Place This Month Miss Winnie Dingle, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. joseph D. Dingle, 324 Prairie aveniue,,is be- ing entertained by many friends' in, the wveeks imùmediatelv pre-, ceding.her mnarriage, September 23,9 to Joel W.. Dickinson, son: of Mrs. Joel W. Dickinson of, Wil-'ý mette, formerlv of. Kenilworth. Mr. Dickinson bas a position in Blcoomfield, N. J., and is In' in, e-astOranige., *N. J., -\he're irew~i11 tae bis bride to miake her home. The. first of the, parties was a mis-> cellaneoils shiowe%-r giveni August 20 b% Mrs. .Edward 'Meier and Mrs. George D. Allison of Wilmetteat \Irs. M.,eier's hiome,' 910 Elmulood avenue. Wediies- day, August 25, Mrsý. C. V. Clark, of Evanston elitertaine-d at a pCrsoria1 shoiver, M%,iss Betty Buckett and 'Miss Ruth Mc Coliilaugieyv, both of Evanston, wvere co-hostesses, Sunday, at a break- fast party and linen. shower giveni in the M.Narinie diing rooin of the Edge- water Beach hotel, and M.Nonday eve- ning the mexnbers of a club to which the bride belongs entertained Mat surprise airpline luggage shower at thé home. of Miss Frances Mack, 630. Wed Jane Yost on, Saturday, Sept. 4 Saturday, Septemiber 4, ii be thre wedding day of Miss fane Yost, dauigh-,ter of M.r. andr. Lloyd, Yost, .1016,Greenwood av 1enue, ,and Grenfeli Older, son .of Mr.. and, Mrs. Clifford .0lder .of 1026tElmwood'ave'nu.e. Theýý ceremony wiIl beperformed at 4 :30 o'cloclk in, the First'Cotigre- gati >onal church Iby*tlireRcv. Johnl- G. HindIè, and-will hèé followed lwa reception; at the honme cof tire brid.e's parents.. miss Margaret, Harnini -of Milmwat- kee, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Garth Johnson of '!vanstoni (Zaida iint- chinis), and M.,rs. Robert ProWn Ot W\est Rend, Wis.,(ainn ik land), will be 'the bride'S t1hrce at- tendants. Befty Eleanor Quavle. datighter of -Mr. and Mrs-To-vd Quayle of W~ilmette; is to serve as flower girl. Clifford Older is to lie biis. b rotlirr',s liest man, and KarI Yot,.brothier of the bride. and Drake Older,.brother of the liridegroomi, iýill serve as uishers. Following their marriage Mr. Older .and lils bride plan to Inake thecir home i Rogers Park. The entertaining for thie coupleý H-oward 1-eaton (Margaret Richards), of Kenilworth, and by Miss Doris' Bell of Wilmette. That saine èvening there will be a bachelor party for the:. bridegroom who wilI be comning froun New York the Sunday preceding the. wedding. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Clark of Ev- anston will have a dinner party for the bride and bridegroom and thieir immnediate familles on Tuesday, Sep- Mrs. JoIh ,Sarwick re ed twelve bridge on '1 club. Eugene L. Ray PhOt<> Lace wzhich had been in tihe family* for inany years formed tihe cap iof thre tulle vieil of the u'eddinig costume of Miss Marion Jean Sax, daugirter of Mfr. anrd Irs . Eugenc D. Saxr of Chicago, fornmerly of Winnetka, for her ,narriage, Artgust 22, to Nathait T. Rosen berg. son o! MIr. anrd Mrs. Max J. Rosenberg of Chica go. Tihe bd:de wvore a 7weddinig gozue of. ivory satin, anrd carrred a Bible wrth streamers of.! hues Of thre 7alley and qarden jas. Crejronv and reception took, Place at tire home of the bridesmort anrd uncle . AMr. and Airs. Hluqo Hartnrn of 755 Lincoln avenue, Wrrnetka. 11r, Rosenberg anrd iis bride arc ruotoring in tire east on thier honevnoon. and a! ter Se ptcrn ber 15 wil bc roroe ct 5455 Erei,-,tae i(rtao oulti place sonme time this east. J on Il soli .vi rs. jolnson in turn .xas hostess at a hathroomn shower for the bride. A kitchen shower .was given hv Mrs. L'Morgan Yost, sister-in-law of the bride, and Wýedniesday, eveninig ofý this wveek' Mr. and MIrs. Ben F. Beck- er wvill behost' and hostess at a lin,- ner party at. their home in Evanston. The bridai dinner xviii precede the wedding rehearsal Friday evening of, this week, and will be held at theà Or- ririgton hotel. *.ei niee, miss week preceding Labor Day, and many er t ai ne d last of their Kenilworth nieighbors are n honor of Mrs. 'their guests. Most of the members who is moving of the party will return home Tues-