Trim ........... a OrQC Linden O re s t Beauty Shop, 426 L:tnded Ave., Wilmefte, Pkô'ne WiimetfÀ44S45 coue now- - Try It yoursef ItCA vicTrof A4FONATic TUNINOJ Now- on disp1ay at general chairman. Mrs. Kalpth E t.oét- el, G!encôe, district director also an.- nounces a series of Rounid Tables under the. leadership of prominient Parent-ý Teacher leaders.' Legisfation, paren t .ducation, health, music, art, and home- mnaking are some of the subjects, which will be discussed. "'t iir~ VACATION IS ENDED) Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. '[ravis, 1328 WVashington avenue, andtheir two sons, 1'Uobert and Louis, returned from- their suimner home at Greetn Lake, Mich., a w'eek ago today ([h ursdav). '[hey hadI r!wen.'there for the, mQnth of August. Louis and Robert returned to school this "~eand Mr. '[raviswhs com- é)etl rcvered from a long lns: lias returned to his business. iles Dr. and NMrs. Adolpheu, RE. Bertl'ig. j T' Ctrs>iu;st tptIùsil k I/w ."urd01ieAiitatio;it turned from a trip abroad. Thiev werfe - o "lway for three :months, touring. 11) Powered at ehafkiwt, the new above, but studenits are expuctud ituriîk France, Switzerland, Italv-, Auistria, instrument wjili>e used hv the stuident., welW up in their studiesý and to lx, iîït(cnî Il1ungary, and Germany. in the radio d'Uh and mi the new radio (m a c-areer ini electril îliîtrw --0- mirse under the supcrvision- of J. Ray- radio work before they ti.I E. J. McIlraith, Jr., 1 127 Chestîitt*1101]( Smith of the school facui'ty. --_ _ -- - avenue, Ieft early this week for the' T'le set i., des.crihed as one of the hest Ur: and Mr.s. D. W. Rapp d 4w Tome school, near Baltinmore, Mdl. Th~sis oSesSedl by a bigh Sehool anlywhere Par avenue arecniotorirctg okck d %VîIl be his first year at the Park. i tecuty' 1. hswekedwt herdultr 'ndividual Instruction ln Dtiriiig the stimier school sessli)nll r ',wîîo v1lI e a spu r t M U ~collipleted last Agsa course m lo.p- i -Rfkordï IeQethcxero ~n~more ciass ai ricDburg. a Ps meet flou's S <)i to FINE CHEESE t? .1