mWB"ronogranis went to the fol- froin their suinner home at Waupaca, lowing: WVis., last week-end. Miss Betty Ellis sain Curry, Charles< Care-yý, Frank is leaving this week-end for Granville, Carey, .J1in O'Brien, John Mayer, Lee Ohio, to attend Denison university, ButIer, Barbara Oreg, James Jordan, where she will he a freshman this year. Phil ~oo~r~, hil iiou, Wa Nl iss Katheriue Ellis is in South H-aven, DueLinch, Ed Keele-r, Doris Rogers, Iich.,. where she is a teacher. Rosion ('raig, Win Fisher. M.%ary.Carpeniter, Don MeLain, waroth ahadMisHlnsoad ag- Suueroek, hirlev Wils4on, Jane MeM hyR alhadMs eesuad.ajh re.ter of thé Guy. C.,Packards, 1 240 Forest Mary ITif, .Frank Grahan,. AI Young- avenue; are returning to lKnox collee quitByonFiegnBo Sars. Galesburg, for, their sophonfiore year, Bob Kent, Phil Kent, Richard Arms'-, Ralph leaving on:,Saturday. and Mi ss J)avid Liée'h, -G'eorge Goekel. '.H1ee nSpebr17 Tim TJùhns-oni, JekSpangl er, Bill Gar- Hlno etme 7 inJim HIaigh, fRoger, Miller, David Yoiingiitîist. Mry oti Dottter. Miss Florence Kriesant, daughter of P'at llainrhes, Jean Littig, C.raee Littig, Mrs. Fraak Thalman or 1650. Illinois <iwin yernXo n, llPl, k Leis, Boh: d, speut Iabor T)ax Week-end motor- 'it nlei. Yîi qîiN b* '"î. n wîth-friends to .Irish His ini I)ll L i~*akew.1 " NIichigan andi to Canada. Matry 't *Iî v îjs X~Iîf JhîI'n'îh' .J'.'în \T hllîip., '~îê'l i~îs:îî, .J nî t'sz N.Q :\I.ff.. I ~~I n -otvI ,d.rils T;î-X'il~îs l~ît < uiI HI-T;î ki HI Wieolrs Ni-ilK: ti4hlbt y \V lit i. I e.' I(o'I.,u b i. 'î MNýî111. I'a iii Sad . if;l 1111ill iite Vaît i Sitwifti.., B V fî i,n in inaIlah. tig Weei. f'l:tri s 1'nev' North Shore's largest furniture warehouse. 30 years' experi- ence in moving and storing for, North Shore f amilles. CAL 914 ih»NU.V.RSITY 009 LTY* 'expensimve!. e DISCO-UN for Cash and Carry!, *have beeniv oto'rilig ini the 'Feton inotn- tains, and luYiiistieand (aicier jiatlinl parks for t1w, past niontbi. Mrs. Owen is the former M \arcelle,.\'eiiieuia, * <au-gliter ()f Mr. and i.\Mrs. John V\'ci- :inma of 849 W'llowý road. XVinnieta. ,. ~CO~ 25 Years in Wilmette