other home. duties. Auitomatic ove on Itrol and adjusta- ~helumnrs 5 esseutflal to aasur.d cooklnq resisas w.flas .couomy, are luit. two features of the beautiful new gas raniges. In addItion, tiey bave automatic, top llght.rs-jut tu tho .valve and the. humer llghtsl . insulatdoea plenty, of storage spaýce, work tops, het regulators. Th.y are au truly kltcheýa-styIed addesign.d for cookluq oUfi- cieucy.. of- tihe t buys In thenw a ranges is the Magic Chef modl -uow ounsade (for a Iimnited tizuel) at Public Service stores for $7180 and your old range. This is tiypICâl ofthie mmà > in 'fa lùé a t dealers are offeriiig on the nzew 1937 Gas Ranges. ~,, , O f course thie une o.f liti.e water meanos littie steam and tii.prohlem ofdirt-laden ateam -settling ou wulle anid kitchen curtuins become un- FOR YEARS the. housewife bas' platnued meala witii the faiily's health foremoit in her mind. Until receutly she couldn't know how magnyof the. health-givingesseu- Clener pots and pans -hottoma sooties. and carbonlesalI- are otiier plysiug consequeucos of new adjustable gas hurners. And Iast but not I.ast wh.u heat is properly confined to cooking and not thrown off into the. kitchen, gas hbils are lowered. TEE NEW OA R A.N C'ES USE LESS0OA SEPTEMBER 2,1937