Positively your Iast chance fo gef your Lady Doris Silverware af the Bargain- Price of 59c with 20 Jewels. Buy ,Now and Save IOc Per Unit' Quantifies are Limnited. 14B. s * * * PURE CANE Sugar . 'a 5 Ibs. 25e Foulds IMacaroni-Noodles or Spaghetti 2 pkgs, f15C CAKE FLOUR Swansd 'wm PL. 25c, DOU~ LE LCED.OR CRUSHED Pinea P lNo 1IS AMER. FA-MILY Soap LUIBaro SWIFT'S SILVERI.EAF Lard@ à.t' 1c SCOURING CLEANSER 'n rV% N. K "J r, a tY'p ack "--Gi SEPTE BER9, 1937 'ESet) 94 ON DEL .MAIZ NIBLETS STOKLEY*S *3 NO. 2 bC COCOA CA,. - 12< 12-02. 1gS BOT. S