lI'ndays past .when à Young fellow be.. came, dissatisfied around home, he lit oui' for the west-lhe frontier. As à resuit, -the, older 'communjtbes, drained. of theie darng' and erterprising blood. Slowed jjp, became conservative, end harbored more old maids.> Googra'phical. frantiers. have long sinçe goie. Ther. are fia mord Indians ta fight. But fhere are today greater, moire promis- ing frontiers.--of a mental nature,, Entérprsing, aggressive people today* Piàheèr' new channels ai- thougkt And 'hat great opportunities those who do tijis find ail ab<ut 'berml su kp Let us treat your haàir, scalp and complexion for sun and wndburni! wilmette beauty Shop 1137 Central Ave.-2nd Floor j Vliss fi'X'qcta rcck v.ill Ih' atssç#- ciated îcitii Miss 1 lic i ira tti>11,01-11 sihore th'a lier- ..(;ocf i i 'y i, Miis si,- son,, a ccordinçi lu o rd omi rccrt'ivctd fr-oint I iss I>rat, ?Ilo is tizk in te East, Nm t ' the ivdrth shore, Ists Beck, Sdescribed as a vivjd îîersuuîna;itý whojs( oem interpretation of the dance is lue2 no 1esýto lier rare ability than to .îer superb training a't the lierlin ig mnar schooI. Froni instruct< r and solo- .st ini the Denlishawn and the Humphirey- \Vcçinman. schuols, to preiniiere danseuse, nthu Mtropujitan opera and B3eatrr'c L111lieS musical production of "Ai i<>nrc AIruad(," titis talentud artist 1-S amiliar \vith ery phase of thu danlce. i M 's L îhn indenan «ho was1 cýoncert tour tbiroUli theceast. fier ()Ur Wiill)robi)1y iakýcMiss Linideman, abroad. Miss Alicia Pratt, 'of 903 UAni street Winn1, a Is ectd to retuti Sep- -ceiiber 22 f romn a vaçation >at Northeat clamoor, , in .\e\W îork%'City, aiid at lbe Lakc Pîacid club. In Octoiber- she will resuinc lier dancing classes at thic inietka ,onian's club. themnsclves cani kîow. lFor EbUrope is ini disquietude and in , fear. It is moraliy wèak. 'The dictatorships arei 0o11Y evidences of the inicapacity 0f people to thinkl and to act for thiier-. s.,CIs.Evcrvthiig Seemns dedicated to pniiitary giory and' to milItar3 <le- fense. Ini ItalY the parýadles of sx vear-oid chiidrcni drcssed inI>i acký. .soidier uniform s and carrving tiny. iode'ls of rifles. is not particularly pleasant evidien lce of the state of Inid of tomorrowv. lu Roumania the, qnipl- ment' of the soldier deprives ftie farmer and the city. dwelcr'.of mnarrv necessities. Eveti the littie counrives l.ik-e Czechoslovakia and* Austýria arc so,«i armed anîd fortified that Nvar 1 tension doës irot escape the; nîlinls] oif th.e people. Monev for Armaments *I n the, city of \Vilnia, ini Poland, there is a shrineý at the spot wviire the hecart of -MNarshal Pilsudski is- btrried. As we vvalked *-up thic road iaigto ftic shrine, a companiori reiiiarkel to nie thaï t . vn'as 'a încw tiîorouighfare and bulit especially to- r-eccive Visitors to this now famotrsý .rraý,e. When 1 comi1mented iupon tue \Vretclic(l paving of tihe road leading. .îo the lnatioii's miost.revered l hro, my conipiori asked me what I expcted m civýic and national improvemients, whnSixty-_five2 per cenit and lir -f thec counitrv's budget wvas duvo' n ýu ais and arniarliets,ý" Asked if lus observations jujstiiedý ilhe opinion prevalent ini America ihat IEurope is on the Verge9 of %var, Rai) Su ria rplied:111 Sees War Inevitable "XVrIllIllul-rebe \war in Euroýpe? I. dIo not sec how it can be avoided evetualy.The ainount of propgania and hatred Sown intire varlous lands' !s uri1beliivabiy great. Fascist go\,- erutîients like 1taly anrd Gcrmlany arc tnlaily oppo1)rtuniistiîc al( i..IIvillIluse alry (levice to boîstcrý their powver and t gain support.,. \11ti"sell iti, whiçh serves little practical. purpose ini Gerrnanv todav because flc Je\%ish people are eliminated fromn every ph.ase of national life is ulseful to) the Nazis as a «capon in Roumnania, in Poland and ini Austria. Even Italy, ognizcs this asse plans toÀ contro sudi centers a,, tle port of liaifa ie J'IAviv. the ir~talJeihcilini the world, , il aitiflil and( flou.rishirig area of t vo lhun d i-le tiiousanid in habitanIIts , inigliing t 1 Ifirres.t of ELuropean -culit re with t li riches (if fticOrienýt»ý Want to Live In Peace Asked about thé Arab) problim hi Paestine and thé contcmipiated par- t it ionô of théeIainl,. Rabbi Shimriai stateinert '\Vhiat about the Aral) problem iirii Palestine? What about the contenli- piatcd ipartition of the.'ianîd ?. Europ)e- an iiipc-rialism ias foutid its con- flicts, in tlte Near East also. 1Itaiv1. pyrol)a.,a.ida has stirrc<l discotclilî amiong A\ral) and fanired tiîeir rebelliotis spirit. The inandatôry respionsilbiiity, of Fland lias noý hec(*n Vell fulfiiled. InsteadI of nmaini- taininig or-der in fillc countr.v. ('Izrca, l3ritain, xoliowel a poiicv riot uinliký its preselTit attittîde iil rpenaf- fairs. -iti'terctiult titat the Arab- wvere encouraged to believe tlîat tbe\,, coid gain their extremne ends and d( maldîs bv ilene 'lire côIIcIusIo)Iý of the Briîisliî Royal cm iso e hardly Ii iconisonianlceWiththe c: (lslsbly their inivesiiga,,tidn.i W]uit 'evur lippn Paie.stiineL, the J(,%" - atId t1e Arabs nnilive t 1e , ýcihîr. Tirey sitare a coririon taiý 'arid (lest mv, anîd liîa i nglandlîie tîtenI to t1lsunetaîng ar u disturbancC of. tlirerecent past \wou1h nlot have occirred. Iliila worid t sliil xtremies as titis, prcseltt vil is, il is uîesadbethat. pIropa1- glanda and terroisnî sh1ould catuse ri cideunts of the kind ruportcd III Pa', esýtIi c. Btbidthie tcnion art<. tlic dtrbne necnfinid thu e < sire of Jews atidArb to livu anc to labor iii peace. ,Thie iirrhabitan, o.,t the country would. giadiy wcleconîi suchi a boon. ..As Suqrp)1rising. as it na liev to those distant fromîine. iere is ample roorti foi. both î>opiu- to dwell there in-. i)rosperity a il satetv." R'abbi Shlinan i s p)repairitig series of. lecturc,-sermons to bu du- *Therefore, yoti cannot be too fui in the selection of the drug store i whieh to have prescriptioms filled. -This la the twenty-seventh of ýa series of Editorial Advertisements appearing in ' 'this paper .eâch week. (Copyright) ul niian lite. il is in- itcheil and caugfter, Lois,w-ill Spiring to behold the fruits of their present a program of. piano duets.. a acconiplislhmenlts. iBy superhunman effort' they have trauîsformed barreni, Miss Marian Cox, daughiter of Mr. Irocky. ground irîto farms . nd orange and Mrs. Benjamini Cox, 1116,Elmwoocl jgroves. They have given distinctive avenue, left on Monday to, enter classe> art, architecture an>d culture to the at De Patiw universityi,Greencastle. lid.