50 and Il Gc 'j scf, o f .Jilinu'Ite c<a- sistani.Sco,; .cctv of ?he North Yhlorc . Iri- ounia nd dirccioïr of ( <!I~ .ItiI~i-j<i- I~CW.look lup Iis d'ïîi(tïc-h ix 'Ik strflicy~ I<s k lskÀla Y 1 Sou 1 r'c 11i/. ictl iih 11/<rCr i ?l clh. 20 Years Ago in Wilmette September 20, 1917 zations o l anthe N"ew T rier villagcs. 'lIlle nililar 'v grotip wàs under coin-l illand of Robert D)unshiec, assiste(I 1) Y 1orris l_. Greeley, Jr.. 'J'le Public service Compalnv ( Northierin Illinois prupared to bilid its \Vihinette plant. ']Ile \Wilnettc N Me 1',;club ar-ý raxiged a series of special programns for the cnsuing season, iiider direc- lion of its president, Hope Thompson. Memnbers of the commnittee mwere st1uIÇy proIteis affecting thec nortni shore, from Evanston to Highlaid Park. The prevalence of rabies amtong riorth shore dogs was reported.. 50 years in Chicago ...Il years. in Evanston. THE HUB from a small begiiniig las grown to one of, the largest institutions* of its kind. Today The- Hub is truly oneof America's great clothing stores.' And today The HuItbin Ev'anston'brings to your door conmprehensive selections of apparel for the whole family. Dependable qualitv mnerchanidise always styled right, made right aiid priced right. Typicul Values for Those z-knicker suits in sport back, double- breasted .model. Knickers of course in Plus-4 miodel. Fali shades. Sizes, .to 16.$ *9" 20 year old men like The Hub's "rough" weave cheviots in double-breast- Mi MEN'S SH-OP ý Orrington at Churc~h Open Tues., Thurs..A3d Sat. Evenings WOMEN'S SHOP- Sherman at Churdè - Open SaturdAy Evenings