TAYLOR 7s 19 .W ilmette Ave., Wilmette 1914 A tosty mael7 Chop Suey, qt,,4 5c Tue. pt. of RICE-Serves Three TAI1..L EE cHOP-sucy 627 Green Bay lad. wiI. 5455 Open. eveningsuntil .ilP.M. Step Out in a n AIR.LIGHT. STET.S:oIN Your, best bet in .'tween séason style is ýa Stetsori AIR IGHT.. vear t briini doVvn alid ifs the lighitest$ STETSON iade.»............$5 IJICNS TO4-G The WIlm.tte Store for Men ý1.64 WILMETTE AVENUE, WILMETTE 2435 q lrWILIGM-T MISE TE N RomAN'Tic $4OUJ 'FOR LOES- mP FIREPLACE FIXTURES For those chilly fait evenings you wiIl warit to enjoy that cheery fireplace N-e are showing an titiusually complete Varieîv of Firepiace Fixturesý. HQUSEWARES We have arranged a whole section oft fi ne st luIi a~ gasolmne coupon book wxth à valuie of $10. Entrancé *was effected i)y breaking a window in a wasl: r«ooxnl. On Nioniday Rogers Park- police arre.sted Robert Hlogan. 7451 .-reenwood avenue ' Chicago, and- in .earchiîig his roorn found the coupon book, ownership of which was traced' 10 Mr. Stiles. Hogan will be broughit here Friday for preIiîninary. examina- t ion. Con gregation to Observe Succoth Festival S ept. 26 'Ili(Northi Short .u i ..rgto I >rael, (;lenc0ç, xvii ho >14it , a 1 n1 Succoh sericei1i('i11 the adilli aIld children j oin, S rnv ornlInk Septenber 26, at i YukThu Coli '~eraîoncerclnonv forinaliv iinditt, ilig iiexv p12ils , into tuel eîg , çsehool wilI he a part of t1 Iu (,rvic(, * n that ,da. Furtiier rlctýt1 A ll' l v ;Ilie a il uitdlater. In a iiood vix'idIy diffurvivt Ilroll]t th Soicrnnilv of the b-Iig i 'ovdaY pcrio(' iit elîded ew bogiue for ht alredvi Thé Home of h la> bciê nanied Gay Francus. .Nfrs. Slrois. the furniur Sylvia Stoerk. dauighter f.. and Mirs.. At.g Stoerk, 330 Central aveniu ' , and r.Sleiois the son of Mr. aiid "Mrs. F . :Sale.rn<> of 501 I.ak.e avtiue. ibn -National Safely Council i