"The ,hores of Lake Michigan anul o the ùr la kus.and ( streams ini the r,- gion of Chicai-o côcnstitute olle of the principal î rOblemi,ý. hoth . înurîici- pala( private, that.public officiais, anid private owners have to dea] i vtb. \Vhcthcr it be a prtivate dôickor sca-1 wxall or a small lake Qr river, or whether it le :the protec-tion- of La ke M.ichig ait sfore agzainsi erosý,on, iti al legallprobleun, a 1construciilon problein aud ofte.pn is ote favinq blo Io w ith recreation XXu belieVC that the prograîn s so weIl roundu<I and of snlch iîtuýrest to municipal of- flcials and lrivate, water fron t prof Ortv gjwners iliat ail of IVOI paris' of' tle 1r<granu viimtt rarILL.isti L ctiurcti. Miss Phvllis Engel of, Maywood and Allaiî Ross of 1oomington were guests. 1The .1938 reunion of the class wi11 be huld at the home of Aninamarige and J'ulia' 84)(z, 919 Forest' avenue, the Tuesday illto\%ing Labr Iay next year. The He.1arvcy w as prese,'nt fôr the re- 110100, lie î iltowîninister of. the Park Ni t1~dis Ep~coîa1churéh of Illoox)n- VfLt [0. ILI GOES TO DEPAUW williatiiBarnii. -sou l ' NI r. anid M rs,fi1arr% H\vdc F arnumn, 5312 ak stret. iîîîctk, kt Siinday -for, 1Grvcncastfie, Toc., where lui.w1]] eniter I hPaîuxtvw universît v Tfor lhi, ireshmnan Ycar, 1uvîîîg Ibeuii raduiatcd binJ unle LOW AS $39 NEW INERSPRING MATTRESSES I -FROM $ ' ,J N.22 R NIEW STOR-Shirmon Ave..;i V2 Blocks ýSouth of Davis St... Evausi Katharine L1.ord's Studio Becgns Classes 'Mondayý Katharinc . 1 lsstùudio , 614 1)a\ i: NI>'îda. uî tcî.ur20. 'lhle çI~~il v titue grîupsfor adtits, high scIIO >1)tu tbi iî~ y ~unerchîireni, anid hegimer>~ ]uiniîg ~~ur .:'ng ac olig * Jot.tur v. nterioxdeortinor dc>ra- t-aiid applîed dsigçiln, iiFridav af- tei ~>v Iliec wil]l)be ail invitali n'11 n>îcdabilitY. (i UKE THE ii0 TRE4T~g~4~ _ ~k E ~ DEALEs-w If you are court.@usly - you'II find thot ho ACE MOTORS, 435 Main St. SCHNEIDER & WILLIAMS, 447 N. Mai St Ji I 740 12th St. Diam nd Watchez and SILVERWARE îusi, louR JOS. F. KUSS 004 Eitn Strqkef Wimnotka 3671 m a a 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 a 1 ,