Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 5

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rent Contr That, despite public excitemient ill the city. over the d Eelay lit the openiing of schools hecause of on effidenfi ic:of1i1- fatîtile aralysis, Wilrnette s chol* wl hegin on scliedule' next Monday mon- fîng, it was in(clicated this week by ýDr. Martin H. Seifert, health-commissioner., Onily Une local instance of the -disease bas, beenl reported to the authorities, Dr.. Seifert added, - ind that was a case Df ait adült vho vas, stricken ai- nost îniedîatel :n returul froni a were no local con- tact in this case.to permit the , spread )f .conitagion'. denîlogyiidicates that epidenncs are casier to control Dr. M. H. Seifert with ,ëliools opcn than closed it wvas CxpIlie(ly thc hlealth commtiissionier. \Vitli schools open, cildren inay ' be examined dalil, and mnlny, ho . nit contract the disease on the streets Nvill be ,pared Mien conistant ispectionis are iiiade(. 'l'lie-c sasuli trund (il the disease, dur- - ng' the secondl and. succeeding weeks )f Septeniber, Dr. Seifert added, wIll - - lower. - I-n -Kenilwýorth, where lnu- cases -have benrepurtud, Dr. Howard A. Orvis, hucaI th cumi ssioxier, declared that, . un-- d (er îeetplans, the Joseph Sears school \Wo-l(I open - on sdhedule.. next Aukiliary Officers* Will Be Installed 'fle-li anluatistallation of officers of the Woman's auxiliary- of Peter J. Htjerter Post No. 669 Amnerican Legion, -will. take place Friday, eveniing, Setem- L. Yoiung, a aiI tmly( atlen(1 the second anntu finnily held Auig. 29.- brothers aýi(l farnilies <I inier' an(l suipper serw W'oo(led Arnico Park.- i ne . ii Dneezes )auay mringJ 1I1, ".AflXL%%i %OIJL October 9, at 10:30 ini Rudoiph Matz A total. of more than 1,500 bankers hall of Winnetka- Community House will attend the annual faîl meeting of This series is planned especially for children, between the ages of 4 and 1% the twelve groutps of the Inos Bank- the aim being to'provide programs par- ârs association, to ticularly enjoyable to boys and girls of. be held iii as, many tl'is age, other. than motition pictures. cities of the state The schedule of entertainment as set *etween Sept emfber forth by the program committee, Mrs. 1 and -29, it was Glenn Coulter, chairman,. promises, al, announced Monday. délightful season, of varied attractions, F DwyAdr including a magician, a ýcircus,: childreni's Ç res ,n o plays, etc.sopéiet f ,Season tickets at a.niiinium :price Wilmette- S t a t e will be available'within- a week. at the bank,, chairinan, of office.of Community Houise, or nmay be th e. association's oltained froni memnbers of the Children' -cornn ittee> on. ed- I-four committee. ucation and. public relations, is among. .Ask Police Guard.for F. D. AderSOn those who vvill dis- U.&U. Photo cuss, banking prob- Bike hampinshipRace. lemns.- He will address - a meeting> at The police deliartiet-t lias been \Vheaton on September 16, and u n- reqtiested t6o provide a guiar'l for other at Kankakee on the 17th. Both vartici1pants in a bicy'cle race. Iroin adrese will trea~t of education and "Milwatikee o Chicago, which will public relations. taei piace îîext uîua iniorination is thiat the race vvill l)e ini four divi- sions,.itie first to reach \Vilmlettc at 3 :10 p).ini., the otlTers followinig at fifteen minute intervals. Thie route throughi the village will 1w over Greeni B3a, road. NEW RESIDENTS" Mrs. Fred A. Levien aid lier ter, I)orothiv, camie to the villagre. ulgli- (cral rnrtls ago, is connected wî.tn-thie NainlTelephonecompany Tlie J. P. Reiîîholds, foremirly of 721 Prairie ave- nue, have m]Oved to Nýiles Center. Compliment Citizen for Aid in Safety Movement Upon the suggestion- of 'Police Chief -\McGuiire. the Village board sent a letter of appreciation to Frank J. Buckland, 600 Linden avenue, for his çooperation in triniring hedze and ni theI etod IIeIiU miployed Vy th1e police in inivestiçyating the accident and analyzing the conditions. 'and volun- teered to do his bit by trimming. Village Beaches Will Close This Week; 136,000 Attend in Wilmette Vinflt MEE ýther,. Elmier , aeUCLI-U11AI -~ V~- [el, Ellyn, to cotuld swim the lengthi of the outer nion of thé hf e line, a distance of 700 feet. A M .îîd hier five cloth material fisli, made to be placed* led a picniic on the. swimiming suit, was presented the niatural to a- numiber of children for lesser (Continuedon Page 10a)', E.... Pages 46 ta 51 Personal property tax schedule blanks for 1937, mailed by ToWnship Asgessor H. S. Marshall, are being received- by taxpayersthis week. - Mr. Marshall uîrges that every person re- ceivinga schedule, w,%hether he owns taxable personal property or mnot. fil it out and return it to him. This, he, asserts will, be a great help to him iin completing the tax roll, and in ad- dition will ýbe- an appreciated service. to the.,varions5 taxing bodies of the' township.* Mr. Marshall received the -books on August 26. ýAccording to notices accompanying the. schedules the 'final datefor filing the return has been set by the c ounty assessor as September 22, and between that date and Septem- ber 27, a period of -fiveé days,.he miust deliver the tax rol to the office of Couintv LA ssessor john S. Clark, where. the latter states.- the final as- sessment will be comiileted. May Cause Confu-sion *The above information may fore- cast a repetition of the hurry, con- fusion, irritation of taxpayers and inequitable assessments attendant *upon 1936 personal property tax rol thronghi ch anges made without notice in the Chicago office, and in the minds of maiiv conversant vvith the Prob- le-ms of local taxing bodies, rnay add to rather than lessen their difficulties. procediure with Cunty. Assessor ,Clark insuring a closer cooperation be- tween his office and that of the town- ship- assessor has borne sorne fruit. and is also pointed to as indicative of the desires of New Trier taxpayers to pay their jnst share -of taxes on a- uniformn basis of valuation. Must,- Go Downtown -It will be- remnembered that the- New Trier Towvnship board miade an ap- n)rnnriatmn sufficient to enable As-- - -Anticipate Difficuties ,- S Whîleunder- this nmethod the,-local *assessor will be- unable to -pass upvon. aniy assessmnent- in' his office. it is - likely, that he cari assist taxPayers by * (Continued on, Page,9) - tr ent

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