niakeerfor rrgut adjustnient and~ rapidadavaIleement. Health. supervision.. . Automnobile service... Hot lunch if de.gired. FALL TERM. BEGINS SEPT. 15 - Visi, write or telephone for information Chicago PhoneoDemontrationSchool vanstün Phone Rogers Park 1807 AU.iVOILI8 ~AY~ Greeuleaf 0221 of the National College of. Education, Evanston, Illinois ANOTIIER 1I1NSTANCýE 0P. POO L & PPER TRUE, ECONOMY ... Elkskin high shoes lot school andplay Shark îipped. Sizes 8Y2 b Io12, $4.35, Sizes 121/! to 3, $5.00 Eath, day we are:proving 1-o thrilf1-minded parents thke advantag. cf buying. children's schoot sthoos here«. For ou1--nd- ut- v4lue aendqaftorpcs are unequaled, and 4i.addition t-ler. is our superior +"pê-of 4ifih -service 4wê f mke for happy 4eef. CHILDREN'S NEW ar FAL.L HOSIERYw 3 and4 Tfors$ PooL &PRPEP at the ývJlolc of tnrnigs ra.t.ç'-mail .io>8la [ie -Luid at the inidividutal parts. \Vhiie. oily co.titroIlling,; way or atiother, ftwo ,%eeks have elapseLd siince adjourii- the, productioni of 17 different ér)psý. nit, eadi méihçr of Conigress 15 Seek Perma*nent Solution nio. dotubt weil aw,%arc of the large cle- 1 nent of trtith iii Prcsiclent Roose- 'Inilofar as the objective. of tiiat vetsstatenieunt to the effect that lhe prograrn vas to raise the farin i l- likeus to gect away froni N\ashingtoil coine.i it certaily was clesirable. For as it gives im ia new perspective,. anuniber of Years the farmiers-have Onecati easiiy.becomie so lost ini a beeîî laboring unlder the burdeni of riazu, of det'àils that onie lss sight aàcisparity 1) e t w e e nthe 1rice -.of of the issues. It iS Oné *tliîig ta have things he had toséli and the priceý the taýct, ail the iacts.: but, it is quite of thinigs he illust bu., A pcri.,.iaiient aniother to tinderstai( til ru fiand to solution to that probicru lias not vet, view thiieuat arru i*, einth to) fit ecdi beeni. foulidL. proi>erly iii the wvhoie patterli. -ca re Counrtry. lit-ait ecotionirv 4)1 Get View au Distance ahuindanice thic soltitiorn s hould, ntmit l Omme can b1)e so close to ev-ents,-s . -soutgilt iii gove riirient1 control of 1)ro- Imuch a à îart oï thenî. tiîat 0oneIS iswi- :d(uùtioni, threrelm rcglinicnýýting a fre able to v Icw thien l their proper 1 ileit asvs of "plan nedé( per)etiv. ~ Fesdeît ooevet conifv.Suicli lias becti the legisia- is fooi< f savitig, *vouc an flot se t ivv tendeucv iii al phases of 01w tire iorest for the trees. \t close life inder the policy ut the pruciiur 1r.a nge oie trce i., oak,a nid aiotier ad i nisï.tratio nl.. \Ve n ust recogiîw îii.The enpais -5011 the. natture %vlere it leads. For- it ,hîould bu ~rî aid qutallt\, of the w0od. Bti at a dis- tituitedl the policy of <lCvClOlifl . tthe tanice oie Î, able to sec Ah the trees (lem laiid market, at lbore 'anid ;ilroad. asa forest. 'T,he empiasi, is Qoi) thîe~ labi the people toc1jy.: ral s1cellil patterri rsure with frcedomn. Vicedci at a distaiice. witliott re- Wecatimnot follovw alase-re gar<l to the particuilar inerits of ani orm oftheAdmnisraions rcasres Ipolicy. Nor should we foilow a polIicý onie sees iihroad ottlinie a prpsdof p)launedcoom.Teslto .î systeni of "planncid ecorîomyn\" under a dcmnocracy lies sornewhcere beýtwuin the çoiitrol of a buricauicratic central te VO goveriinienit. Onle step aiîd tfli ail- otlier kistaknu i iithat directioni. AniA ae yo ieA t thttelli it etl iutilvt to Reopen Next Monday abivý beAh eiettb faf-e i-At classes at the Evanistori Acad- Deul. nair.g thein ser-vants of the1 i cmv of Finie Arts otn the eiglith aiid pI.e rernain:free. Econo'my of Abundance Ours s an coronîy of abumdancec Where the peoplei have the liberty te, chîoose l)etweeln the mulitiple pi-oduci> %v 1ch our extensive riatuirai eouc aii induistrial gemilus erîahies us tô r o- cuce. Goodis are not i-ationied out to the people. Tliîcy rake flhc choice. It is far easier to plan an increase. '11 production in an econoiuv of scarcitv, suh seýxists ru iRussia. than it is The Saturday moj-ning 1'01,~to gracie and high sciîooi young~ pcoplec begimi Septeniber 18. T'Flindiiicati*onsý thus. far are for a tgood emrolinient. Timere bas becu a rtuch xider Inter-~ est in the. Evanstoin art sý.choI this vear, M1hich. is bcgirining its eleve.iithi sesind is under the (lirectlion of Carl Sciieffier assisted by a staff .of éstabiislied artist,; .vhose purpose kS to. give "a distinctive, practical prepa- ration for any brandi of art work'- There have beeri applications it iiti'uin- controiled production of only four two addiions will be -as poptlar a crops, It Was on1 the statute book., the, outdoor fireplace wh-ich was btrilt only about a year wilien the Secretary iast year and has been the scene of *of Agriculture found it necessary f o mariy picnics and "wiener". roasts. take steps td reduce. the acreage of Sveral new pieces of equipment p eanuts which, the cotton faruers have aiso been added to the play- pianted' on their idle lands, Th.eti ground apparatus. I IS SutbCHICAQOU IÇ..UNOI& la! South