t!c einhg ii thelcrccreauittotiîùl.< 'Juei fait prograin of the -roup iii- cinde nîay iîîiovai<>i1, ailng thcua jicvw f- ur-point ".socialatii' rirn, a j ljct which lias rcc art eIIl wicrest of yt tilg pcople fruin cua,t t'. co ast. ie cliairitianii f tlii ,I) ro('-rainti I iiite!r K ing. . 'fl cji l pa îrt 'rait . iii . der t the dnc -\NIiiitit< hiî (bli, lias iîeeiigrt.'atl\v etîlarged ti atId i ijiwliidle several parties, a pia. t * ane.and seýveral Iit' a fluetou'nr- Iffces tl ii c var îîcide\allace NIîtcIleii. pre>ideîît 1i1isi tJun C' ' i îî~ seereav \ rînan, b r* ir 'r' g rîiîcliirnan i î.~.Nli i(ir(il Far- mur. niIiilterlîîi l iitcr Kinî.g, trea- uir aî N rlki an tQ. ua jj; inîg. Ile iaii pro graniî are ramît-i Col tlins, Eari eni.À 11r1 \eeîiau \\iliaiaîîl'l %iî 1v': W~- \iiliaîiN <.amît %l i_', île tlu attui( lid am '>r 1a1 iiiuC11ll1-. tt 111e grot 'np.it xwà iî> ucc.N etim \Ir. iii fT&:r pi2 'raii iai ur ' ii Idul . ()1,7 1 ' 1ld ul ii à.i' n lv irv ul t 'ccrudîti, 1 ti i l m a \s < cî'ît r i st t m \ i r . i i IlriCtu raniier <ith Mr. ructd etn urît i ii i ala eu <rt wtit' ýCvllCut 't Crtii iii hie SIri wltl ir. 'ctti. ad NIiss geCtîburîîis aý ttiiclier aithe .\iexnder He su ' 'iiM SKETCH IN WEST Ni ss iîervSuc Orr. 22 ttduii a~ eîînç, cm lit uie a>t week tr' ni thlw \\Ust xwl re she hlad h l)eiifut al nî(,lttiîî Nu.. rr îîttrd t<t 11111icitv-. S. P)., aul ttiiuîligit ranîch, , (td. tt;vi lier fatIiei-. Carev Orr. , trurit 1 wo' 1 'sagt: Nuýs5Orr anîdlirahr >(-\- k secraI ske-tcliiiiîg trip, dnriîîg ilîir me.«S Wilmet. and Central Cali Wilmette 400 lu 1901 the* ii at the left didn't think he looked "fuiinv" ini his 3-button -hotcli lapel suit. 'But note thedifference in the 3-button "IJniversity7" mo.del sketched below1 from our j new fail stocks. 50 years as style leaders and style creators makes us sensitive to these changes. Andwhexn youushop.at THEJ IUB. in Evanston you'll appreciate the authentic newness of the fall 1937 models. 193 7 fOdels and Boys' Shop'.. . Orrligton and Churcli. Open Tuasday, Tliursday and Sofrdoy Eveo Women's.ond Girls' Shep.. . Sherman and Chuarch . O .0p.u Saturdoy Evealng, 19