Alrnost ail of our . blankets, eomiforters, and bedspreads (a f ew are flot reduccd because of the manufacturers' standard resale prices) .. and ail our Fieldcrcst sheets 'and cases are included in this-important annual sale, at prices which mean dlefinite savings to you, in replenishing your bedding s pply for fali September.Savings on, FIEDCEST PERCALE SHýEETS A.NýD.CASES t- t. Plain Stitched $1.60 ea. $1.90 ea. 1.75 2.00 1.90 2.15 .0ea ing; coaei UeU CU ViAAei Uwlrfl fluffy white wool; beautiiful colors: brown, champagne, gold, sahara, peach, antoinette blue, rose, green.72-. IMPORTED KOLLAWLU Handsone blanket ini rose, blue, yellow, green, tan. In marbelized pattern. Made to our own sp ecifications. Weighls 4?,-8 pounds.. S .. :k: ... SEPT.EMBER 2, 1937 I Sheets 7 2xl108 8IX108 90N 108 Cases 45X 40/2, 42x 40/ I