INFORMAL CLASSES IN ART FOR ADULTS AND PCHILDIEN An early regist ration is suggested as only a limited)iiiurnber of niew stadents cet bc enrolled. * Phonie Greentileaf .1035 614. Davis Streeti invites you to the Johrmal (Spernq of Hler New EXCLUSiVE HAï SHOP. Tlarsdoy - rIday -Saiurdoy Friday afternoon, especialI>, devoted to Colig il. Represtentatives from Maiu cleeM r 1152 WiImelle Ave. WiIm elle 1160 For the F, ai -Bri de. Mluch of the res/'onsibility for preparations for the opcing of(jNew Trier Township High school for its 38th year, nex.t Monda y. rests mn i c four mnen shown aboive., Malàtthew. Pagé Gaffney (u pper lef t). i5 superintendent; Wesley L. Brown, Just (upper righit) is business manager; jiii VISITS SON ently having returned froîii a 'hiniond, hId., Mrs. H-. E. Tip- entrai avenue, mnother of Mrs. TA 707 Chiurch Street Ev anston GREenleaf 2450 Jrust fWest of Bank k -~ ~- -CHILDREN 2SC - fi a