Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 8

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atell days' fishing and uligtpsen in XVisconsin, a short distance frorn the 35c Illinois border.. SUPERFLUIDUS HAIR REMOVEDI r, PERMAMENTLY LC L.L.WILMITT IWizabeth De Bourge CON PICTIONSRT lectrologist Excluaivell/ tf'r-o 5 S& by Appontment JLst W'est o! Bank Hm. 316, tlnhn 1349. Ph. Uni. 2444 ____________________________ 1j8 Orrngton Ave. Evanston KATHARINE ,,LORD'S,,STDUDIO1 INFORMAL. CLASSES iN ART FOR AD!JLTS AND CHILDREN An early registration is suqgted-as oi1y a limýited nuwtber &fi ew students can bc"enrollcd. Phone Creerileaf 1035. 614 Davis Stree D. PAGLJRULO-Jeee ExvpertiClock Repairing Montie Cla-ks,ç Electric CIocks, Gr'andfol'her's Clocks Ail Work Guaranteed. Reasoiabl P r i ccs. FVork C4iIed for ond D)elUbered Phone '. .1166 Wilttiette Ave. FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS' Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 a.m. SEPTEMIBER 19, 1937 Subject: MATTER- READING ROOM-z i 3,, Central Aenue Openi Dally (except Wedntrday> ) 9A. NM. to 6 P. M. Wedrnesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 PK M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9.PM I wood aven ,ue, entertained the ment- bers of the Past Cominanders' cli.ib of Wilmnette Post No. 46,,Amtericait Legioit, at his: homne Friday cvening, in honor of Dr. W. IV. Hawkins,' (above) who leaves titis 7iionth lwith. li is family for tijeir neu, home aIt ~Dinic Box e*, Austin, Texas. * Bc- sides the gucst of liooîr a<d tht' i,'oSt, lte floig~eesof thc~ c/i,. icre present: David C. Lcacb, Satw alwg Ill, Hjar(Ad O. Mohir, George E. .ea -1rid D. J. L. Walthier. Mie twO reiantll- mig nienbrs, Lea J. Orr amnd Car[ A Peterson, were out of towil. l'ie hours were devoted tu cari h. aidi conversation , and refrûsietîIýs %% re Formier Wilmette Girl Sets Her Wedding Day jMiss lune iMargaret Sorscn, iwho livud niu Wilinettc, àt 129 Pra-ýirie ave- n1ue, until abotut fur yuarH's ago, ht >1we Itoe> o I IgilandPark, lias selecte( \Vudchiscla3,Septuber 22, as tlîe date of lber narriagc to R"ich- arl W.Corr, son of Mrs. 'O-sel)l A.i j arr of iHighland. ar.'l huxeddimîg is t o tdcc l«pacèe that mîorning, l C. l:CIft. Jr-., -,tcrearN. of the: First EdrlSavings *and ioan Asso- ciat i( , 1, 4 \ilinet te, with of)Ifices ait 1126 Cenltral aivenue, amnteesct- the inaugura- tioin on. Octo)ber 1, 11)37, of a niev, rwnîthl > avùîgs plat). Mir. Cliftutî expiali thait tiider thi,5 îî~ lnthe niiularu to save- a Ztated atil unîlt, whicl' înav bc 50 cents aî ilu ntti r more, .ti tlthe total arnotînt ~aviincltiditig earnin-gs .ce<npounded nliii-a1iîtilwàly, is equal to 100 tinies tht: a ic ',tint ot the ti0tthly Saviîîgs,; For. e,ý .djllie itaté(l, if Jùlhn Dle sav-es $1 pur- mn mî eagrees to. enutiirue saving, ai* tisnsrte umtil bis total SavingS, pluls vrng e(jttalS- $100. At iliat time- hé rcul ei% a i addcýitîîonaî h1 -i 'n ) f ý Per cent.. An account totaling -$100 ud he p)aid tif) in about 7 vears ai-the 'rate (j t1 4l ier ntmuutb, and the: bonus ,W011rl arn' tint to about $2.50. Ainount Jh Option al 111(l*rmîunthlv saviflgs cati bc 1 lit anyu the saie cýrail(, (f bonuls t<' nonth] sa v- ings ',%ould hold true. suc a: 1 0 pe 111(inth wQuld reelvea boi)ýJ)ut oabou)ti $25; and $25 Per inonth u'drce- abomîits of $62.50. IbIis ,plan, Mr. Clijtito * aul dîfr, fronm i'the oent: iii w lu eby d' 'ulIing thu (Aouîtofthe, monthly pavîniett, ru- *lucing the period (J saviîîg 'about otie-ý hif, and reduicimng the bontu'. orie-haif, The Iblan now used iS a svngot i peuriid oi 154 inonths, with a bonu >i, 1 1pur cent at the end of the per-id. 1;,0) ,avings pl)ans ,are now atvailable n v l * u'ntimu to bc used. !, aiioiiit can be saved at anv iu..kî smSin multiples oi $1P0 na b n vuslted il. the.asso(ciatin aand thé in.- vuesorr nay Chber reccivu tite earé1ng-ý in cash semnuallvý, or have iîhern a'> cnmtm1ilate to Iis,, credit. .\ll tyl-les î.i, àavillgs and îvsnimtacotîmîs recui\ e tAie cu.rre'nt divàidvmî rate of 4 î'er nt, Eîîîî1~isv, place.d IWM r.,l * 'H ht 1> unintta i' Ae~rle etr I1S~ Cernerai 'Avqrnu. Jams ' Brien,' D i c k McGurk, Charles Kribbis, Jim Guinan, Hamr Marten, and Donald Kline, A grad-. uates of St. Francis Xaxier. schooI, are .'eaving sooni for their freshinan year at Campion Preparatory acadeny. Prairie di,' Chien, MXVIS;:

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