Events Mark Labor Dey, et Golf 'Clubs _oa golf clubs 'ilarc old and vouniig alike.. golfers. aiid nion-golfers to the miaiux' sport andl social activîties. scliedulcd to take place LaborDa week-ý1 end on nearbv couirses, t1heir sN,%iniiiig., po)olsi.-dalnce loors,' and b)reeze-sw,,ep)t verandlas. F~or. "lfather"thr will be impo)(rtanit tournaniexits. -n(l spIecÎal golf events, for inother car(ls, andi for the cliildren parties. -races and gaines. AMtInidianl Hill club, foliowiîîga bridge lesson at il o'çlock. Saturdlàv. morning, womlen m;nmbers xiii .bave à ufet ln-oli and afternoo7 of holes of golf. A dinner dance, witIl' m1usic f rom 9 o'ciock on, is to bc hield Saturday evenling. Indian Hill womcn golf crs, who arc piaving the finais in their champion- ship Fridqyof tgis wck %il ae of next week, ,vit l choice of partners score. onc-half' combi)lincd handi«capý. Another golf cvent Schudlced for that day is, the ending of the qualif y- ing rounds for the father's and son's North Shore Country club also: ail- nounices a 'dance for Saturday eve- ning, with music by 'Bob Tinsi&'y and his band, fresh from an engagemient .at Colosimo's., The Labor Diay pro- grain includes golf ail day for . ilie menu, informiai bridge witiî prizes ail1 afternoon until 4e:30, o'ciock, an d promptiy at that hour a big swimmiing and diving contest and exhibitionu, accompanied by music. A buffet dlin- ner xil be served and froin 7 until 8 o'clock a :commiiunityl sing for_ tht' Program for Next 41, Opera Club Soi ree -itd i lx1 fet ou lih('. his stôCkin-, and. 1 .îc1' ;st thîr*lt, ' eî of agFé.ec t: etoile lice lti it )McA VO)iCC (of lito INit o. xwÎiiitak ipart in. tie progratni, tt the S-iiîî da v Soîréce w hîeh lM r. and Ni r' Ros J Batty of P glao ar'- Wvill<-ive on, their estate n u la v. Sciptenî11b 1er 12. 'Ihe a lïia jr unider the aup 0e lt ei v e' -ihich Mrs. Jmcshlakilm. r I i Len aveic. i s Chaîri ani. 3cranFari £ ~t,'rj nm titsgrati)rioie hoha, ben in- f4orstuasmn of thu Chic'ago()î Operaeonîpnywiuch x\iii open Sat- iia iglt . . ctb 30, am cull nu niv sland, of (7vthera, becaue il,( seio 'aciîh iad i>eelic allud ;'. a COnsult ing l.znurior i-i u si] -calnal. ficvo1wJ an stlcîdîed for 111( bar.IluIe.,is.licuensed tlcu1)r a :ti.c c 1hv both. iii 1EgVIt amdi i <'recc'e. Hu decidleil to i)ecolnc aioer siniger upon the advicc of colinois- seurs -'ho (eare(ibsvic ôk phienoininal, and. wie lc et t(o Italy te stiil tue surnaie va s 1 Latinized to Farduilii, thec namne underý whichlihe lias attainied renlowl. Iln P aul Stn ayni, Ltd. allto to othecr aciev' ments Far- Fasiloii»îodcling, both prof essional and amateur, will absorb hc111<' U,i--d<uit lias licen <irctor of 'grand opera. liou of Mi1ss Joan Bcrsbaclî diring tlhc coming mon tus. Shle lias a coiaî iniAthens, Gr-eece,>\whithier his fath er gvith "HarPer's Ba:-aar" to model for fashion photographv, and plans to spcnid remlovcd threc e a r s ago, uipon thc t/e wvinte>- in ANczc York, but bel ore leaz,*inq fori-cheaist zeill bc 011<' <"J(1 dcath of tue s ingi-e's mother. A 1ouEP of yrz wonieu servînng as mannequins for ilic qunual Jaslzhi brother is a Ipro(iessor of. agae show ofi te lWýinnetlka boar'd of Norýtliz(resterin>iiesto bbc lhld Speic at the Universltv of Pari.. niesday vil hoid Club Guest I)aNý. .entlhey entertain niembers; froni other clubs. In ihe w5is chain- pîonshil) tourtiament played last week, Mrs. Williami Krick of Chicago was winner in Class A, and M.Nrs. Peter Muskat of- Chicago, the rünnier-upl. MNary's lu Ncw York, and KEkert of Xihucîte who stildent at -Mundeiçin collec the girls are graduates of school ini Evaniston.' ~wcîe t Wiiace itccli prsidnt.of the oun1t St. organization, annooun'ced 'tiis xveek iss ianci that plans \ý-ere beiig' laid for. a il le a biridge party to bee held, on the eve- Alil of ning of Septeniaber. 17. Furfher de- arywood tals arc to be anniounçediii the near f ut tire. good oîo of Il1e summiier at the M inocqtia Countf ry- club, M inocqua, \Vis., and visited at Madison on thei wav Ihome. Q11 Septemnber. 13, Ceeuee w~ill enter ,CIàtke College, ' Iowâ. Her sister, ýMary Lois, will icave on.Sep- tenii)cr 23 for lher juniior year at St. .N[!a7ry of the Woods,ý Indiana.ý