( >Ui ( ( ( ( 'j ( ( For AII-Around Wear I g~I~ g I 0f Evansfon - F0! QuaIity Phone Greeneuf 7000 I SE.PTEMBER 2,1937 1; (ZUZIe Favorites of Dbeanna Durbin Wi«lM aisé be favolrites 'Of you und your ebhidren. They're. the peak of smairtness and wiII' ronk of tSe head of this year.'sstyles. Girls' Section, Second Floor 4~- Prr,1ed.Colto for Practicaly Boxpleating dropped from the deep yake piped in whte, and puff siceves, are the highlights of this flowered cotton dress for any occasion. Ifs white organdie callar adds that fresh, starchy lookc. 7-14 years. Year-Round Knits $59i5 Deanna Durbin chooses a soft knt suit for her Yeçir-RouncJ jifFy costume anid e v e ry young girl wUi want one for they're smart and practical., They corne in ail the aufurn: colors. Girls' Section, Second Floor Y 5 ) ) ) I "I ~v~I 1) ('I I It's grand for schooI and 'tere a re a va.rety of plaids from Skfrt.. . .. .$3.95 i~ ~ ~ hc ta choose.; 7-14- i. Seae......$29 Girls' Section, Second Floor .sa