are iiiitili Jaîuî.ary September ;i'uScut(AtJce (phi aftcr Sep-<nnsuppcr iollo\ved 1wv a iMg eést at the beach Septenlher 24 at :.ï .3< inck for ail ('r '<t m C< îîîîcjl llcuctillg at <>31 .nî. ini Ille Ciri Scot'îat()1 SéiîtcmhIwr 28. I attar October2S Bri wvîin 'véinc 23r anbic r iDu Soto Ihutt' in savanlalih '.. )cýt 'îtr 1l to 15ý . xpîý,e's fir tut tl w ill I. ni l li 11<1< er. ioo u'tbl - .tIck' t, 'UN(r r Siii tminornî ( )ct 1cr ) ,r .ý1 n non ce~îeît tbuhe madule i«(r,- ";ard(1te a .tra inîing course .1) v a regienai traunier, 11 (e- -daui ig1t1c r (111111(r:Date Io i)Ccltenine(lat the ciscreionoi-0f the leaders. ('nuclNIect îng Nevenîheu' 39.. December \Vliîct G(irl. Scolits xiilising Chlr1iîa> cài' filvc cenîmnitx'lt t re c. Servicu projeuts sîieul<1 be the Ciîni,ýtl1as activit.v of ex'erv troclp. lnîp tfo Iroa(Icastitig stationi. Ceunicil date1 te i)e set, later. NIiFierciîce Marcele. tue scout' <lrctr.wili retu.rin froistiiinier camp tea.cliii- and lie onu. hand for C011>1utation at lier office, 914 Central ;îeii.the la- aiteri-Lab'or I)aY. ACI<fo SCHOOL, Specially Prced *Hartnan* Wardrobe Trunks *Smart Canvas Covered Wardrobe end ,Overnight Cases *Men's 2-Suit Wardrobc Cases Koehler Lugga'ge Shop- 14ZI She rman Ave., Evanston Uni. 5637 WO Repair. <md )ReItish Ail Makes, of Tru.nks and Suitcases$ Park, oh Lake Street Dering Paviimg ¶104£ TfEATM#4r sW CLAÎq ~ w CounIIciIlimeetinig October 21, Girl ScOut Week O)ctobler 2-1 20 Years Ago in Wilmette September.6, -1917 * plans> foi- Ihlxicfiiain .t t i ue~kîîîe h.whichi had beun( il~ ta akinig t lic beauitifull shadutre i t in t n 'ns i l vIl a ciunganl. c . il 1- z~il' crWxarned g i ic lhui t ur- * lîl ravaes of thue P~ An en iuing coiaiytiNiil- xa Ikulîad rcui' anil dr e starturs for Ameiricanl aviation planlus ail i ~vîch erc e hestail- * ~ a~ îiit( ,o cinpsressd i stares fi mntuîîatî tye. uchas, had ln.'cl ini iii t: asu v. t i lleng r ii ls parade ag i îld th.e towil spot liOht 'ilesiivel' ctl), awarded1,hv' the Vista ilag,,o club for tue lest dtoat< conîneriaifloat. vas W'ofl b lj3 ue\i 111tte Ice counpany, ACE MOTORS, 435 Main St. SCHNEIDER & WILULIMS, 447 N. Main S+. years and .years for 740 12th S..,