. hidren, Ralph, Nancy, and Bill, ar-.1 -ivcd horne last week from Eagle Ri\ver. \Vis., where they spent eiglht weeks tisý -summer. Mrs. Léon Ellis and son, .1'o)Iby, were with them mnost. (À thu >ummer, Mr. 'Starrett and Mr. Eli j<tIiiue their fainillies for week-ends. S.« S. Vern -on 615<