Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 19

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* students at the National College of Laf JE 'ducation from 10 to 17 percent 'ahead ire- 'tif last year,, administrative' officers tat' arc preparing to imeet a large nu 111- tar- I)cr of voung. woinen on SeP-,temb.ler Be( 10 and Il when freshmien and trans- i ier students are schieduled to.register fo)r classes. Assembly T his Friday Nucw students'.and 4their pare.nts will be igreeted at a special asse yFr1- day morning, Seiitemiber' 10, h)y Mi's,> l'Iena IDeant Baker, president of' the. Co(llege. Student speakers at the as- .mlvwho willid the newcoxncrs . wclcomne W'ill - be Miss M.ariati Brk- lhardt, xvho represents the Town Girl,," ts~ociatioil, and Miss Peggyý Çosneri .f the Dorimiitory .associationi. * ioriier sttudeints are expected to rugister on i Nonday and 1Tuesdaxi\. Stnbr13 and 14, and fir',t classes. \\-Il meut on \\ediiesday, Septemiler Two New Coursés T\\one courses are beînig dt t' the college culfricultuù1 his var NI~Alice Merriam, a ncw'ii-ii)l ni' tIl facultv who holcis an A.I de gruc froin Ohio \VesleNyan and, is a 1 orn71Mr iinsItruictor of psychiatric 0o- ,ial xork at \estern Reservc iuni- \ ri'.is coiling to 'the airl ('leg )f F ducatioxi from tiR' e, or'School of Social Work whre ]wlVe hed thîe fellowshlip of the Colli- Inmmnwealth founldation, to conduItct à in "lbsory and 3cîuu i Social Case WVork." Ili IFcbrtary-, a new course in *Lî tory,\ of - the Arnieican Go\vernuienlt \Vll be givenI b James Grigg's of thtc h toydepartinent. Mvr. Grîggs took Ilis A.B.. degrcee at Harvarduier ýity aiid obtainied an M.A. degree fromn Columnbia' university and is ail aiithoritv on Amierican historv. Tlic j)urpose of the niew course will 4he to "gîve students a background of thev' (levelopmnent of ouir goverument and to. instill ilan uderstaning and ,àiilappre- ciation of American ideal S" Il) À= A x £IL il ' r _.;o - / À 1a a .J-' Pl As .9ILA S A L --JIL SPOULED BUTTER I Ail Butters Are So me Spoil Quicly. Some Keep Fresh for Many Day.! D)r. Herbert Gray, fornmely of.thei N-or-thwe\stern niedical 'sclio;l and the Cook Counity, hospital staff, believes there inày be a therapeutic value il, interesting the patients in tiiese trecs 'duIring their conivalescel.ce.. Doi.t RU AIlike!

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