imore than.i 200 men,. and witl ieari v 10 0 prizes to he'awarded, the featuirc evenit of the occasion will be a l>asc- bail gaine betwueen teams represett iîng the. east andj west* sidu resident.ý -i the vîIlge. Tlc t rophNIv for :this gaine has beeii dlouai ed h -the Kenilivorth. club). LoUIs 1 ). Joiws. .325 Riclitond road, is cal>- tain -of tue east. sîderýs, and Jaies 1Ji ¶.rîowIev. 717 Roger ave nue, i15 wCt Egg Throwing <tlîvr evenits of the afternooîî wîl î;iclîîde lio-rse shoe ýpitcinpg and eg'ý t lîr'OwYit>. In thé. latter ýcontest -alonv 12 prizcs ~v >endonatcd.> 'llie -day wvîl 1egin at noon .ail( vilcontitne for theè next 12 houirs with. diuner. at 8 o'clock. Folowiîwl, théi ditii er tliereliwilI he the awardintm <) jrize.s aulla.: uliflul)r of gen erýI' Arthîur ,\W. Hurgmaln, 714 Rogt ivnu,;kgeer chairmnan. fl- tIi> day, and Neiu À>heingassited hy tlic co4nl4it t(ee chairinen and co- eliairinen: Charles A. Crane. Arthur H-. Wtl hetn; Jr.. \Villard T. Girimmii, WilIarx N.Schotmick, 1). Blighi Grasset. J. W Roddick, lmuer L. Nygaard, Rober' U*. Townlev, Hurhert B3. Tayl-or, Joh- 1-1 I.w~<n, r., \\Vilbrt J: Chapmai D~ug~ S CroksMrs. William i1 T v rad N r>. ('aroline lswrh It's Lad and Lassie Toloff- Photo! H !ildebrand, instri4elor, in bioîovyot Ncv, 7Trier Townsh iP I ;h uschool, and.iiotid ectiireé.a;id trv'eP sstid a7way s0ddnly of, bi onte ut hFz'nstiln on Swnda V. TIricr faJui/v sivce 1009-. FIREPL4CE, ýD on't .elay * .Cal! our atr a ined mec/ianic. AIR EMBLES S picesfor oply. $1 41adup- Set. includ e,;andirons, fire screeni,4shovel,. &nd poker brwih. Attractive in desigt, and sur- )r gl ow in price Screens, Baskefs, Brooms, Andirons: and Trools; lnstalling -Re>airing -Cleaning FURtNACS-PIPES aànd D0ILERS SASBESTOS PIPE & BOILER COVERING CONDITIOING - -RETING, -VENITILA Suekoif Family Finds Days Busy with Trips Miss Rose Helen Suekoif 819 Clîestillt street,,camie home 1ast week froin H1avanla, cuba'- wher.e she was lie bousuguest of Miss Mary Clar 11 1 \Vcst for. eleven week-s. Miss Su e koff will return thu end of the montl 'No-rtlh Sh ore Co iiiit rv club .todav (Thursd;1 wiîh1m avarietv of. aFtivi- ticssc dmle for thé uewesl pof thu clubý Faci wîi~mi niler. according to an ic titeenîeîi it Oft'lie event, "i-, to ni- vite a uîiale..zolf jyir1tir w~ho inust fot be lier hSbmîd hu mist sign aà!l âlie d a 1I o a(Il tlie thmngs that the Inaut ulinarilv, <mes at the club.', .\ctivitiesý of the dav and evetîing inchiu a lillncheon g'olf ini the after- tîoon. diier amid dancnin ithe, month,. spent la w7eek aU home betoreQ leavingp for New York, %vhere slue wi!l be for a motith. -Mfrs. Louis SuIe!koff has bcit spending the. eked with hier sister at her suminer homem at Mlichiaina siores, Imd. VISITS CANADIAN CAMP Nilrs. H-Ictry Drucker, 1125 Mohawk roa(l, speit a wc at Camp Owakonze ini Canada, before b ler son, Bill. home ih .hr last week-end. Bob for boys. FaIl hats for women, too, are in great derratud just at this tine. Mariaxi Krenmer, chairman Note:. Pconomy Shop Is an enter- prise of thie Women's club. of Wil- mette, ~NT 9fAp -NOT 011 tves your ha jr soui týuslrous, ollurina, ! J.- ell 1 -l'ne BI G complete STANDARD SERVICE STATION LAND IN NO MAN'S 71 eC] jof . lote-S