Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Sep 1937, p. 55

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1. inericani îlot hic' ~îwd.Norli Chircagoi. lieadd bvNi rs.jîe,. Sl-I, i;tiu bm lnin (if \Vilîuuttc. ed the pri '111o 111 r1; -'A ini teachini UU II! V! I LLSdIl IU 5lUI~stuldv ()f technique to eniîryo iliti Texas and Pacific railroad,, and hier 1~'~~i IiL f nll' toalte baegu ii-rancifather hiad mnade farmn wagons forStdeMaktg itsl o5 sca beený r ofpe cas hod'lhorses, andI dined witb hi1 rad. For 18 yéars the Carroll Dean Mur-, ft s i 56scatscadi coi stiî'- o he i given to. cael ahr t.llu ) box f ,ei' lit séats weeklv for i 4tateeOIi have phy agency grew and, prospered, serv-' ~"cli %eeks. Tickets are rvie r c:M.Jae . ha aî V-. SN WOUND IDEA 1ng many of thle great nanies in Amen- t1i iîoie-ct at a re(1.uced rate ofeklit ilete Mr~HdrOtaEaî- IiIash eaeeioavriigIcnbsiness. Recently- Mr. Murphy gave 'alortheregla prce ~ ~*ton \Irs, Erir 'runîrne, .CliicagL itto for the rgillar jrice. ofrvîcelin an. and éirculation manager -of it up, :howeveèr, tomake aspecial study, NIrs Jonr ttthoe CI'icago M s. olland's mnagazine , nfder old 1 Col. <1 aktngpoImýprgas m C -f it 'v OperCosideît i t he gol Faoî \liîeEaso M.Ptrlrank P, Holland, a famrous. figure in j copy themfes and -affiliated with 'Hays sponsor-., of')pera (o pan i t71 Le gpol ,)en , Vnr 'cg Mr1 11' Tex as 'and the nation. 'lie hilit the MacFarland .and Company. %e lidu ilsOs f't ala box ro la Marshal llsCicgoa Irs-'rcltin o ucesfu f iitaW m yarohvintogh naccmua as~ ; Bo adio Elhursatvi gi .)outiKeilv, i ~' eyashvl ta cuua k; \\n a Barî oi ~luat~ ' il cidenitallyperform-ed a service for the'to of vjus knds, business intere ,sts, bon Nin f a ioàti at ii-"( îîra-t te sclool of miei ()tliër ,lunchleon are planncid i), h<vs and girls .of the Southwcst. 4't ianssadatilso uies t i nvr~te-and colleges as -\1 Mr5 John Gail, >1î<tî \'r1 Wil- lî1appenied' to be wvit'd-bounid for, four gvnetand juvenile subjects, and III 1l'C -i ol~ niChîcago and lHaroi .. <er'. Wiînetka; \Irs. 1Fràiiik !iays ini tnn caiin the Texas last but flot Ileast, the six voung, Mur- rli~~ G Hall. \Vilmette Nirs, Bentlv 8S. I)iiatadle," -hé relates. "There were phs h atw i ltdis'usex. hl-11'\eetla., bed rajîidlv l'aiwr, Evatîston ;Mrs. Georgo ci ght cliilren in the family, .and the cept'as the conversation casually, turned ~ ~ ann:ng ciVi an;! Lveritt, innuetka: Ml r. R J' readiig mter was a ,raiiroad o~v1nAak.lei eeo: pocet.I inalythat bâth older sons are ensigns in the :\ ii ~ \' uî~ o it* - udcîts ~ '- jak-rbhis. or iverion bu I roulîtfroi te Naval R. 0. T. C. at North- c th.- a -t;'s, tn coipo)serý, of oenny Is Victini of I)c-an idea. 'I niade u.p a set of somne wsenuvriteach with three W011l 111vXkS like' PD'ItS Digs id'(n cres ohscrdt. C. D., Jr. now has esoets1)0 'tliti liv wrl t a .hlri' a busilness of his own, and Clyde and 1ve r 1wome and act> as, l0in-t, Itto seenîs tlîat Mlar~-vi sbok htwllveke that one), got Dr. a cousin have gone \vestward in a jallope ai iît11lîeo11, for wlîiclî Offlej- 11111.jc- 1't.xto have the last w'ord ini real 1' 1iot to etîdorse' it, and distributed jto board the U. S. cruiser, the,.U. S. S. ln~~~~~~~~ fr ccis ikt. eiash'b as xwell as ini lier radio skits, witlî about 7,000 copies to country schools. Sait Lake City, for the voyage to Alaska. iead(iiii oerti art iSt' aid iiiiîea! , ibland jack Beiinv. 1 like to think of story-starved childc -ht th1 satidsxfo o h tîttethe The 'gettîn i thil si-fi.sn îoLni irr t h brde.îrvieui rttototî "lisWv *.r5î. Lrls out of Hans Brinker lias just beena grauuated from ±New set wae -aaotn stuio aiwte thrs" e Trier highi school, a* grammar school iTf.~ îlt r ocnecdt arcwng th-iIit sta Parmon stuio, wlre Returni1ng to Chicago ini 191.2, Cai'- Son] Of 11, and two daiighters. One 'of toit.rý :\lt i .ned ar 111111C tl- Ào MiT - stonie is mnakig rier selcreenywnto riig e- thlese isnirried, and the other recently îmurch'Ing iera ~ets tormil-4 5tu bit, fil (lrussCl 111 in a Ronnco- rî ex urh eto wîîgfa ~'lt' ~rjet.îonpr.f.tînkigt1unu whîch' lie -%\,ars ini ]l-" iew star- tlean buiesfcto frSyem trrdi "First Lady"' at the Good- rîn- p1ctuire, fhie finii iuuSîcomnedy anid otiier miagazines and e'diting' and inanl Schooi of the Theater. ,.1 1111 lornial Mi it5. iiceix)tiouXd ,~ ii a~ , i en- booksg hco1e al rrn- fhl;ic - C. ----------- tnof0 luniclicon. .group) lnok ii, \fary tiîpped. ad ottering an editorial opening brouglhA miut '40 or- 50 youing hopefuls. Said M-r. Murphv, -'l had forgotten about the ýad, over Sunday,-always shed business for golf or gardening on Sunday-and Moni- d(av . niorîing 'I coul dn't get to my desk for the crow\ýd. Finally 1 selected a younig chap f roin the Universiity of Chicagq. He proved to be a chameleon, always reflectitig the color of the Iast man he 1ntervîewed and'neyer attaining his owne b)alaicedl viewpoint. I had to let hirn go aft(er' tlree nîonths, and hle becamec ..nrôugtît forthi a comment -froni iMnr. 'MIurphy. "The educational coniittee *of the Union 'League club' tried to Iielp himi-and King George-in the skjrin' ish with Big Bill. Engineers had coid us' tlhe sehools. were payxing for seven or eighit inches of 'cinders,-anid the clîildnen wvere getting one inîch for their p~lay- grou'nds. Contractons had confessed they coulidn't sleep nighits for fean ojf col- lapse, in thenew school building~s thev ' " " ' ScarCcl1- (Ale ini ten developed, - but tiloil .lIr. anid 31,s. n<;-ace HY-rst-î!.3..~hîUî, roud, fi'k, thiroughi the years he lias always been' mlosi tih t1, X du;tr u 1 1. hritusu fO/,.oraw(1ý. >cc l kind to the' ambitious boy and helped ever (111(jrOf ( 4c rtS' A/m-d /stîaisch a one get his stant. 'te '/'itur'd i Stckhlm, ' "d(In 'lu is.'years as a senior editon and and ;t g.gaîîtic acî -0f pinacy and b rperpetiated. At best it wil Amienicaii people '50 billionÉ a gýetiena tion of lost progness. NORTH CAPE CRUISE ngý,!mgsiý' mil

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