'v u i re i % jcI u.I Club Chooses New -Officers for '37 Mrs., Charles \Vai 1)ursenl %vas reected. pIresîieilt oüf ite \Niltiuette Garden club at the finl i eetiing Of the fi'scal vear held Fr.iday at thielhoie of Mms Oscar Hebel, 1210 Sheridan road. Those *elect'ed W'il1be installe(1 at the Octolber,.meetinig. M.%rs.,Harvey A. Bush %'vas niade first výice-presideint,. Mrs. W. A. Kenidrick,' second viice-president; Mrs..Hayes. Mc- Ki nmey, third vice-president; Mrs. E. H-. Burge, recording secretary;, Mrs. J. Hardyý Weedoni, corresponding secretary anid Miss Clara Npurse, treasurer. \Meinbers at large for the coniing year -il! be M>rs. Charles N. Hurîbut, Mrs.ý C. P. Berg, and -Mrs. C. R. Normian. Th chairmntof standing committees hcrship; Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, publicity ; Mrs. James C.' Leaton, Chii- cago Plant, Flower and Fruit guild;ý Mrs. J. Benton Schauh. librarian and custodian; Mrs. Weedon. printing; Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelin, civic improve- nien1t; Mrs. Frank Haines, Evanston telephoning comimittee: MIrs. John B. Whidden, Wilniette telel)honing coin- xittee; Mrs. George A. Quinlani, Gar- Carlos Phioto EcorEllis Pcrkiens wIil re- î,ie7v*-And .Sr - Victoria" by Vaughzanî 1/ikins Friday nwrning, Sepicinher 17, at 10. o'clock in i t, Wilinctte Paris/i .Methodist chu.rch. Mrs. Clifford Ives, 1630 Wsig ton avenune, ' in mc/harge of a scirws', of fiv' re iewsponsorcd by t11w 11"011(1;1s fquild. of zohzich/î Iis j'ç flic ir.vt. Commences Next Week Elcanor Fulis Perkins will open the series of. five b>ook reviews sponsoréd bv thu \Womiati*s guild of thec Wil-- mette Paish I -Metbodist chùrci .Sep- temhbei- 1 with -Anîd So-victciria.,"- just recenitly off the press.- 0f îllterest ft0 mothers and. chljdren is die fact that -Miss Perkiiis' motiher, ofi~ietch Perkins, was flic author of hpopular, 's- The Eskinmo -wn»The Dutch-Twitns,' and oth- ers in', the séries wvhich has delighted yoUiig readers for many years,.. So MNiss PerkiJns with lier able and ei.tertaiinig interpretation, of- good liferature carrnes, on ýthis traditioni. s1 > ie.,i so . nuich in deniand for re- VieC.Ws that Septei-ber, dates were. with diffi culty secured by Mrs. Clif- ford Ives anid her Comfiittee, the. mnetlbers ofw uchih can furnish fur- ther iniformaàtiti about thie series. They are : Mrs. James G. Badger,' AM1r's. R. P. Bicli, Mrs. Elmior Davies, Mrs. Carl-Ceppett, Mis. B:L Mitch- ell, Mrs. W. F. Schur, Mrs. C. R. Smith. Mrs. 'M. E. Wells, Mrs. Hforace Yonvlig. Woman's Society WiiI Assst Missionary for Fali. Benefit At the Septeeiie board nieet- ng0 of -the Southern Wo an Eý'ducationial ,.alliance, lheld Ithis (Tbrsdv)niorninig at the Or*. rington lhotel,, final llans, were( (Iisciss'ed.and coniimittees nanîed for the alliance' nulfali. beneit bridge 1at) to tk plceTieý,dý-, October ýÎ, aft 2 :30 ('clock, -at' .the vanisto, Cotintrv club. Tea 1%, b srv< at 4 o'cýlock, and attract ive tahht l)rIzcs will again ibe a.feattiuru (f the. lyrtV. Mrs. .1 ouiis. Rubel of EvaiIîiI)m 1' chairni an of the ways.eand u 1neaîxý COI >m nlitteýe, a111nd rs. Robert 'M. Jeffr' es iT Hlighila.pd lPark is .presidet of the. <r- The alliatice is a national orgauizatî~ for the eduicatonal and vocation gulidancu(' M~ rural youthi, based on researchi. Thuv nation(al hieadquarters are in R 1ihmond. v.., aiid there are four branches, C-cl cargi. Neiv York, Washington, D.. C., andfl Richmiond, with a chapter at the unii- \ rsitv o(f Chicago, wliich is called ' hptrof the Chicago brandci." T 'he Chicago brandi has reccîitlv if< mmed an advisary comimittee of Iluc-1 -iceîel(:eln, Mrs. iNormlan, M*rs r>. I)rucker, and Mrs. 1,enton. Luncheon and Reports l'o Open Theta Meetings Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae o)f Ianl.. Ms .V.S irgiiiia - cheluinger ot Evanston is in charge of the arrange- mens for the luncheon, and assist- ing her will be Miss Jeanette Aegler. 'Mr. and Mrs. Uçginald. N. \Vade and their daughiter.. Miss E,1lsie \Vade. re- turned to their lioiiie, 1509 Spencer avec- nute, late -in .August, liaving iiotore(l, frum Montreal. Miss Vadc returned on the S S. Duciess of York froin a sum- inii spe1nt al)road. Mr.. and INiIrs. \Vade drove via Detroit, Niagara Falls, Tor- ott0, Kingston,. througli. te R ideaui tenid the rmbrnii work, for the fi h i s the ýctstom cof this group to 'liring. offerings for the use of Ms Einma Brodbeck, missionary in China, ii ample timie for lier fo receive and tf> uethe funds before Chistmias, an.d tlîerefore the -Christmas Party,." gut t i onor will lieMis rohk' T'le prograni w~ill consist of brief nc- views oïf the new World Fellowshîi1) books. NMrs, J. C. *BlaYlock is' te have chiarge of the devotional servc. ln isions are urged te at- .wortlh. Program plans have flot .y sessions te assist Nwiti completed. The club will have its bazaar. meeting early inu October. )ast president oftlfi Chicago; Dr.Wiia Clicago; E. J.: 13uffilr andlç Deniii ;rncst( Rotarv Club utý n Allen- Plsey ' gtonl of Easo IVIelhy3, 't h Jewish Conference l'o Open Year's Activites Gar 'lt. oly te delegates but te i nieni- Gadnbers and friends, willli Iehedo Wina Xednesday, September 29, at the liver R. Covenanit club. Lt will be a 'breakfast Kenlil- te honor thé birthidays of *Mies. 'et been 'Hanniah Solomon, Benjafl'u Dvis animal Marthin Barbe, and Miss Julia Fei- senthal. Board Plans