) sjt Celebrating Our FIRST '0 RIDAY uith a thrillingi 3 -AY SL (c ( ( v ( ( ( Both slpover zind coat st3 es 111 dark Fafl eolor) s w ,eII as inlfanlts' p;astel shades. Styles, for boys'and girls in) size'stu6X Ail barid .ewn and finislied Nvith ttucte of i- Sclipol l h(1ô)odoiMsad q; sta)n cfo,r 1. 'flic s, Î<1 s îîo / OPE'N HISTOR Y 0F MUSIC SERIES , 'hu rt tic 'fi te (C ckiiC lirustituIl tu Fruda, gave NMi-, Piigu tprtfiyfor -Vo-r MMiIUsalh attt r acting, andliher <raiiatic ai ttîxui îgp<rtrayal \\va> wýidulypritiud. Il \ aiii striking con.- tracsit te rduh. i \t iii in Shakv- shu liatI pLiaýu Iat\trlx 't.i111 vestv.arlv in the.. >mimît. \ Ir.t Mi, m 1ag nid hic.r x it .ic ard ald nietallic. aiiîd, \\ithi the. tac,-ut cun'Ce tefeoiii.hlî',éces i hr 4 l (Carlson 8'ldgJ ithr Ms T h( ias. r tii.' s pc id lier \viiturs litre. and lis a home iii ntaliiti sre vll,'ltk DAVi5 1228 / Rd ()ak wlcru hur daughter aiffd grand- Ti Ilt . nîtt.rt Muik > rirconcert EA TN- ~daughtcr 30111 hçr (iuriiig th siiînîcir.tkeîlcathti alatS Mýr. jlaR)N- nîtore jot to rjicet. tllell- trcet arid kake Sho(re drive', Chicago, cncerts %~ ~ .- .. - - aliticame home )(ýwitlî his fainll\v. \1 sa eei!.Setnhr22 t8(lcagoý 'lick ut.,,fojr the eîîtirc scrie. (it and lectures and for individlial arc IlOW 01n Sale at 313 Easit avenue, Chicago. 1 t1.' Ail Our Beautif u'tI n ltd~Sp i , 11ft1rii ifu(i! day q ron/'s. *IfJto LAYETTE NEEDS iCli / 1 si/'t. 15%h OFF Ruth Page ScoresI An oppo-rtunitý- to sa'.e o ur Success in Drarna u l1ietetl a*s îll S for giftFsii .. iI Eyverythiflg from îîecessities sut% au sHirts, {iapers, pads, rubber jMAi Ruth Pagu (i nr .Thune, IL. sheets fo the ;wYonlemt blaket or' I. iclwr uf If ubbarj d,t~ i , Ct tnC11ud(c frillih.t - ~îltare- sbarply re- 7wèk Ii*1r *t\1( < CvtùrtQsvCcI- * t * I 'j-