Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Sep 1937, p. 44

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4 *4,4 .ulv. : B1isflnp..Stewart 'villi91\ve Ile IilP .D lCrfld.J - loi- 1 liett\rnoûn ot brid - Ia Seonp.il-ililg address on "'The Sru chool' the Labor I'av lholidav., The order of service ait Il l .* î ý* h;ile ii:tilt. Woiik of lithe e' oîasiî a brid ge lessoti at 11 Tennis Titie Play inielude 1thefolowihg i., asthe losinig ;ddr-ess. Prelude-Pastoî'ahŽ A large ;Itteildltlce fro<>m St. ;gs o.clock Satiii-day moring, the wvone'îi ndfiain HilI's aànutial tennis clialin- Offertory-Idyl ;.y il tîi'iliîî'h schootl staff is t-x.]Cutd. nembes w 11il ave a buiffet ilunceon piolnships wi ouec usa Thi ernî-"ulaiTtt-Llîrlhe uhtiuh ~~adafîernoon 1of bridge, whiie the SCIttt iib)i- 7, %witli ti ioffùiml-î Proiei 2'Ii sIiî)iîî 2. 114 lt- tIll, Lhe - ~st îbî-allftll îîw îm iimen have 18 lholes of golf, match plav Ieveilt s aiiloticed bv t lict-tî îîIs .l>Co-c P< St ude-Pot1tdt-R.îh s-huî is îîîé.. gai stpai. Adîîn~r(lace.Witi nitte.Clariîc R. Rail all. 1. i . lu epeiili-i h~ î înie roi 9o'clock oi s dcl1e1Baiet.NI -SsEvelvll B, -11. îcciiMli orl<ad i l it.Id aî îilt fi i s tI lue AU l uedges that ha vi' uilit-eh li.-itîrî ' '1ng.1).JB.i r liy ul i tli- l sISiîi-iilu ing the suiminer shocul d lit la id D., l ltie Sim Mee îîidt-ted iii t he mîitiI èiiiX-llg î S IX Y M i odei- tii 'disèha rgî- th(- sulillilwln!r ( lîllîl etreîîs Eîei4-iigl- jet. om the third sunld;l ' t ;S ec Kk. <iiiga t i(e..Tho: childreîî of Iiidiail Hui ii i i 11 s u il, iîgo d- This îiiith ithe- Ladie>s Aid soietty v ji > (11.1 ruiiie t heir clulb ,N'ititiing cham- yeals sI;tlt TîsaS~î -îb-7, ;tt îîêeil uî h-stcîu îse lt.( sh'---'~iii a luneet, to lie ieid Sundioav lis hrd~ a î i.atternoon iiat, 3 W.clock,,The prografli yeai-,slsart Tuesday,. S-pteîî-mb#,r il 'l'le Jnio 'Wa- I heLake anid Wilinette .aVe1lle'- for- the meet, mwhich wNili 1 ioliowetli aî 11hd.l-_ viuliOV a (lth-v laThî is .t TwL-v io hobî,jiil'-tt I ii,-a buffet sutpper. is asfollow's : i Pvs aoid girls, sillgler-, tIt, t le' a v vii<iii, wvt-iiie, tiiiutheh p. Tii iatu't-et, seiso 'n (if actix it y. wit;il]ail îî-iiers the Il o'elock %vorshil) service Siilay aîd7yeùar.-1l -tthof pool. .111111t E V ei ts-li il lé bî-e ' e t-<n .miî-îing, Seltemnler 5. the-- se-ivice $S .llld 9yaî- leugth f pool. V î-î iîlssa! W- tsay ht-ginis ith the org.aîjI )uellide ;at.1 :(l1 I(l aîid.Ily a'- leg fpol. îîît Sa t .2 îi.îi. $uîdy iiî îiîg, th 2,t lu Suîda i î-lot-k. -Thle special rmusic foi- the sl- 12 aîîd13 yeî - etigths 0.f pool. Mull, s1îgestrS* îri i seljj au iiiaid 1WIlii-le se s i ii tt vlI e as folloWs . 14 .aind 1 t-i se Ingh11 îiîllet I il I at 2 uxu'. li' sessin Ie-a iii' îîiîh's \ ;tatioi. i igail 10 :50): "n Thee is Jov" Bac'I îd oV -- tlgts0 Ol U itlAefll "v-Maria" osi(Gb vett. 'V-î'îalid Mili, dn r-1a S coli-i îît- Tieîl e t-Marie Bnil aîid 7ya s- wdhof 1)00.~I 1t2I'--~ itetiySolo: i "od is oit' e1ug a idstîd h !i ai-Ileuîgth of 1)o0l. 11. N. Se uster.02alid I12y-ca 1s-1 li-igtlîsof Pool, <_________ us exait Hùt p Iaie tgthr'psa lilii Orgtm li<stltîdt : 'i'(.itcta' 1>I mlii'is 14 *anid 1-5 ya'2letgtlis of pool. 34l:3.. 1 C iand ove - t-gthis of pool. ANNQUNCE BIRTH The Won1litl ( (httl llehh<etiu)g tdtyj, ri1 m7t ~ld gir1s 5 y ars «4 duRidel'.I. Thtîrs<ay-, Septumiiber , _),at tdue lirh. idth o sinîfliîg ube.Mtir. aid \frs. Jaîue-~ " -bit Fzrst Presbyterian Swiigat i1:30oo*'iO4.k; ee-îieCOîî- Offer Five Golf Trophies Ciic11 aiiou ilde rtiiih ~Zinli tret a Grenea avlin- iittec meetjing at 10 :30 ot(iol<ik llwl iv'e speclialtrophies are offrl tiatugîter. lizabe(tli Anti. ci \m tî Jaînies T. NVenekiaseni, îiiisîeýr eti at IllOi, *Fir-st djvisioi i tîilig thie nwîîof the club Miithbe golf eeîs1. 11t.eCot lihavu e wî tIlitr cliIi Buies ueilgaiffl Jîroîg'r:î , îvhicli lis The-in iiiister wllbe baek iiithe.ptilpi t IiiCharge .of tht- Second (ldivisiuiîu, at i slCiuefor- Labor 1)ay onme for tit-lie rv-i. Dorotlîy anti J imiie. NIrs. Suudy oruîg 11ih- iîrîin wi rsip1 :300 oek. -1iLao )at\-hanldicap, 30 -hole.s match Co),tello was fornîerly 1)lcrotiea lr service at Il ocliîck. Th- th(îî wtif(e tht- 1la aga1instpr the second- for- 3(eî îîow of W'iliette. s b.îen,'s G îild, w-lMli' lt-Id (jitiîîî- Yoilîàre ,t-oîdiffll y i ivited li, w<ii.lii2 n 2 Tht- Suiday suhîmeI îviill(uic-et ii il, i -- ili lltllîe , t i-st îof the St-îius 170UN VGER GENERA TIQZV p*t.ia iit-ns ;it 10 o'elock. - 4i," ooik Reviews vil1 be belli at Il-l tltk Eleatior Ells Peîkinis will -- The IlasitorNwill le a al fol lip-- vitw riîîd$Victoria.' tirlst-i-sas lutal . i - j Thte (Âuieh sehlool wil xesume ts * [~~~ssioiis, at 9:30 o'clock od Smida-, S- 1-r -English Lutheran tenibei 12. -Aluembers are ured 10 - -I ni kvi lote of this faut anid plan t14)lie sevelîth strueet t Gî et utaf mii ,tîendanice. Slolise ut uof lii '1w Rt-v. Daîlid KiTl- i~it 1ht-î c.is a 1ursery m-vhere hart-lits-'iii IX * - leuave s-niaI clildren- t-acli $utdzt. îîîî n SUN DA1 SEIt VI C Es% îîîg dut îng the worshîp seric ke. t h cl s-hi iio -. h:45 .) u . MorîingWorhîp -1 î. ii. Tht-Qurer Colifei-lle, i-e lll eet The inuiisic for- tht-e iXtt-of X(isijiMouday, Septeîub.er 13 otst'c1t)ek. A il iex t Stîndayiiriihz s Uttt. y host- w-ho have repoîrts .to iake are <ignlli-eltîdt,- l3iesst-tl 1 es r e ltasked Ltiohalt-f:tht-îî i reparte(1 by that 'hili -O saX-iorl- Sîeet Il-- -î- Fî-ederii-k Knliiîkai J. ii>~lud iîMùunr-î Iirst Congre gational Tht <4ê inîuu - c ity x w illillutet (,i1 T hur s<lîtý4fterhîîtmn of thîs îWeek ttta lt i idît Ileuot uîuug worshilp. r ulurch <t 2 olock. iî, iiiin--t'uîti . tuted selvice iii îvhi-h tthe First. Nv. iI puesenit the topic M i G. L ýit souîBapust.hti. h md c cU u6 heurch. aid Mus. Frinuînd vwlfl lit-tht- )ho-t--e s l et-nuwctt ll '-hare .,Mr. 1Hîndley hs -tlilt it d fiî i ts caîn alitlwill Tlhe C hul ti 'shool w-il itii -ft-u it-'- the -pî tat heu lits tht-nli -$"T'le :i45i i-iclockk next Sun-dal.t nîoriiiug- Pic- l>lgiiînîtgt- tif b tut t-s on the. tîfe of Mose- iiit show n W-e mnîte ýou toattelid tidu New ct-inirrN itmîd v-dýtoif's tti tht-e t~ C'hirtji iehoo. ?l îaiuffut.îî h wîted olti s tht- RImt- . ill tesumu eour htl Iidwmtîtu-heik of sevice it tth ,the . ei-\î(- 4iof v eMiih,lt) nitht- fol ii»ng ,uilday.-m epýoe ,- at 1il ti01at Tliîeî e w iiileiti t-ut] 12, l-regli1hl' ur vs'lx' vtc il1l b e im--hd Ili servce.Uai (het tht- î-iopc r;ltrn l urche'-c- - -s -~ ~ l ;1V W 111l',tt it3!Wi.d1,'t <altijstÎsoîur - Nexi. w<iflfi bu ]l hi.hîtlt olil ii ise ia ilo ll i llte m it 1'-tl C i lit- dlîaî'e>t-rc.Jhu.agîî .10111, (>\\'Il akidawti\I-clî. - ijmir md o o I lf ii tl~ ,, /L zs,ù uli Gce-L k ,f/s a'ld Mr.Ch res-c ir,7 ,

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