R. G. Kimbeil, Jr. * A coliege'romnanée, wuhich had its beginning five vears ago wben thbe princiîpals vere fresh- nien at Nortbhvester uiversity * was ciiIiiinated Saturday eve - ii.ng, August 21, when Miss Sue Sturla, daughter of. Mr. and. iVrs. Harry L. Sturla of. Oal Park, becanie the bride of Ray- nond Grant Kimibeli, Jr.,; son of Mr. and Mrs. -Raymnond Grant. Kimbel, , of Nules, Center. Thelbride is a inmbier of the faculty Qfý. New Trier. High school1 and teaches in the his- tory depart~inent. Shle 'and Mr.. Kimibeli *vi11 be at borne ini Win- netka Septernber .7. folloNing, their honevînoonl. Th.e rarriage was soleminizcd at the homne of the bri1de's parents,. the Rev. Arnos Thornbu'rg of the XVil-1 met Methodist Episcopai churcli purforming the ceremionv. The bridai party stood before an altar banked ,with ferns, flan ked with two tait baskets oif ellow roses, white gladioli, and blue larkspur, and twvo seven- branich candelabra, bearing %vhite.ýý lighted tapers. The bride was gowned ini whitc *lace, with a finger-tip tulle Veil held in place with a wreath. of orange blossokns, and she carried an ari bou- quto white daisies and, white glaioi.Her xatron ofS *rMrs. John, Schmieler, the former Eleanore Young, of Oak Park, wore a gown of pale yellow mousseline de soie, an-d. carried yellow daisies and bite larkspur. Curtis M. Shanahian of Evanston %vwas the bridegroorn's best, man, and Harry L. Sturla, Jr., brother of the bride, and Robert R. Kimbeil, broth- er of the groom, were ushers.* FolloNving the ceremiony about one hundred guest's attended the recep- io.Mrs. Sturla, mother of h A happ.v choicc for the first book< review, of the. series. of five, to bc sp)onsorcd by the Wornan's, guild of. the Wilmeétte Parish Methodist church, during September and Oc- tober, îs '"Aid So Victoria,", Vaughan Wilkinls' notable contribution to the. book shelf of 1937.. Popularlv caled the "Goie With the,,Viind of 1937ý," it lias receive( listinted,.praise f rom critics aàl ,over. the counitr ., It is a sat.isfying ,novel,ý the guild reports, which sonietimes follous a. leisiirel D)ickenies2ntie stvle of character (le- lineation and again niovecs with the rpid a--i--- of ai "Ivanlioé" or "',-ie It is ageni for the ýreader or the reviewer, and it is, certain iliat E1leai' 1or, Ellis Pcrkins, ,favoral>ly knovn along the Northî Shore for lier discrinmination and insiglit In lier re- vîews, iill manike, the rnost of 1liis' rare1 historical nlovel when. she briIIgS hier ines sage to the Xilmectte Parish MethIodjS.t cliréf on the worni.iîg of Septemiber 17. Her rcview v \il b)ce qual.l\vvaîniablu to those whio have rcad t'ie 1)ook andl those husv womecn who inust get tlîeir knowledge of thie nost talked of- book of the secason froin news- papers or magazine pages, or 'the more vital bookrvc. Mrs. Clifford Ives of Wilînette is iii cliarke of the ticket sale for the boo0k review series. North Shore cliairmien for the semi- alln]al meeting of the Associate Aluninae of Vassar College to be ihld here on November 19, 20 and 21, met Tu.esday at thie home of Mrs. Keith Prestoin i Evastonl. Mrs. Julian :P. Anderson of Evans- ton. chairman: of hns5pitality, an- liounced a.s tmenbers of her commit- tee:Ms Roniald M, Kimnbaîl of. Ev- anstonini charge of the Fridav hIncbë- eoni, Nrs.. Charles' E. Gallowav of Hubbar(l Woods. 'in charge of the Saturdav luncheon. Mrs. John Ol . Kaàrstromi of Evanstonî, prograîi chair- man, 'reported that Miss Helen A.. Chaprnan of Evanston, Mrs. l)ua-ne L. Peterson of Winncitka,, anîdMiss, MNartha B. Vincent. of .Evanistomi, woul(l l)e in charge of 'sightsece.ing tours onfridav afternoon. The rcg- P. Merrill of Evanston,. recentlv ap- pointed chairman, lias niot v'et beicn announced. The November mneeting, at wvhicli the Chicago and NXorth SoeVassý'ar clubs ~ilb hostess Io re-presemtâ- tives from other alunînae g(- roiq)>; n.ual weten eeting of the \aS S ar .~Xnrmîe.Tht- (>ther ine )fii ti th Yuar i> heult lPotnglikeepsie in Innr i Me.xican Honeymoon john Reed Fugard, Jr., aind his bride, the former -Marjorie. Mýead, . 'ho wvere m.arried on S,-at- urday -are 011 their xvyto Mcx:- co, for *a. month's lbone%,mýoo-. an hen they an ast xwill, go tô Cambilridge. Mýass., taiake tbeir hbomne.11r. Fugýard is coin- pleting bis last vear.tbere iii the -Harvard. gra(Iliuatc scbioo). 'l'lie -oun g coule are Piotoring ta Nviexico, jplan ta spen(1 qilite sorne.tini.e in 'Mexica City, and] visit various parts of the coun- try .before returning by boat, f ram Vera Cru z. The vvedding took place ai '4 :30 o*c1ock ýSaturdav afteruion nii the chapel oi , the. Wi-netka .- Congrüga-. tuonal churcli, Nvith iel Re%. Georg' e F. D)reý\ Performinm- thle crmn Decoratinig thechapel wer ovite glaiol. vhiterosesý, and( can(lelal)ra. Foilwîn ftlececrelmvthe )îu . flitlier, Mrs. \Waýlter T. Madof XVl-' nlietté.,held thie recel)tion iii thc gar- den of the lionie 0f thle rieons parnts Mr. aN<t Nr,,. John 1\>.ed Fugard. of 806 Cliniton placc.Ev A white marqui.sette gownvI with long fuît train appliqued in whitv satinii flowers, and a short veil of shoulder. length in front, dippinçt, be- low the shôùlders in.the back, were %vorm 'by the bride.. A' formi-fitted marquisette cap held the veil ini place, and she carried hules of the 'aIv gardenias, and orchids. Thie bride's attendants, _Mrs. Jack Kýatfman of. Cambridge, 'Mass., the. former Betty Bayliss, of U'ilmette, matron of hionor,,an.d _Miss Ruth. Kniiep of Evanston, bridesmaid, wvere goivned in taupe mharquisette over :oral Satin, and wore taupe velvet hats and matching stippers andl gloves,. IIîe carricd token roses. wil: be eld on ber 8, at the home irch, 15 Woodley This wilI be an no prograux lias i-, lilca anua1i uirwca v1aan, daauglter of Mr. and JMrs. John. JMaddecn. Glencoe. Horscback riding, overnight camping trips to the A/'osi/l' Islands and tlbc Por~u pin c Mou,: tains, szviiîn min g, saiiing, aqua plan ing,. musric, draina tics, and arts and crafts are icduded in- the actiVities at Camp Osoha. the Haeger Potte ries of D)undee, 111. As ttîis is the filal meeting of the fiscal. year an. election of officers wil h- held. Assisting Mrs. Hebel as co-' host-sses wil.l1be MNrs. john Macexan and Mfrs., Charles Moody,., OP en nI benai [nced.,