430 Linden Wi. 3240 iggest Market Volues for' Thurs., Fr1.& ot t e eLB. Pork Loinl Loin or rib end-3-Ib. avera .-ge 13c LB. 2É7c ROASTI KG Cnicukens Fancy dry picled-31/2- to 5-lb. avg. L. 3 c I ~j carnival of the Chicago Girls' Fiiîn Donis Langle iLicgMs clu!b at Curtiss-Reynolds airpo'rt next bel Sherman of Dak, Park, Ml Rn, Stunday will' not only demonstrate Haupt' of Berwvii, Miss Adela Adc- the progress mnade by their sex in 'mic of Ccro, M.\iss Frances Anidersor,. acronatitics, but will fuï-nish breatIr- of ChIicago,' Miss El,,eanior Donaè'lk taking thrills as contestants in a of Chicago,Mr.Jî ivrIli varicty of ýeyents Ïncluding spe.ed bard Woods, Mis uev Kraft of j"trials, parachute jumps,, stunting, re- anstori, 'Miss Jane RýaN of Cliicago las' races, .g eds.c i bornib dropping.da tcl n is'Helen Cnlton of Chicago. !aniding and other air featur-es. seats ýwilI be aVailable, for 'moirt Governor HenryHorner, la: :(of- than ' 20,000. Amnpl.e parking- space' j' fered onie of the chief troplies anidavaa a o tmbles.Bus ser%,. hopes 10 be present npro ieiexi b providIc eîcn i' 1 sent il to, the utri.ïinal at Demp;ýtur trect ami il.ý 1Winner. Captain airnort. Ed Ward V. Rick- 'lie meet is tnot for 'Profit a Ild b enbacker, world in(.iiial admissioni fce xii hJu11 warace, has ac-7 lurY expenses and aniv surpltr-; wil. 1 e vi- ( t ) t-o ronote chlb a'tvti~ tation to officiate >t,11 d. as referee. Otiier noted f-vers wil A WAI TS 'LICENSE also act as i il arold ,Clark of(À \7ilinetîu v,\;,- scheuledto make bsfnlfizi r ~~ been p~jaratory to receiigisriaui' ben"donatedb: cnthswk.i v aT'îi i ~ ___ Lawrenice Pot,- at theçCrtýs fid.. foey, cliairrnan il0 Jane Meyer the Illinois 'A 'P TAESPTSFO RD niautical. commnis- arôlPTSFOdRD sion). Niauxv cups and prizes are to HrodNoves (f ike o bc axvarded to the wiuners.' weekund charteruld a piîu froil)i' Give 'Away Planes North Suburbal A viation conllipan An airpiane is to be given 'awvay a- and flew to his farm .at Hocllanc(, a feature of the meet. It is nlow on)t rizbcl r. o 'exhibition in thu ,Iio,,room- of Gilnn Besides Mr. and Mfrs. Noyeýs in th( -E, Holmnes, incc-.rporated, at 30 WU~ lxsae plane wure seven!i li Lake, street, Chicago. ' OCiPI't Iuv were the u~ i M1any of these listed to, conxpete i>uilad xî<v Mis Mame cnntt.112S \Wal ington boulevard, Oak Park, holds the world's speed' record for light Iplanes estabiished in Tulsa, Okla., in 1935. She learnied to ly in Sani Frei,- cisco in 1928 and xvas thie frsýt wu in that cîty to Mobain a piYAt s iceniw as "xxell as ýthe flrst w'onani i tlw couutrv to bc awarded a glUdur%'s cerise. Twso of the entrants, Mliss Doclt Ring of 1253 Lela'nd avcnp-,~ Clii N 8 ed numiber of stu.dentq a]Io ts i NflWhel to vidual attention ta the spelal ds of e hchîi. Transportation Telephone WINNETKA.1180 I\Mrs. Emma Spraguè, 1036 Hibbard I <oad, Wi'niette, president eý)f the girls* j-iub, .will n#ot only direct the carni-. val, 'but ivili be among the .contest. j'-its. Miss Spraguè was a wiriner in j lie Rod.Ai-O"last year. drnwqlit tWo bo vs dou'n cas!. Richard Johnson, ()33 Elinwood ave- mue, went7 to Lafayette, Ind., iast week ior his sophomore year at Purdue uni- ý4'ersity. Smoked Colis Smoked Butts Boneless. A roui coDIl wather *frea lb. 3'7C Hazel Wieners 1kne~ b.3 1 c Large Bologna îd9 b.2 bc Haiel Loaf. lb. 29c he-eanîd NMar ari ..r shd Ne Braunschweiger Liver Sausage lb. 35c l