ll i' Pr1ofit. .Fnil 1ilf<l l ai,î nd plat Ilpo ) c 11 r n( 1 t M,,cGUIRE '&O R.h. ( ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1V"4 e so teudàîi'le Shi,-v\i, Pr: avis st.. Lvarl. 4le 11,WI oil tht'>ea >Nordh Shoî'e ll.\S 1 .: v 1 4 '1 t.\î)AI"1-19 ) I'T .ANI \' I>'lav tI ses bi) , Il It <,.,,î, Ïor sah! ' anI ltvel' î,î,its ,, Beauitifuil " i(r~od' \[eGCUIIRI-4& ()RR, hc bill fl>t"bi l i. 1ii.S',"s & bî. 1 1 11 TN I., -I1 BUJLD A FI 0O1E O N T 11E,A KE WE 1 HAIVE .A LOT1, 65X340" <N .11 1 f';H b lulff in1 11i gfilaIl l'a1,1 k w i tIfh 1'. (uîl l1ïach, a t tht' et .u.'.l'w i d 107..T-rinis if d~vd '0A1J& O F,bInc. 1 l 4 1 TN 17 -1 t Nr: tlndit11illStatimn, 's17' l tîlw"rb 1, f; LIx 141).4< ... 1 14 1 .TN 17 -t rloi * k'i tdu skoi, e\'a 11 »îglt *';tî's,-, <' pav'd 5t'e, ~î'i1t til ilii \IVRRAY & Ti~;RRY 21ACE 1 _iAbje, $8500 if SOld1qt1*11ly 1 )F: MlcG'UIRElý & ORR. Ic. 70Davis St., Evalls. Ge 41,X'l 2 BMIIAUTJ.FIIL WOO(>DED LOT11 cenrof Sheridan fi.Rtl. td Hihi. Glencoe. MWil divîdje. lBargain. fT ir TII rtI"T1Tel'O (tV WV &l. .IN i'TIIV .I\i 41 fueîiC.. Corinack & Co. 127 A ITN t-i i ACREAGE AND ESTATES 37 INimntes, to. tieLo $15O PER ACRE Iill)t'sith tf oLakeotrs 12 atit litm'nî........rglhvî C los,.%tLak,1 YOR 541,250.00-. In W'oodstock i strict aorfs--Iairv & <(-r«timF'art» t iiI i b ftoin la rvarmd i 1 "efarm se. j 334,000.00 mial, > N'rth I C Pt'i Rt< 1 .;0 ACRES 1 uilost t*f S?2,000 I imsit l lit ub 'ql Sitehool, siurro I ilitled 1y Cinile homes, can i e civid-d luin m-oi' ilimprovenî<'nts. IIIJASOuS COUNTRY ýLli3 ACRES. beaýýutifuli iomnesite'i~of, an acrt' lit- more, dimle>l frttnt'ge <on road(] n itifairways ; sonie W(ttded. 1A NN',O('KWOOD. the finest woodtid area In Lake County, restrb ted to beautiful hionmi's for tIos'ýwilîo l<vo beautiful trees in btst m'st- dential cornmunity. 2<1At'l~ \RLA I; oiXDS, high rtàsQt-ic - t<i tons. no ess than two âiai one- ;MEDOWFARMS, five acres or' more, bordering theé, bridle pýt'a ]> of the- Forest Preserx'-the .1e nnitn's paradise. 1.) F-CilI'R NOW Vto live, miore fully in the nea rby cun'4e J.EJST.DODDS Nortlhfieý1ld VillazliHall lVill<,w at Skokie W'ineta .111Gret'nlerif 27a15 FOR- SALE---HousEHiOLD GOODS ïu~;THEEARJ4Y BR!D A ND l«.1X*It fIý P1NE 11RAi --\ I1 4.- from hii eaut. Gtlene oluse.Own.I'l mocvng iiw', t , 'Illsarfc somie furiii- tucfrtîn 1.e)01' 1 m*oom ip s,Iild.- inglanpsdishes,gasaersbs- muent 'a1101 ard equipmlent. Al lun 1u1 codition. 'For informan.tion îlnd appt. tel. Mrs, Geoýrge \Van Fleet, intk 20iU. 121LTNl 7-Ite' FRIGIDAIRE < uile iiiýfuet, porcelain itei ' mic- terir, liooughy rconit b ued anud r(~tt ,alil. At'hoize Jle'igî'foi' ~exietiî~Lilidt'n Av. utiard WV'd.~i1m. 900.I2'A71t NRAND IVING ROOMSOFA W N N ET KA -1 a 0 12 iLTN17 -1 t Ti) LOAN._FOR SOAG ORE-, sp0ousilile party. Fin, nid rosuw'ood diluing tal)le, 46ft. in iamtr.Carve-d pedestal. lt'st ref. require-d. Phoie, Mis A ROBERT ER I SAIW D twin bedroom. suite and dIi. suite;' alsoj, a pair of ,omimode, c(arved valbinet ~ind<'oicetable. G-reatbaaî.4H- coe 40.124LTN17-1-l C14IAP: (lAS RANGE.F: EXTRA large, high la ,ss elec. refr-igerýator:*; large size baby bed ; sun porch. fitrni- ture ; doIli ouse. ineta3146. i 21il ý7-.]tlp 1 941 Belle Ave., Highland Park.' For- i'rice, etc-., inquire H-. W. Eýgeland--l744 N.Kedvale Ave., Chîicago. 131LTN15--:'tl BOSSUIT WITH 2 PAIR OF kickers. Also complete set Book of Kniiwledge.- * Wilmette 1476 wTo. TO BUY-miscELLANEous Jiunk Dealer Goldmnan I'M SHE TMARWET PRWE' l-a1wr, 3(teMaaie,54 Plione Wilmette 5426 132LTNI 5-lt Jiiik 'Dealer-Phil Schuman High pt'ioé for furn., washing hmachine,, bath tubs. sinks, old iron. $1 for 10C) 11),. iîags,iniattresses. NWILMETTE-,744. %\ANTED TO, BUY, OLD FRAMÉI building 20x2O or.2-car garage that cau be iiuoNved. Phone Wilmette 910. British Teachers to Instrud Th'is Year, ~at/V. T. High School f-1. C. Johîîstoîîe, of The Acadeimv, Ay.'Scot land, who is to teach at the- TirTownship 1-1gli scliooi lindiai) Hillinu place of R. S. Petersow as-the resuit of a teacher's exchanlge àrrngcy wthe. Etglishi-Speakiing Uionl of thie United States, arrived rcctvaboard the: Franconia in N'vYork, City. Both teach ýEiglisl-. He *i> cxpected on the uiorth shore shortiv before the school year. be- Mr. Johuistone is one of the 2Oý', teclic{rs ccieanges which the educa- tion 'olnîiitteeof the Euiglishi-S'peak,- noî ilonl lias arranged for the coni- MI, scoo car betwveeil teachers in 111ol l 10 different states and a ikîumiber iii schol of Great Britain. M ssDaise-y E.» Wright of the Gis' Grammiiar school, Hitchin, Hertford- hirc. i arriving ou September 5 on the Ainerican - Shipper. Shle is to itýa ch Geography at the H'igh Sclool lu place of M1iss Ada Flemington wvho wiIl take lier place at 'the Etiglish school. V\/ Y A iTT U~IN * Wýaukeg'an Road GcviwSI 12,7)L'I'N 17 - .t c REAL ESTATE WANT LOTiS, RrIVAL ESTATH, MORT- *gagels, notes. Judgiinents x'OiidOfl't think inueh of. P. Pî'li, Jr, Co ' ebjijmlWOlti201 < 127LTN 1 -tj .i blrtomml : * )I (lit if)Iled d l htî ated, itt«lched 2- stabiles witliîti ton. nt'quartt's.rîu .sho(wn bY Vappointient only. \VYTT&,COONSýq ,V',ukegafl Rottd (Ilenvie~ . 124LTN17'ilte. 13OLTNI6-4tp) mI ~ trat . 'lJi Lti. i ne lammeoi - - Club, founded there about 1750, was k ALE-MISCELLANEOUS for' manv vears a national authority PROOF' SAIFE. 25"x26"-x16". ou1 the gaine, and it was at Hamble- tpiano. dnta.mtlfaewsdsge Phone Wilmette 4227dothtamtlfmewsdigd 131LTNl\17-ltp for ileastiring t.he size of icricket bats.