la li c ed t aitta ic~4al 'SS a t a Iniiehoon huld Mnday. last ycar this cl1ttt :t thc pace I-w ovur-. sulbscribillg its quota.Shsrpin alreatly teportud indicate a growiiig iinture'st. Lt is a(dcd thatvilgr arc tnot ptily .mirc rcady to sûbscribe, Inut art.- îbore gciîwroujS in their, pludes.The.coltnitce illillet.* agaî ie'ala,ýdV. Its personnel Coli-, ',ist, Ot tuditfollowing: John P. BaIl- m Ti, T J. Çarrncv, Charles H. Feit- mari, flayes NcNiimniey, S. E. lce- iani, Ilcirv-Y J. B3ranidt, Lymnan Drake, Butrt J. Leîîan; Henry Folr Eluier 1).Ltckcr, llarry C.ý Kimuie, flnomàs, MNl< ldng, Stà,'cr .YI ouldiing, E, A, . Ziiinnurian1,1, S.. C. Wardt-n. George H. Reýdding, 1D. R. Riclicr 1-ra c R.\g. C. Rola Smithi, lIarrv B. J olhiteîiand E. R. Htîdier- New.Sp*rit In Drive The aîwe'givenh y \V'illmette cîtizenls te la.5t VeaS qUeStioni, Shal Chugt ;a' a lias puta tne\ývýpîr1t ilt illu ( ilili't, Ch 1. e-digc ai- 1 Glrsi. S aron,1221Grcî Ont t i <l;i ,prcs deili ni the Cen- t n L an ~~<r.,îf 1'aiî'rassocia- ftu i/be ïli char ,i- fliirst Parents, ,'.iqhi of flthe ea .chool ýveaI-ta )ch cld.inifi </ iiIt*n fr i- yh o S 7iit(.i-ee iù~S' fnhr21,hqiinnt f oS a i, miid c'<'Oi eh1 rf' tnfip+s' IS.vII nin-(q~lî Bmlgt muitue bilîfSix Legionnaires wulI p artifipîîg prgaliomî -2t PtFrom JJilrnette to thý 1), dc1 I11 A ttend Convention hudgut nilltà * ieuhr r 1> ilct Post, N o. 46, of tili ' mIow \ mIc rk a n L eglo n , I e \wel-I ep 1 u()rge I \' c (Ieddi i, hairillil iîî n. ted at thle National c ux-en tiolî , 'harles IL FelmnawiT.. S. M(ldn' futtlît, Atierican Legion to bc lield1 -FedŽrCk . lr eClyde \W. l--i tekiiinex'YorkCtv hardt, D)r. ry B. 1). Idier, Jrwin 1 Porter, M rs. Ilarry iiqpdext. UrCs j g Leal, t he first of thilcalt ca-t ton -next ~x'çei-~. S.mei1tlegN01 cz» Our Vitamin Stock Is Pure, Fresh NAVITOL CAPSULES, 10'm.........7 IHLVR&ViOStEROL, 10011L.....$3.?9 SQUISRB Ci. L. O.,912-....................790 AB D CAPSULES,-'z5............... $5.67 ..........,................. SPECIAL FOR- 50e Dr. M'est Tooth Brus h 9 &O Ù o, otýPode-.... Boh a9 e f j- Çit hvierfmnenihert., wo will Catholic Men. Will ril G.Dilcse \Vinîetepost, along \\1111J> tlier Honor Father Keenan posts in tlhe7th- *11 1)1,wll 1t 'F-lic HilxNatîîe societ v of St. fc ial ly -U dsl.tcN F 1?th an t.c "Fatlier Kéenuan Dav' party at Tch iinuetka, deteugate frein Hýj ie ditrict niy.Fiulds golf. course in N'orthibrool<wic nc-dite otîsore and We'dncsday, Septenîiber 22. -Tiiere a Poi-t ion of Chicago's north side. wIll be a rotîn1d of golf followed b-a PEACHES CR ABAPPLES APPLES a. flbiprta, Freestone Fancy Quality Best Eating Jonathains bushel $ 1*4 9' as, low as -bü-hel $1.49 as . ow as ta Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gatherco-l of 1536 \,aplé avenue and thecir two sons, Bill and -Don, are home fromn a two weeks' vacation spent in Sturge.on Bay, Wsand Rocklfor(l, 111.