Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Sep 1937, p. 10

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LEC of LAMB Finest of genuine spring Iamb. Very tender and delicately flavor- able. 8- ta 9-lb. average ..Lb 2ý EASY 'LEG 0F LAME-a b.3i 6to 6-1b. averatge ....lb 4 PURE WIENERS.;33 c Very t ' ,.Lb. SUMMIR SAUSkAGE. 39C LIVER.SAUSAGE. 39C Smnnked. 'Phe' hes~tLb.0 80OILED NAM. .9lired. Very beist, %,lb w 2C Chop Suey MEAT F'resh *eut' Beef. 35c MEAT LOAF F resh ground Veal. ...PORI< -LOJN ýROAST DeliciousIy1 tender and flavorsome. Cut froni choicest of young corn-ied pork- ers. 2Y?-' to 3-1b. *average .. .......Lb 2 ,1 FRYING CHICKENS WVapsie Valley, freshi dressed, muilk-fed. Plt¶nTp and tendemfr. 3- to 3-b.average Lb... TO LOVERS 0F LUSCIOUS STEAKS You can't buy any fIner prime beef thani PALACE WOOtS QUALITY. ThIs fine aged beef Is so tender,' juicy.and 1is(iou., that it~ becomei, a Most entlcing and Intriguing moi-sel to the taste. ROUND STEAK..............L. 48c SIRLOIN STEAK ................ ....... Lb. 65c CUBE STEAK. Bioneless ............. Lb. 59C e!-m & __ __a -à __ - a---A SALER>'O eIITTER COOKIES Full pmind package. - )ver 4 'dôzen i ie. deal When scrvel ih creani or beve rages, 23 pkg ..1 ..1 2 for 45c" SARATOIrd PFLAKES Madeu uith Butter De1civ~, i:hsa!aid arid NUT MEÀ Fresh CrackeA Quality waInu*ts. e ý/2-lb. bal-i Aillan Grant, distipigished Chi- cago composer ànd Pianist, will be îhe c fatrr artist at a m,.usical tca to'be given at 'the c >ortli shore ex- tension of thée Ch icaôgo ConscrPa tory' of Mifsic at 1241' Hinmn avene Mr'. Grant's \work, have freuicxtly benl perforniéd bv 'the Chicago' Sym- phonv orchestra. Hle live.s at 12(3 Pratt boulevard, Chicago. Appearing on theie programn wit.1 Mir. Grant w'ill bc' the Adolph Pick string quartette andl Etunia Calder, so- rai. The newv extensin has been added bv C oi se r% a.tor-v-- musîc school series (-f' facultv recitals. whiçhi will bring to Evanston soni1e of the couintry 's EATS inost distinguisliecd mlusicians are o\. being i>repared. Miss Loken di sclosed. Thle Misses Edna and Lutie Stiles, 3 C ~22() Catalpa place, and 'Miss Sylvia Jogi,- 3 212 Catalpa pilace, spent the week--enid ati Fîsh Creek, VIS. Plrep)aratioiis for \V7ihitte's 'anual Coîlliiinity Chest campaigiu are go- inig forvvard rapidly. Presidenit EJinîcr 1). B3ecker states that a'1 nw(eting ' of' the budget coin'imittee will le held *this xveek, at whiéhî'he apportioiinienit * oý the vario us b)enefic ia r y org aia- Aïolis ill lhe made. Ofce beiil opeiîed -M onday. at I1,O Cenitral ave- ne.aid naiintaîuled t hroughoit t lu cailvass. xhîclî hegins min Octohe)(r 5 al(1 conitinues throtugh Octobér 12. The organlizationi of workers, ini- cludinig captainis and bloëk. canlvas- sers, is in course of, forilationi, anld xil be com pleted wihnthe next f cw davs. De<ide on Budget Plan. A question of conisi derable, import tIow beinig diýcusse(l bv. Ciest a .,ocia- tioni officiaIs is tlîat of bud(get e(l 1 .ledges. xvhich -is favored b1w maInv doniors anid lias been eniployed 1t) a liited1exteint iti former' yetrfý. Its adoptioni as a defluite anid establish(- ( policy.' howvever, lias been (leferrud froui t1imleto timue\-O\%-it comiles111 *for a decîsioni. Propoiients (of th( plan a-srt tiluit the cse pavmnent> of ple.dgesý canl beý nmade the more prompt .'ivll lieý therpne oni the part ofdnr. rcsuiltinig iMia quickeur. In<ru ou pilete anid satisfactory axa Mn villagers, it is added. wil.l hC. sîtu In 1 ple(lgc the. amo'iot they reallv xviit ta. give I'i 111n1,t be xmade in onle payîlîent, whilc thcy xvoid gladlx rc- sprdwith the 'anlount their gucn- erositv dictates if it wue div idcd ilite' moiithtv or quartcrlv pyî Iîts. is also claiic(1 that this wo lnot '1iii- pose aniy hardship upoii beneflcia'rNv org anzatioxîs, as over th vuar t1hev would receive their quotas i pavý- mients as their nieeds dcmiai.id. More Effcient Method Tl'le budget planl, it is, further statcd, 'would put doniationis upon an annualà basis. with regular pavmnents at state(l fintervals, thus 'puttinigthe xxork of, 'the Chest associ'ation. upoii a sounder foundation. and ' elimiinatmg, thec mi- 2 No. 2Y2 9 PLE 2 tins49 2No. 2 Il Mtti 59C~J'~ k 3 rôiis 35c, 6 fol,69c TOILET PAPER 110 ridIls 79c IMs Bros. COFFEE 2 -b. 5 Limit' 1 Can, C'. &IPure an SUGAR 10 -bloh53c MMU ýA . 1

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