Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Sep 1937, p. 3

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t,ý Dr. Hilton Ira Jones, 1538 ForestI avçenue, %villg-ive the first of two talks on science at the meetingof the XViI- mette Rotarv club, %v hich he is a ~ir e t 0r, next Wednlesclay ino o in at thIle Slane' COuntrvc club. The1I Lý T11jL series of Illinois Symphoîuy or-seodfth1' c che.,tra concerts given weeklv ini the aires wil] he pre- icvWilnîette Bowl silice julv, 14 seîted the f6llow-. conme- to a close XVcëdesdav7 eveiuin î n> \\.eek. A mo- >cejteîîîl>er 8. nt 8 o'ciock. tion pî,ctlure d Aihert (oldherg. r-etIzlar coiîdluctor ýcrijS)> fnot oor nf the , Svmiphouiy, xiii direct. a pro- ' auatr rani Wlclîxviihave for- guest 11ofb- w sireseiiid t- i ~i lia ert1iling. \ilniette sopranio,. j'the, weeklv meetin rH oe x nif Fritz Sie-ai; vioiist. yesterdav. Harold 1 Return By Popular Request M'X., Hair1nîioiui.'1617 Spencer av enuee ts 1 î: > ertling. \%,vho is the daught eî prograrl cliairnian for the month. r.aiM rS. Adlpeits JE.,Bert-,I Ainu 315 XWashinîgton avenue. ý\'il rutest t eil. \vîIlsin- t lie aàriaý Eka fenilwortn rsesto SI»,ý'l )11cei rua arn foî \X('011i ohiri Diciiss Plans for Sewer', cutîaserof tillu 1inois Sx-nïplhol pmpéeniel)ans for a relilet w ýIii play elessht ocet o torini wrsvstemin IIKenilworth, Mlli i E-mmilor. Opuls (4. B3o th1 ILolita Bertling, proinnent north art~îhae adereejf pparnc~Shore soprano, who *ppeared re- as out1lned 'lu tis news miagazine oI tî \iietelr~4aui iI(itIjeir sLýc t/ 1YasS so/oist witli the Illinois .-\ugust 19, are f0 1)e discussed at the tioin as, soloists for the final concert 3 '>fil/Oip orcJçSt( in one of the îîextmeetiîu of the board of truistees I iireole to poptilar (ieniand. k/y ccerts at thte Wi/inette xhc'st ehl fteKîixot Acrngto \\Valter C. Fairrai o& n Vshntopark, luas been wIhý, ob il it, i ei1ot chlairuulail of the cornmùfitee on ar- ~hct' to appear ;ctWdedv Cii next Tedyeexg t~a 1vaîILuteieîts, the orchestra playe(l to lit t/ic' conchidiîîg Prograin. 11annoced. this xek miore than 70,000 people ini the Xi- i imette Bowx' this suilmler. 'T'le seS xvas~~~ prspe yt eea u~Ru mors of Inf antile Paralysis prjct iii cooperafion w~ith the lEp d m ci Wilmt r as mteConcert comnmittee.. ie--i n W im teAr as * Anno'tnce Progifram On next Wedniesday's prograin thei orchesýtra ivill play. Berliioz' ovýertu-e 'Village President Refùtes Re, Parochial Sehools "Pihe Ronarî Carnival" Opu> 9; lports; Beach Net Containnted t tr e tW e TshiosysSymphonyv No. 4 Ili oSat etW F-iuiliior. Opus 36; Wagners ~Ride imtes iv Roa Ctllc of- the Valkyries" f rom "Die XVaI- Runiors cîrculated during the past WietestoRmn atoc k1,ure."* and Stock's Symphonie Waltz. \\eek are to tlie effect that thiere is parochial schools wiil begin their.fal Opus 8 a miild epidernic of infantile paralysis termns ext -week, it was annoutice Th'le* projecf's Columbia Concr n Ypodfvrn Wilmette, having 'sedv band. conducted by Normain Black ifs source at the bathing beach. etda. -vilI piav at North Chicago hospitai, Village President Harry C. Kinnie At the St. Joseph's school. Lake Not-hl Chicago, 111, àt 6 :30 Thutrsdav is authorif"- for the stafement thaf -avenlue and Ridge road, classes wili afterilooô, Septenliber 9. the runiiors are entirely wifhout fouii- start niext Wednesçiay at 9 o'clock., 1 1 yAI 1%»A F %A NOW UNDER WAY ,State; Authoôrit.ie:s App'rove Contract for Concrete Paved, The coinract' between the Village 3f Wimete and JohiI A. i cGarry and company, 189 W. Madison street, Chicago+, for thew~idenitng and paving, of Wilmette. avenue, from Park ave-.* nue' to Ridge road, lias been. approved 1b1\ theý Illinois'Department of High-. %vavs, i f wNas afnfiounced at, an ad- journed. meeting of the Village board T7uesday niglit, Folloxving receipt. of the approved, .conitract work on, the project was started Wednesday morning, and,. ac- cording to, Henry Fowler, 1404 Fore.st avenue, an associate in the Mc- Gaxry qrgatn1zati.on, will, be pushed tio conipletion without- unnecessary de- lays. I is said that a force'of 60 nien is aiready engaged on the job. Use Gas Tax Funds 11gî1ving its approval of the con- tract the Departuient of. Highwaysý authoribed paynient of $39,701.82, thaït being the total of Wilmette's 'share of the gasoline tax now hield by the state. This is $2,553,81 less than the amount of the contract, but as the fund ac- cumuatesat the rate of $2,500 to the changing of such street light stanidards, -buffalo bôxes," anidwater hydranits as had to be moved, so that the wNay- is clear for rapid coinstruc- t ion. 36. Foot Pavement 'The' conitract calis for a 36-foot conicrete pavemient with new curbs and gutters, as well as new concrete driveway entranices where sucli en- trances niow exist. New irilets for water drainis are aiso ineluded iii the specfficatiotns. ng arrange - IE,-the absence of Dr. Martin.HI. 'Tl gated. Ail' I ied vester- Siefert, \Vilmette Health' Commiiissioni- fenis be iii effect er, Village Président Kinnie asserted nîùe1 ieh sees no' reason why schoois hiere imie shIould tiot open as scheduled. aven SA.!s muC 01 a ' i. , tt uti. CLC funds are to be used for the ex- The W' ii of the water .main in Lake ave- closed o' oiRomona road west f0 Lara- Labor Dý enue. thence soufli in Laramie week by e to Wilmeft avenue.. librarian. was annou Ann Whitm tolita Bertling and Fritz' Sie- gai to Be.Soloist With Ililinois Syniphony ~v afferno niit haviit of the stoî dav. andid t durîîîig the, rule iter.

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