Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 18

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9 :15 a. m--Flrvt qer%-Ice. 9 :10 a. m-SundaY achool and jünior Bible c1nssqeq. 10 a. tn.-'.e;n!nr and adult fBible class. * Il a. n.-Second ~rke *7 :4-5 p. r.-Preparatory service for Holy Commuriinn. 8 p., m.-Monnthilv evening service, with HIoly 'Communion. Socni.lrce.lodt~y 1 p. mi., wifth Mrs. Wm.WIs.2'9TilOfWo vnt. Spnior W,-lthifr a-n.F'rida-y. Rp. m Frlptdshln cirrIA, Fr1drv.. 8 p. m... W'ith Mfrs. E. E.. Meyeri 607) Ridge avé., Evan- Mton. C4ildren*.q (1hristinn edurpqt .1(n clagqes Saturday, 9 ?30 a, n.; Wedfesday, 4 p. M. M art ha 'uild. for gilrls emploved in Dorth, shore homes, next ThUrsday, 3 P. nm. Next . u day R11,y ay will be oh- served ln the SiIndnry schnniol nd Bible * classes, ami(l hrisýtien rEucation Day In the il 'lc evc.Forthie lattpr *the order of service W.111 include- the Preude-ýAndi ntç' soRtenuto . ... Warneýr Itot"Rgfi ,temus Art 'Thou. O flord", ...........................boiê Mrs. Piilipine Rohrmqn Offert r~i~.n 11 (d.... ý.... Tor1i5ý-sqn The Sermon-'Chrst ,tnd the ('h ild" ..................\atthew ~1 Postlud -.-othie March.......... D!cks On nd'evnn, at 8 o'cloc'k. rnonthly even1nz servicn.s wil]! h Bumned. This timoe Holy Communion wtll b. cele-brated. In rnnec,(tion with the servine, the preprarv soýrv*ice h'--n- ninz at 7:45. 'Annonm,Pmfent5 wHl h reeiv,,ed at the pairsonag'e on Friday from 1 to 8p. m. ng4l-zze ol. rial chur'.ni, on o"putrnuer 24 a 10 Visitors are welcome. lc. Arrange with Mrs. B. C. Davi- A cordial invitation is extended, to'or.Wltt195 ail who are flot members elsewhere to Annu-i district meeting of the Womn- ~ome and .,vrship withi us. This Is a -ans F'oreic-n Missionary -;oci(,ty o n U'nion Church. It n meber.-hip ineludes Se-ptem-ber 28 at Rogers- Pa.rk Nfeth()d-ý people of varlous denominations. It pro- Ist chureh. Call Mrs. Lundin, Wilmette diaims the esqenial truths 'of the Chris- 2462, for reservations. ,fan' religion. It désires to providefr thecormpnit te srvie f wrsip, The aninuâl Conference will conVene rell ious'eduaàt ion and social. fellowsehip. at Rocékford. on October 5. Anyone ha'.- rt welcomes th.e cooperatinn ot ail peo- in&g vouchers to be turned In is asked ple of gnod will who wish Io. promote to gijve themi to the Minister. or. the the * %elfare .of the neikhborhood, the church secretary at an,,early date. relization, f effective methods of phil- inthropy and thp, extension of the Chris-: The Wesleyan Service Guild will ohld tian message througho)ut. the world. Its first meeting on Tuesday evenlng, Septernber 21, at the home ofMs.L K., ilîson, 1.0e)Forest avenue.Thss ]iletÎhodist ('Izurch to be a "p)ot-luck.' supper at É6 :30 ocok Ail youn<-iwornen întefested -are, cordial- Wil1mettp avenue nt Lake.avenue ly invited. Rev. Amos Tfiornburg, minister = of Rei PhIl( * me young people of college and post- collegre age are Invýited to meet at the home o?,the pastor, Sunc.hy evennlg at :?,0o'clock to consider the oriranizatiOn of a group for wînter activjities. Trhe Centennil Missionary couneil --vill meet Wednesday eveninoe at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Keller, 820 GCreen- w'ood avenue. A devotional service *111 be a part of. the meé-ting. Others are invited to meet with us. The Clrace Truair Eager Memnorlal organ wifl le dedlcated, in a, spe ciai dedicatory service on Frlday evenfing ai. 8 ly'ciock.' Frank R.« Eager of Ann Arbor,, the donor of tiie organ, will nu 1Ing the study of on, that Interestlng rof History. We The orni g w o shî ser 'ice will he ' V il e tte li a t:s ~ ' ii r spô d dnar N elson, M us1. rD ., The neýminz wOr-hip erv . e wll e Wimete. ablst. o.f Chicago will be. the: gueSt organist held Sundav- morninz at il1 o'clock. Alil Wilmette and Fore.qt' avenue' for the dedicator3' progran,. assist d 'mvncnsare invite(]-to share in Rev. GeorgeD. Allison, pastor by Miss Erma- Rounds,,tié otrgànist of the entire service which> begîns with thetechr.Atnr ootwiias The prolial e It l10 :45 o()'clnck. . The> hi, event for our boy,; and girls assist on the. prograni. ie p .ublic Is Tesealmusic for the service next thi11s week is :the Stunday >sehool pienlc cordially iInvited t') this service. ~"ndy w1 h as ollws:on Saturday .fternoon at Washington Org;an (10:45):r n'rk. A fine pr1a a 3enp~prd udy eptpmb)er 26, will be Rally "Hero?4itite Pie(e ... ..... Franck PBy the comnnittee, John i3ailey, Herman Day in tthe chureh and Sunday scho.oi. "Rosce-(Rose Wlidow) .. .'Tiiet Ttçnezpeter, Rrý" 'Blaylock, ,etrtude a nd itf l hoped ithat teve1-> niofibér will Intoi; "heMarie Briel * Dean and Barbara Oilàr. There are be present. At this service the chancel Intoi: "heLord is in Hîs Holy igames for aIl ages, with sultable priies, furniture, the, gift o)f Spoke No. 12, of *T"-mpie"..........Harrington and ice cream after our plcnic suppers. the w0matisý society, wili be dedicated. Antfiem: "T( rn Ye Even to M.\e".Harker Parents are urged to come along. Offertory SOI-Seleeted O)n Sunida, O (ctoher 3, this. church Orr-n Postlude: -"Westminster Tomnorrow, (Friday) Is Phllanthropy wil lere OnUifl simultaneous- Cme"....... ............. Vierne Day at the Womin's club. Our ladies îy with~ ail theý Presbyterian churchee 'iare requested to assist, espéce(ially as the in this Counitry and foýruign countries., The church school resumed Its sessions .work Is for the i3aptIst Chiidren's Home This wl osiueapraotically con- kist *Sunélav morning at 9:30 o'clock.. at MNfawood. Come at 10 :3 0 a. m. i f tnou obsr.nd *oudtewr Nowenolments mayý be made at any possible. in the Course of twtentY fou or,(n tue itishoped that b> .next Sund-iy ~eic h rd~.i~flo~io ail former students will be I n their Dr. Allison Is preaching ai, the Peoria PreshyI)t rian Clu î'stians, of v'Yrc piaces' and many new ones will be Baptist q-ssociation, mneetig in Toulon,I and clirne. Th, Pxrsbyterv.in (hrh added, to the rol, III., on Friday afternoon and evening. active in Christian wo.rk in ~\4'f on ,~~ b -.. He wili returni n ie for the outitigftrits. New .membtrs il ob, eVd *Moh"day evenintr, at go'ciock, another, class for' the instruction of aduits for church.memrberslhîp vill he orgapized ln the pas,ýtor's; stucly. Informai lectures, aI- lowing timne for qulestinsý and dlscus'4lon. wlll be given on the chief parts o? Cfiris- tian doctrine eve-ry Mna'until Deceýni- ber. Attendance, at these lectures inctirs ndo obligationi. Textbooks supplied. If your child 1,s not àttending a Sun- day school, next Sundaiy's ralîy day ii be an excellent tne fur enrolling rour much enthusiasm. - t is expected that folowed bythe frstesson of teneW the' attendance wili be doubled very series in each class. Howard Berg will soon. Ail 4igl school students are be son-, leader. There are mnyý neW cordlally invited. teachers, and a goodly number of new pupils is expected. Josep)h D. Dingle is Theta Upsiloni Rho, for young Peo- chairman of our. Religlous Education pie above high school age, also started bioard. Frank Guthridge is in charge of out in fine, shape and wa as well at- seniors, Mrs. C. H. Jones,. 0f juniior,, tended as the High* Schiool group. WVal- M,%rs. Patul Keller of thé priniary and lace Mitchell is tthe presideýnt of tlîis M.\iss Gertrude Dean of big!nners. New-à group. A ivelcomne ilexetended to ail comiers are' lnvIted(. young. peolIe ab9ve tdgh schooi age. T-he Aduit class, of which Charles V. *The -Chorus choir will mieet for re- Clark is p)resident, is looking for\vard hear-sal toniglit (Thursday) at 8 o'clock to sone interesting discussions o? live in the Junior room, under the direction questions. Several univer,-itv nrofessorsI John (.Hiyliy iniste-r 'hutrch sho............:3 .n BegLinnïers' ... .............. 10 0 'a. mi Morning Wnshi..............la u P. 'M. Kappa IPi Pi.......... 3P. 'I MJr. Hiniy -ýwiil preachl on -Froni Rofe.shrnntTo Labor" Sunday nmortninig music:- Organ Preludo-Traditionai Mlody ............igan Soio-"O0, Suviour Hear .e. Gluck Carmnan Learn. sololst Offertoire solo-"Now Fleav'n In Fullest f3lory Shone,"................. Haydn ,:rký potld,-ie"Herppque Religilus ............. Narhifi - *** ~will be as foliows; prelude, "Barca SOIO - The bord's Prayer. ....Currart The .Fiftlî division will meet Tuesday,i Rachrnaninoft'; solo, -How 3eý (Miss Rickman) SetVn tfZ.t, Kt 1lu 0o cOC.a 4ti IlukIe UPOli the -Mountain", Harker, rheSudayseoolwli metat ~ of Mrs. E. A. Wegner, 421 'lmwood I tw ovely Are Thy Dwei Thee udare classs fr ildrmenetween9-45. i.~**LiddIe, Eclward Otis, soloist; poî Thee-ar clsss or hidrn btwen"Marche R'ius" ounod. thUe. ages of the high schoQi and kinder- The Sixth division ivili meet Tuesday, IErma RoUnds is director. garten. The echool is dlvlded into threeSeexe 1 t1o'ocatteom Sudychowil et departments: Primary -department, n etme .,a Uo'loi tte-hm T-In-na sholwl in i 1, 5epembr 2, at the home of airÉ. ýnk C. Huffman, for an al14day meet- .Luncheon willl be served at 11 ock. The assistlng hostasses, are, 3Roland Anderson, Mrg. V. L. ýwn, Mrs, David Anderson;. (Coigtinued on Page 51) i .4

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