and thie first grandson of Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Krier of Wilmette. RETURN FROM EAST' \ir. i dd rs. .R.R Marquîarclt. 21K W odblln ne, NOIlospenit tlue .înoî)tlb of -\tlust on thei Gaspé penin stila ini Canada, munt< red through New York, Neur' Hampshire, Mainec, and sevéral o >ther. eastern- statês before returnling home Mtonday of last: week. . Mar- quardt reported that. they were well pleased with the roads and travelinig conditionis. N.r. and lrs. Jack Potter and their daughter, Betty Jo, of M.,inneapolis'speit, I abor Day week-end. as the guests of Mr. anid M.\r. Wlia Baihatchet, 725 1w, will be an eàrly-startiing scasoii for the Grey and Green campaigniers,. a gaine with Gary at the latter's field startingi the fireworks -on Saturday; Sep- temnber 18, just a littie more t han a week. away. Contestls with Riverside and Proviso follow ini that order, both of thexu beiîig held at.tlic oppolien-ts',grid. There are, a lot of possibilitîes tied up ini the'squad this faîl, midi a good deal more than. the usual weight. In fact ' as- head. Coacti Walter Aschenhacih ' put it, therc. are about eight mine iii.tlhe guard anid tacklc lpo(sitionis whose abilities are su nearlv c.ual. that it vwoul(l he foolish t() atteînpt tu pick the sarters a t this tînwit." ,Jih Sel, Diie IIowcèli Lecte. Keefer. l)îck Ogilvie, Jiim Olinl, one can get such everyday inspira- tion they ask. They have proved that youth is no drawback*to attainment and success." Following the composition of bit numbers. for "Hideaway Girl," "ýCbanw bagne Waltz "" Cellege HI-Iday," and other productions, they have jiUst comnpileted*."Smarty" for Bing Crosby'S .pict.ure, '.Double or Nothing" and-:"It Was AliW Fun" for '"Good Night Ladies."' *On. a rush, a "It was Ail in, is, the themesoi is sung by Johni Lane began -w was _14 and at J iarrv Seifert, and Billi .\1cNitt sceni to to, the Remie] 1)C t(.ac-e atilgitetwo B e fore, h e . vas« lealilLt he acles alhoulihe Mr. and 'Mrs, Walter C. Gibbs, Jr. tacklc s)t iuay st l ewon toios ubrso a *t~ll e 1w lmost1 1 Vi1îette avenereturîîed \to il ubrso a anhd. ette Iast Simday after spending two and other ou Lost to Teani -.ees with M.Gbs aet nEm stage 'productioî l lcufl Mear, and GirkI'rzc fil; \-uîl STOPc i h I ~iarv u lithu ah)r iii thc lli i Itt lic 'ý no10WcoiivalesSiiO P lii.,*,Iital fr n a a 2111c ii. It î, (.i tat lie %\Ill he Iost to thie teain fr ct lea;it liaif the cliedulc, li f ît for REPLACE W ITF thu mIl~uar. tssignMent they wrote Eun" 'in one night. It ng of the picture and, ny Dow.ns., wtiting songs wheni he 15 wasý under contract k -publishing 'bouse. 16 bie had'writte.n bit rl, Carroll's "Vanities" atstanding -Broadway )ns. I Iu,,* «1009'Davi à St.--Evanstoni EVANSTON PHONE: GreenIeaif 2300, WINNETKA PHlONEI: Winnetke, 1777 Free Roating Survey-No ObIIgatlon* .4#Ve service the entire North Shore trom Evaniston -to Lake> Forest" ,k. B. ALLEN, P. M. DOEPEL, FUEL WASTE H CRANE FOR DEPENDABILITY nia. proinise. I )ick Sîuhiitt. v Sclacihel, FA oths (I!il<i Id a luohn ll*înîpsori aru looked p' î as. tll bet îr spccts f< r (iS.ý 'ieisa litil lcs iii cul >e s- hcting thu hacktfieI<l.1I)ick Wagneýr tops thuni aI at fuil back, aidud b1w Ted I\i.A rigu SiNercliii.ini, McFalzea jJi Po1> well, and (A o) i ,ogan iiare al ( xIrieîwced umen, and wiHI furihi iîty co! sJeed and siins.MF(za a lb 't as yet reportecl for practice: lie bias: beéen away.fromn the north shore.Pud~ Wif ho «t Obligation DAVIS FIJRNITURE 721 Main St. Uni. 7210 Nae .................................................. .4ddress............................. ................... ......................................... The.Si ýorrow from ;sics when